The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1815년

분량: 549페이지


분류: 미분류


Hic Liber, cui titulus, Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum LondinenSis. Datum Ox aedibus Collegii in Comitiis censoriis Iunii Mensis 26to, I 809. LUCAS PEPYS, ΡΠES.





said President and College have, with great care, patias, and industry, reviSed, corrected, and reformed a book by them sol mei ly publislicd, intituled Pharnau-eopoeia Collegii Regulis Medicorum Londinensis, prescribing and directing themaniter os preparing ali foris of medicines therein contained, together With thotrue weighis and measiares by Whicli they ought to be mado: which book is nowperfected and ready to be published and , it is conceived, will contribute to the public good of His Majesty's Subjecis, by preventing ali decetis, disseretices, and uncertainties in mahing or compounding of medicine, is , sor the future, the man-ner and form prescribed therein should be practised by Apothecaries and others in their compositions of medicines: Τhe Memorialist there re most humbly prays, that His Majesty Will be gractousty pleused to ensorce the observance thereos in Suchmanner as to His Majesty shali seem meel: His Majesty this da3 took the suid memorial into His Royal Consideration, and being destrous to provide in alicases for the common good of his people, and being persuaded that the establishing the generat use of the said book may tend to the prevention of such decet is in the mahing and compounding of medicines, wherein the lives and health of His Majest3's Subjecis are so highly concerned, buth tbere re thought si, by and with the advice of His Privy Councit, hereby to notib to ali Apothecaries an lothers concerned, to the intent they may not pretend ignorance thereos, that thesaid book called Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis is perfectedand ready to be published : and His Majeso doth there re stricti 3 require, charge, and command ad and singular Apothecaries and Others, Miliose business itis to compound medicines, Or distit Oils or waters, Or mahe Other extracis, withinany part of His Majesty's Lingdoni os Greut Britain, called England, dominion ofinales, or to n of Berreick-upon-Treeed, that they, and every of them, immediatelyaster the said Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regulis Medicorum Londinensis stiali beprinted and publiShed, do not compound Or malle any medicine or medicinal receipi or prescription, or distit anJ Oil Or Walers, Or mahe Other extracis than areor shali be in the said Pharmacopo ia Collegii Regulis Medicortim Londinensis mentioned or nam ed, in any Other manner Or sorm than is Or Shail be directed, pre- scribed, and set doum in the said book, and according to the weighis and meu- Sures that are or Shail be therein limited, except it shali be by the special direc-' tion or prescription os sume learned Physician in that bellais. And His Majestγdoth hereby declare that the ostenders to the contrata stiali not only incur His Majest3's just displeasiare, but be proceeded against sor such their contempt and offences, nccording to the ulmost severib of the la v.