Disputatio medica inauguralis de diabete mellito ...

발행: 1804년

분량: 132페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Besides, the follicles of the fat were muchsmaller than in a healthy animal, and of une-quai sietes, the diameter of some of them notexceeding the Durili part of that os others. Α similar alteration in the fat has been obser-ved by my Father to talie place in some cases

There Was a smali quantity of the gelati-


nous matrer at the roots of the pulmonary artery and a orta, Whicli extended along the margo aCuius to the apex of the heart. The Coats of the arteries were not in the

The pulmonary artery had the Same tingeas the branches of the aorta. This singular colour Was not discovered in any of the veins, with the exception of the pulmonary veins. It extended Dom the pulmonary Velias into the lest auricle, and alsoupon the mitrat valve ; that of the pulmonaryartery, only as far as iis semiiunar Valves. The columnae carneae of both ventriCles, and the septum Cordis, were of the usual Colour. This rediaess in the innermost coat of the


aorta, iis branches, the pulmonary artery and Pulmonary veins, did not seem to be the effectos inflammation, for no red vesseis could bescen on it, ei ther by the naked eye, or by the



There were a great many enlarged glaniis, and nearly of the siete of a drien bean, uponthat part of the mesocolon whicli is attachedio the arch of the colon, about an incli Domthe intestine ; but Ι did not sind any appear-ance of glands upon the coats of the smali orlarge inteStinCS. The natural teXture of the glands connected vitii the absorbent system was in a great mea-sure destroyed ; no vesseis could be seen withinthem ; in their stean a quantity of matter, Osdifferent degrees of density in different glands, was found with in them. The lumbar glands were silled with a matterlike to the fibrina of the blood ; the bronchialglands were to the touch hard, and filled with a Calcareous matter of a dirty white Colour. None of the lacteals or other absorbent vesseisseemed to be dilated ; nor Were any of the lactea is silled with chyle. The arborescent Course of the absorbenis of the


Unfortunately, in the hurry of removing the thoracic and abdomines viscera, the thoracic duet was destroyed.

Alimenta V Canal. WΙΤΗΙΝ the Cesophagus there Was a smaliquantity of a Whitisti matter. The stomach contained only a smali quantity of a glairy substanCe, and also a smaliquantity of a matter resembling in colour theyossis of eggs, probably bilious matter. Thesecontents of the stomach had not the stightest degree of subacid siness. The innermost membrane of the great testine of the stomach was of a reddisti colour, and also a smali part of the Same membranenear the pylorus, and upon it there Were



but a smali quantity of a liquid bilious-looking matter, but no hardened DCulent matter. A smali part of the ilium bore macts of aflight degree of inflammation. The arch of the colon was much contract-ed, and the ligaments upon it were unusually



The kidneys were broader, thicher, and more rounded than is usual, but not longer ;that of the right fide, was much more Curvelthan the lest, and Dom iis anterior surDCethere Was an Unusues projection. whicli ted me to Suppose, that purulent matter, hyda-

by a transparent yellow-Coloured Substance, Whicli, Upon more minute examination, Wasfound to be essu sed upon the outer side os

the pelvis and infundibula f. Within

Vid. Plate, letters AA.' Vid. Plate, letters BB.