Barnabæ itinerarium;

발행: 1852년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


In the last two ournies, Barnabee, Without abatinii humour, displays in himselfa ather more Staid character. His amours terminate in disappotniment and his use narrate Scenes es disgrace fui han ipplingbraWis and sottish rex eis. At Dariington hemarries and then Our tinerant egins totrame asin dro veri dealer in catile, solemn lu


Thus the tangam mendat, hicli end thethird ourney, vol. i. p. 336, and Barnabee's note thereon, arem ver different dates asthe nemus have precede and the theras certaini foll0Wed the leventii ear of

re conclusive hos lines ere ad ded dur- in or later than the civit Wars There is also distinc pro0 of another note lichedapon a Stangari recor a SubSequent event; See note p. 130. ' Note, p. 118.


Al the capital and ut ornaments Sed in the fit si edition, and severat are of ather peculia character are found in a litile orkb BrathWait, early contemporary, printed


T ID ITINEBARY. 213 thin thy brothel clos es, and illi allComplaine of thy partitioris, ho the fallo many a Simple virgine though heu' loath

Whateve opinio ma be entertained of the insuffcienc of the Englisti compare dwith the Latin texi, there cannot be anyreason for questioning that the were both the productioni BrathWait. Upon tranS- latin the Areadian Prinees fro the Italian o Mariano Silesio, he observes Isthis ne utaresse do not heco me him, ali that I cun a in mine OWne defene is his, and n other there sareat differetice belWixi Taylor an Translator.' Sure I am that the oom is the ame, fio the νε tre theε tu e the Same, though no the colour V


Woeshal contentedi dropuli question byexhibiting specimens of our author' Englisti poeti y in the Same manne a he recites his


foe of the uritans, etween hom and the poets a se skirmishes ad alien place in the timem Queen Eligaboth ut therarunt of the batile a sustuinei during the wOfollowin reigus, unti the uritans eretotalty discomsted at the Restorationi Someone, o in aptly has aid, the poets ereperi and the uritans petulant. V Theirstin thei satires exposed the ther a hypocrites, hocin return, in the pestilent ento thei doctrines attemptexto rand their

Se comed of Bartholomere stir, first rected 31 Oct. 1614.


allude to a current story, a the inverted commas e re the eighth line eem to imply