장음표시 사용
Wis me os earn in and piety that good ortis merit thegraee Whicli are consurred n us in his life and that ternalsalvation is the reward os salth alone 'ecaus the Lord almost alWays places the re vard os labours and the cro nis victoryin heaven. BeSides, o Scribe the accumulation Os grasses Upon graceS gi ven ii by the Lord, to the merit os Nortis, insuch a manne aso detrac it Dom grace, is contrar to the
ordor in sortiter ages, there ould neve have ariSen O many debatus and dissonsions Paul says that in erecting the superstructure o Christian doctrine, it is necessar to retain that
undation hicli 0 ad laid among the Corinthians, therthan hicli, man an lay Whicli is esus Christ. st Whathin os a Dundation have o in Christ Θ Has e bo gutimur
lli purpos of the Divino mill to that by the doath of Christ
perdition; et that in him e re adopted a fons and heirs by the heavent Father, ν to hom e have been reconcite by
his biood that oin committo to hi protection, e ure not
VI. ut the woridias long boon augiit a disserent lesson sorlano no What good Nortis os moralit have been involite toren de men acceptable o God bos oro the are ingras ted into Christ. A though the Scripture e re salse in asserting that
are destitute fise ho could the generato any cause si se A though thero eremo truth in the declaration that hat- Soeve is no os salth, is in V d a though an evit tru could produce good fruitsi ut hal oom have these mos pestilent sophisis est o Christ so the exertior of his poWeri Theysa that he has merite sor iis the sirs grace that is, theopportunit os meriting and that o it is ur par no tomis the is red opportuni ty. What X treme impudene and impiotyi ho ould have expected that an perSon proseSS-ing the nam os Christ, ould presume thus to ob hi in f his soWer, an ulmos to trample in unde thoi sudo It is every here testi sed os im, that ad ho bellove in him arojustisiud so thus men teli us that the ni bene fit received froni hin is that a waycis poned sor ad men to justis them- fulvos. Butes isti that he had experienced hat is con
do no signis that by aith in Christ e moret gain tho
os errors have de prive iis of justification by aith, hic licis the substance of ali pie ty. The grant, indeed, m ord S, thata mari is justisiud by aith sorinod ut his the asterward sexplain to e bucause aith rendor good ortis est eo tua tojustification so that thei montion of aith has almost theappearunce s Ockery, Sine it could not e passed ver in Silence, hii the Scripture is o sud scit, ithout exposing them to rea ceu Suro. An no content illi his, the robGod os par os the ruis of good mortis, and transfer i t man. Perceiving that good Work avail ut titile to the exaltationis mari, and that the cannot properi bo denominato morit istho b considere a tho essecis os Divine graue the derive them istorii the poWer os reu-will Whicli sitie extractingillsrom a tone. The contend that though grace e the principat cause of them, et that this is noto the exclaisionis fre0Will, si om hichil merit originates. An this is maintainednot ni by the latior sophisis, ut liliemis by thei master,
srom tho ingdom os sin into the inguom os rightoousneSS; and that by this testimon the ascertain thei vocation. yyanii, like reus, are judged by thei fruits.
oris a justification unattendod by thom this is the sole dissi
no to orshi him. Besides, is meri require to e stimulatud, it is impossibi to urge more forcibi arguments thau those Whicli aris Doni the on os ou redemption and calling; Such a the ordis God adduces, heia it inculcates that itis the groates and mos implou ingratitude no reciprocali to
Christ ur conscience are purged rom dead Ortis, o Serve
even Our Sanctification that e Should abstain rom fornic
mercy, ut that thu sua os God whicholio Papisis hold o bomeritorious cannot o digni siod With the ille os norit bucauset is o unde in the pardor ani remission os Siras. IV. ut homost futile os ali thoi calumnius is, that men
plain hieli part bet ter deservos the charge of dograding the Value os remission os ius, and prostituting the dignit os righteousness. Tho protend that God is appo sud by thoir frivolous satisfactions, hieli are no ette than ung; eassert, that he uili os sin is to atro totis to se expiatud by sueti insignificant tristo that tho displos stare o God is too great to e appea sed by these orthles Satisfactions and thoros ore that this is the xchisivo prerogative of th blood fChrist. They say that righteousness, i ii veri defective, is restored and repatred by Work of satisfaction. 0 hinlicitso valitable thali compensation Os Orks cun e dequat toti and thorosor that for iis restitution e mus have recolarSet tho mere of Od Mone. The romaining particular that pertain to the remission os ins may be found in the ext
I ΕΤ Us no pursu the ollior arguments With Whicli Satan bylii Satellitos attempis to destro or o Halien justification by