The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1815년

분량: 549페이지


분류: 미분류



---- , Squill

-- - Cinnamon


--- Pimenta

. Rose


Fig. I, 2, 3, 4. These figures are gi ven for the purpus os explaining the Water Bath, sor preparing EX-

trucis, mentioned page 223. It in faci requires in iis use less attention froni tho operator than themorct Common and destructive method Os evaporat-ing them immediately over What is callod a florufire. Steam is noW applied to this Purpose Upon alarge Scale at Apothecaries Hall. Fig. I. A common tin vesset With a spout projecting Domiis fide, through Whicli the Steam may ΡaSS, and an addition of more water be made, When I CCCSSary. Fig. 2. UPPer concave surisCe of the coVer, or evul Ornting Pan, the edge of Whicli projects over that of the Vesset. The part to contain the liquid might be made of Wedgwood ware Without difficulty. Fig. 3. Section of the Cover, Or Eva P Orating Pan. Fig. 4. Sectiori of a deePer COVer, or Pan ; to contain a

larger quantity of liquor; by whicli the sirst partos the process may be performed with less necessitysor attention : the lalter Pari, When it requires more Constant attention and Stirring, is best performed


Fig. 5, 6, I, 8. Series of glasS mensureS. Fig. 5. From a pini down to a fluidourice. Fig. 6. From two fluido unces down to half a fluidrachm. Fig. 7. Froni a fluidrachm down to sive minitiis. Fig. 8. A smali iube, open at both eniis, and graduated froni five mininas do vn to one. This heing inserted into any liquid, to the levet os the marti of. the quantity required, and the superior end th nclosed by the finger, will retain that quantity oniis removat, and thus allow of the mensuration of the smallest division of the wine gallon whicli is required. It is by no means intended to impoach the accuracy of theSO meaSures, as prepared by disserent individuals; butit seems right, in the first instance, to State generat ly, thatthose made under the patent of the late Μr. Lane, and sold at Apothecary's Hall, are extremely accurate in alltheir comparative relations.



In the Catalogue of Materia Medica.