장음표시 사용
Diploneis littoralis DONK. B. D. Tab. 1 f. 2. - . II. Syn. Suppl. . f. 25. f. hybrida nob.
As an intermediate form et ween his species and D aestiva I might considor a Diploneis that is 40 . in tength, 20 1 in breadth, an has narro surrows, very lightly Widen edround the centra nodule that is longate i. The costae are in I p. an alternate illi apparenti single row of very fino lineolae. Foss. Kk. KnjASha, rare. Dis tr of the main form mar. Arctio ea, ubiquis t.
Smithii var borealis f. major GRUN. FranZ.-JOS. L. D. Tab. I. f. 40.
it is difficult to distinguisti by an other character than hoobsolet punctuation. Mirs thought it possibi identio illia Diplo=reis figured by M OSΤRUP in Danshem Tab. 1 f. 17 p. 24 an determine tot borealis GRUN. utrili striationo tho lati0 boin that o D. Smithii tho tW formes mustbo difforent. The fori of M OSTRU is also ather differsntfrom tho largo and typicat . borealis GRUN. that is presenι
The Danisti form is perhaps identicat illi avicula und-
and ais to a dorsali more arcuato form intermediate et Neen Encyonem prostratum an E caespitosum, draWn in