Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


though tho are iistr ients used by God O the preservationos humari societ y by tho Xercise of justice, continenco silend- Ship temperance, sortitude, an prude iace, et the perfornithos good ortis os God ver improperly be in reStrainedsrom tho commission Os evit, o by a sincere attachment totrue viriue, ut ithe by mere ambition, o by Sels-love, o bysome ther irregula disposition These actions, heres ore, bein corrupted in their ver solarce by the impurit of thuirhearis, remo more entit texto e classed amon virtveS, hauthos vices hicli commoni doceive manliinu by thei assini tyani similitude to viriues BosideS, When e remember lintilio Und of What is right is ulway to serve God, linteuer Sdirected to any ther rid, an avem elaim to that appeli tion Theros re sine the rogari noto te en proscribed by

Divine isdom, though an ac performed by themi externalty and apparently good, et, ein directe to a ron enit, it become Sin He Onchides, there re that ali ho Fabricii, Scipios, and Catos, in ali thei celebrate actions, ero guit tyos sin inasmuchos, ein destituto of the light os suilli, thuydidiso direct hos actions to that en to hich tho ought olim directed thum that consequently the had n genuine right eousnes ; ecauso morat uties are estimat ediso by X- terna actions, ut by the iid sor hicli suci actions aredosigned. IV. Hesides, is here bo an truth in the assertion of Jolin,

thoy ho have no interest in Christ, linteuer e thei ch

fore the Samo riter, in unother place, strittingi compare theoxertioris os suci men to a deviation in re ac froni tho pre- Scribed Ourse. O tho more vigoroiasty any ne runs ut sthe way, he recede so much the surther froni the oal, and becomes o uel the more tinfortunate. Whoros ore e contends that tris belle to hali in the way than to ruit out of the way. inalty it is evident that the are Vil rees, Since Without a participation o Christ there is no sanctification Thuyma produc fruit sal und boautis ut to the ye, and even Weet to the a Ste, ut evor an that are good Hene me olearlyperceive that at tho thoughis, meditations and actions Os man,


antecedunt to a reconciliation to Od by aith, re accursed, and not only si avai to justification, but certaini deseruingos condemnation. But hy do e dispute concerniniit a udubio us poliat when it Sinti ead prouod by the testimon os the

dirocti opposse to the natural condition Os man. The Scripture invariably proclainis that God finit nothing in mon hic can incite him o les them, ut that he revenis them by his


principio rom hich love originates, hat righteousnesse of Wortis an procede icto destro that pestilent arrogance, theres ore, JOhi caresuli apprigo iis that , di notini si ovo

the sum truth: H Wil love them rosely, Visaith he, for minuangor is turned nWay. 'si Is his love a spontaneousi in-c nod OWard us, it certaininis not excited by Works. ut theignorant massis manti inclinave ni this notionis it - that noman has merito that Christ should effeci ou redemption but that toWard obtaining the possession os redemption, e

polliations by the loo o Christ, ill tho Spirit osse is that purification illi in us su This is horiam that Petor intends, When e declares that the sanctification of tho Spirit V is effectual into obedience, and sprinklin os the lood of Josus Christ. V m Is, aru prinklud by th Spirit illi tho loodos Christ so puris eation, e mustio imagine that bos ore this

litation e re in an Otho stat than that os inners destitute of Christ. e may be certain, heres ore, that the Ommeneement Os ur salvation is, ascit ere, a resurrection rom


ing, at the oblations made to hi in are Dot meret tristes, ut nauseous and abominabie pollutions. et hypocrite go O , and retaining depravit concealed in thei hearis endeavola by


thoi mortis to merit the avola os God But by such means tho Wil adit provocation to provocation sor the sacrifice os the wic kod is an abomination to the Lord ut the prayor os

theres ore, RS an undoub te truth, hic hiugiit toto sella norunt suchos are ut modorate ly Versed in the Scriptures that even the OS splendi Work of men not et trul sanctisied, are so sar rom righteousnes in the Divine vie v, that the are accountsed sins And there re tho havo stricti adhere totho truth, ho have maintained that tho mortis os a man dono conciliato God' savou to his person ut on the Contrary, that orti are ne Ver acceptable o God unle S the ei Sola hopersornis them has previoust found avola in his sight. Andiliis oriter, to hicli the Scripture direct iis, is religiouslyrio beobserved. MOSe relatos that The Lord ad respuet unto Abel ando his offering. V d Does h no plaint indicate that the Lor is propitiolis to mon, bos ore e regard their mortisse heres ore the purificationis the hear is a necessaryprerequisite in orde that the ortis xvhicli, persorin may besavourabi received by God so the declarationis Iersemiali is always in forco, that the lyes of the Lor are pon the

true and livinisaith. IX. et iis no examine ita degre os rightuousnes is possessed by those honi o have ranked in the ourth class. We admit, that hora God by the interposition os the right-eΟΠSnes of Christ, reconciles iis to himself, and havin granted


and oba sed by a mixtureis some alloy. et an hol servantos God soloci rom his hole lis that hicli ho hali concolvet have eon the est os ali his actions and et him examine it With attontion ii ver sideri se illis udoubtedi disco ver init soni inint of the corruption Os the lesti since our alacri tyto good actions is neVer fiat it ought o be, ut ur eoui se is retarde by great debili ty. Though e porceive that the lumishes hicli des orna the work of the aints are no difficultio e discovered, et suppos me admit them to e ver diminutive spois, ill the noti at allissensive in the figlitis God,


whicli, is xamine by tho scrutiniZing y os Divino justice, Would o deServe Condemnation aD secondly, is an Suchthingi admitted, though it cannot o the casu illi an individua os manliind, yet uin corrupte an contaminate by the ins Os hicli iis performe is consessedi guilty it loses every laim to the Divino avour. An this soli principalliing on hichisu controvorsy With the Papisis turiis. Forconcerning the eginning os justification, here is no disputebetWeen ii and the ounde SehoΟlmen, but erat agree, that asinino boing reel dolivered rom condemnation obtains right- eousness, and that by the remiSSion of his in oni they, unde the term justis atton, Comprehend that renovation in Whicli, ure renowed by the Spirit os God to an obediunco totho law, audis the describe the righteousnessi a regenerate man a consistin in his alia a mala, ster havin been oncereconcitu to God through aith in Christ, is accounted right- eous With God on account of his good ortis, the merit os Whichris the cause of his acceptanee But the Ord On thecontrary declares, that aith a rectione to Abraham sorrighteousness, V k no during the time hil hu et omnineda orshippo os idols, ut astu he had eun minon during many years so the sanctit of his life Abraham, thon, had fora long time orshippe God rom a pure eari, an performedali that obsidience to the laW, hich a mortat man is crepableos performin ; et, after ali, his righteousnes consistud in salth. Whence e conclude, accordin to the argumentis Paul thatit a notis mortis. So When the prophe says, The just

an profano, homo he Lor justisios by converting them tolli faith ut his addrus is directe to bellevers, and the arepromise lis by saith. Paul also remoUeS Ver dolabi, hen, in confirmation os this sentiment, he adduces the fossowing passagum David Blessedore the whos iniquitios are sor-givon. V m Hut it is certain that David spatio notis implous

the mediatoria ossice is perpetuali mustaine by Christ by


rightoousnos o Christ Whicli, oin the ni per et right-eOUSneSs, is the Only one that an ear the Divino scrutiny)mus bo produced n ou buhais, and judiciali presented a in the case os a furety. Hein furnished With his, o obta in bysaith the serpetunt remission os ur iras. Our imperfections an impurities, uin concente by iis purity, remo imputedio iis, ut areos it ere buried, and prevente from appearingin tho vio os Divino justice, ill tho advent of that our, When the old man belli Stain and ulteri annihilaled in iis, the Divine goodnus Ahali receive iis into a lessed ea de illi thenem Adam, in that state to ait so the da os the Lord, henme hali recolve incorruptibi bodies, and e translated to the glorios of the celestial inguom.

On the contrary that memorabie curse against nil Who continueno in the Observarice sivery one of his commands. V This undanti refutes the erroneous notionis a partial righte ou