Excerpta e libris domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti Regis Scotorum, MDXXV-MDXXXIII

발행: 1836년

분량: 318페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류




and comptrollar may Wele be furnisi for perfurnessing of ali sic thingis quhilhis pertenis thaine to do, And that in tymes cum-ing filiaiJ sali haue na cause to complenye bot in thare awne defati and negligetice. in It is to be Dared that the est oris occasionalty made to intro duce a systematic and rigid economy in to the Royal expenses Were Scarcely more esseCtuat. In 1525, Soon after tho Queen

fame Comptrollar, is to be ascribed the commencement of the separate formal Record of the expenses of the Royal House-hold ; at least We have no evidelice of iis existence of an earlier date than the commencement of the imperfeci series of volumes


Ten of these are preserved in the Generat Register House at Edilaburgh. The earliest of the Series, embracing part of the years I 525 6, is in the Libra of the Faculty of Advocates, and the volume recording the expenSes of the year 1538 9, is in the possession of the Eari of Aberdeen, and has been the subjectos Some observations by Sir Henry Ellis, publislied in the 22d

volume of the Archaeologia. It has long been considered by th0Se conversant With therecoriis and antiquities of Scottand, that muta curious information might be assorded by publishing this series of accounts; butthe great Sameness of detail Whicli Sir Henry rilis remarks, and whicli runs through the vhole record, haS Suggested this attempt to give in a condensed Shape, and Without the endlessrepetitions of the original, SomeWhat os iis historical information, With Whateuer is curious or important as illustrating the manners of the period. The Diloming sheeis consist os extracis Dona the first Durvolumes of the Record. In mahing the Selection, those accountS have been preferreil Whicli served tu convey hiStorical information, by potiating out the movementS of the Couri or otherWiSe, 0r Whicli exhibited the greatest variety of articles of domesticuse, and Shewed their prices. In the b0dy of the Work, enchextraci consists of the expenditure of at least a Whole day, and occasionalty perhaps too much delati is allo ved, With a vieWto include the whole expenses of SOme Couri Festivat. Where insulated entrieS occurred of Some interest, or Such RS SerVedio mark only the movements of the Ning or the Couri, theyhave been placed in the Appendix.



The original Record, though carestilly and even elaboratolywritten, is so fuit of the sol eci Sms of an illiterate scribe, that any attempt ut correcting them must have changed the character of the book. The texi is therefore to be considered as a literat transcript of the Record . There is subjoined to this Notice a communication to the


boing probably then in repute. Veia, as vituli parvi, and vituli magni,