Barnabæ itinerarium;

발행: 1852년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


This conventicle rap was also introduce lupon the stage by illiam Sampson, in theplay of he Volo reaster In the hirdaci, have Enter ostiua, his at in astring Miles, Ball. V The cene is to longio e repeate here. Ostiua is made to exclaim against the eathen abies, themay-pote O time, an pageant of Vanit ;bu LWil convince themi error, and Seourethei pollutions aWV ith the water of myexhortations. V of the cat he observes Sh di kill a mouse, I but when i ii thesorbid de day, and there re he must die


quotation as a mere fiction, an compared his antagonis to Laude the calumniator of Iilto n. r. Courtenay, in Xplanation, said the onourable Baronet ad givenhim more credit than e deserve in ascribin the line to him the were alien


ut the time of ritin his episti to the Cottoneers, here it was indirecti madethe subjectis his muse See Dotein Brad- ford, p. 263. Atiother equalty facetio iis traveller, Bishopi orbet, in theater Boreale also remarked the number ana variet o sectaries Withwhicli Banbur abounded:

1807. p. 202.