장음표시 사용
It is suggesto that tho turning o Englis into Latin o no stoforro tili aster the Readin Lessons, p. 211-222 have been fini Ahed. J
3GI. EXERClSES. I. Q. Ancus legatum mittit ut res repetat. I. Ancus legatum mittit qui res repetat. I. Legati venerunt ut pacem
172 ΗΕ SUBJUNCTIVE RELATIVE F URPOSE. peterent. 4. Legati Venerunt qui neem peterent. 5. Pater filio equum dedit ut equitaret. 6. Pater filio equum dabat qui eum veheret T. Ad Singula urbe Seribemu ne muros diruant. 8. Non dubium Si quin Cato ad urbe scripserit. 9. Quis dubitavit quin Cato imperaviSSet ut urbes muros diruerent 10 Romulus urbem fecit quae Sylum SSet , Romulus urbem facit quae Sit aSylum. II. 1. A horse a given to the o b his ather, oryllimo ride. 2. A ather Sent a meSSonge to Rome tospeali toti son. . A ather Send a meSSenger o Rometo penti to hi Son. 4. Romulus malle proclamatio that no no Ahali lea9M ver hi Wall. 5. Romulus proclaimed that o ne hould ea ove his all. 6. e Wil Warnthom no to leap overtur alis. 7. Romulla Sent meSSen-
1. Tantus est m1litum arctor ut actiellum cluciantur so greatis the ardor of the oldier that thenare e to ar. 2. ACCictit ut non om essem, it appene that Iocas not at
3. Falaricius acte inops ecessit ut nihil reliquerit, Fabricius die so I)ooris to leave nothing. In thses examplo the dependent claus denotes a result. Comparo h translationi ut and the subjunctive in purpos clauses an in resul clauses ha no in resul clauses, ut non f. 358.
BGD. Stili nothor se of the subjunctivo illi ut an noris illustrated in the olloWin Sente nee S: -
1. Timed ut Oniat, I fear that he is no coming or ill not come. 2. Timeo ut venerit, I fear that he has no come. 3. Timetiam ut venisset, I feared that he had not come. 4. Timeo ne veniat, I fear that he is coming or ill come5. Timeo ne venorit, I fear that he has come . 6. Timetiam ne venisset, I feare that he had come. An inspectioni th foregoin examplus hoWs that ut an ne seem Sometimes to Xchange mean ingS. Aster verbs of earing ut is translated that not, an die, that. Obsorvo that in 1 andri the pressent subjunctive a be trans Ialed as a future.
37O EXERClSES. I. 1. Pompejus ita segit ut a Sulla diligeretur. 2. Is ut Sullae subveniret, militos collegit. 3. Postea in Siciliam profectus est ut eam provinciam in Carbone aeeiperet. An sexception to 34S. 00 343. 3 0 333. 1.
4. Catilinae exercitus adeo acriter dimiQRVit, ut nemo Superesset. 5. Accidit ut SSet plena luna. 6. Atticus sic Graece loquebatur, ut Atheni natu videretur. 7. Atticus Athenis ita vixit, mi omnibus livibuS AESSet iuriSSimuS. 8. Non dubito quin nostri militei hoste Superaverint. 9. Non est dubium quin Semperi idem Servaveritis. 10. Timeo ut suStinea labores. 11. Metuo ne malum consilium capias. 12. Metuo ut SuStinueri labores. 13. Quis metuit ne malum consilium capiam Θ
That we had come Not infinitivo.
wagon ver the od of her father. An inspectionis the bove examples hoWs that 1 The senses of the subjunctive are the imperi and Pluperseet. 2 Tho cum clauso marks the time of the aut of the principia clauso the verbis Whicli is in the perfeci. 3 The sentences may be calle narrative SentenceS.
1. Cum hu1 leg Aenatu repugnaret, Caesar rem a POPulum ctetulit, since the senate opposed his lato, sesar referre lthe alter to the eople. 2. Cum cte improv1Ao EniAAet, Remi legatos m1Serunt, Sincehe had come ne ectedly the Remi sent ambassadors. 3. Cum Ita metu Plena Ait, am1Citia Parate, since lis is
5. Nihil me actjuvit Cum poSAet, heiave me noti l caide me in nothing) although it was in his power. Notio that 1 Al the our tonsus of the subjunctive are Sed. 2 The cum clause states the causo or reasonii the actis the principat clause or denotes a concession indicate in Englis by though, admittin that, etc. 37A RULE OF SYNTAX. Cuno nuSn or CODC S-
1. Cum follow0d by the presentis perfeci subjunctive is almostulWay causat, an may be translute since oris followed by tho imperiecti pluperfeci it is ver osten temporal. 2. Cum tempora and the subjunctive an osten e translatodi Some ther a belle than by ohen or a With the indicativo. Thus, in 72 2, e might translate Aster the illin os Tarquin,
etc. and inra, Tullia, returning home, o Tullia, o her way home.
circumduXit. 4. Quae cum ita sint, perge. 5. Cum sit in nobis consilium, cur dubitamus 3 6. Cum de improviso
venerit CaeSar, ad eum legatos mittemus. 7. Cum amIUI adsint, gaudemuS. . Cum no appropinquaret, abierunt. 9. Cum no appropinquaviSSet, abierunt. 10. Cae Sar, Cum frustra 1SiSSet, Solia nuVieulam ConSeendit ne agnoSeeretur.
Cum a be translate as δ 00 373. tempora or ausal on the approach Pyrrhus, hen he had seen.
178 THE SUBJUNCTO E INDIREC QUESTIONS.dam tribunus militum Cape,' inquit, tunc equum et suge, Aemili. Etiam in tua morte lacrimarum' satis luctusque
est.' Ad ea consul Tu quidem aete virtute esto. Sod cave, eXiguum tempus e manibus hoStium evadendi perdas.'Ab1, nuntia patribu S, ut Urbem muniant ne, prius quam hosti Victor adveniat, praesidii sirment. Me in huc tragomeorum militum patere eXspirare. V Alter consul Cum paueis equitibus onustam' perfugit. Consulares aut praetorii occiderunt ' viginti, Senatores capti aut OCCIS Sunt triginta, nobiles viri trecent1 militum quadraginta milia, equitum tria milia et quingenti Hannibal in ' testimonium 1etoriae suae tres modio aureorum anulorum Carthaginem miSit, quos de manibus equitum Romanorum et Senatorum detraXerat.
Comparomachii the forogoing 0Xampis in the luit hand columnwith the corresponding one o the right. Observe that eac depen-dsent claus in th right han column egitis it an interrogative Word, and contain the SubStanc o a question, though no a question in form. Such dependent clauses are calle Inctirect Questions observe the ood, and ho it is translated.
1. The commones interrogativo ord introducin indirect queStion are quis, hos Cur, hyy num, hether ulat, here 'quo, hithera uncte, hences quot how many 'BSI EXERCIS ES. Road again the remarks and rule, p. 165.JI. 1. Scit quid agas. 2. Scit quid egeris. 3. Sciebat quid agores A. Sciebat quid egisses I. Audivi quid agat. 6. Audivi quid egerit. T. Audivi quid ageret. 8. Audivi quid egisset. . Audiveram quid ageret. 10. Audiverum quid egiSSet.
II. 1. Volo Scire unde Veneris . . Dic mihi num meam Sororem IderiS. 3. NeSeio unde veniant tot milites. 4. Quaeram num omnia feliciter evenerint. 5. Speculabimur quot homine in urbem ineant et quot Xeant. 6. NaSIea hominem interrogavit num manibus ambulare Solitu eSSet. T. Quaerebat quae civitates in armis SSent. . Quidam homo interrogatus est quae nave esSent tutiSSimae. . Die
mihi quid in manu habeas. 10. Caesar omnem equitatum mittit, qui videat quas in partes' hostes iter faciant. III. 1. II sees hocis aiking has aiked. 2. TheySee Wh are Walliing have ali sed . . Ne hali 0 Who
interrogo, as a question, inquire, an nearly limite to that sense. rogo, as a question, ut uel more commoni as a favor, ma e
Quaero, as a question, ut uel used in the sense of see in toga in Ora know, searchin into.
1. Utinam pater veniat would that ather ould comes Icioishsather could comes O that father ould comes 2 S pater veniat, laetus Sim, is father hould come, Iahouldbe glad. 3. Utinam pater actesset would that fame were heres 4. Si pater acteaAet, laetus ESSem, is father ere here, I shouldbe glad. 5. Utinam pater actfuisset would that father ha been heres 6. Si pater actfuisset, laetus fuissem, is father ha been here, I should have been glad.
Introducin direct questions it indicates that the ans eris is ex-Pected, ut does no usuali admitis translation See p. 177 n. 2.