장음표시 사용
table ; ontrius occasionalty appearing in ille Work, os Capita arietum, undpede3 ovium. The goat does not appear to liave occupiod a placo in tholardor, thoiigh tho kid is occasionalty referred to. Sivino appear but soldona among the animais purchased, though onone Occasion, tWenty-s ur Salied carcases are recorded, accompanted byas many merte Sesse s rom Ortiney. Pigs, porcelli, Were in commoniisse. A f0W instancos occur in Whicti the ternas Aper and caput Apriappear in Such circumstances as to restrict the meaning to the domosti
termS RS to rendor mere conjecturat attempis at a correct nomenclaturo
dosignat0d ; whilo tho other alliod Linds are specifiud under tho torinsalbi pisces, Ware codlings, Podioliis, Codi inges, Merlingis, mertingis estinates, lithis, and Loing, in addition to stoclisisti, spei lings, and
Tho Flat sisti, unitur tho ternis turbones, Holibus, Nones, Turbot, Bronoscopi Uranoscopi Θ), Flounders, suem to have been liberalty sup plied, and occasionalty the Solo. No roserotice is made to tho Shate,
utiless Wo are to consider the fifti in common usu in a recent and driodstato under tho term Γ adia, as os that fort.
claims to bo considereii as a nativo fisti. Among the ninod Mollus ous animais, tho Polupi or Cutil0-fisti frequently occupy a place. In the eniimerat0d Sholl-fish, ths Oystor, froni the Wost and East coast, is frequontly noticod. Entrios lilio viso appear of Musseis, Cochles, Concis, RaZor-fish, Spouttis, Scallops, Pectines, and tho HOr80-muSSel, Pectines aquiae dulcis. Tho Buchy and Limpet completo the list. In the Crustaceous animais, tho supply appears to have been confinedio tho common Crab and Shrimp ; the lalter, as is common in many places os Scotland ut present, is errone Ousty referred to under the nam eos Prari.
Aleca orientalia, herrings of the east
Anas campestris, a Wilii ducti. Anguilia. Anguilla lompria, the lamprey. Aper. Aperonis, uPronS. Ardea, the heron.
Balista' p. I 0l, I98. Bariae, a barret.
Natteris, p. I 37, 232, paste 3 Birrum, beer. Bolla, a boli mensure.
Brasiator, a bre Ver. Brasium, mali.
Chandria, chandiery. Charyeouris, chargerS.Cherite, the refuSe os coria. opina, a cli Opin, a quart. Ciconia, the horon pCiconii, sWans pCiconii marini, sea gwans pCisinus, a SWala, perbaPS cygnet. Cinamomum, Cinnamon. Ciphus, a Cup. Cipharius, the Leeper of the eups. Circulus, a hoOP. Gath, tho barnaele. Claretum, claret wine. Clowis, clOVeS.Codlingis, codlingS. collecturia 2 p. 68. Columba. Conche, cochleS. Conchilium, perhaps the Same. Confectis, comsis. Constureii, conger-eel. Conturnis, the Wate rati, perhaps the