Caesar in Gaul, with introduction, review of first-year syntax, notes, grammar, prose composition, and vocabularies

발행: 1918년

분량: 739페이지


분류: 미분류


joet, direct 9I; indirect 82 objectivo geniti6, 75. b

orlinia numerias I9paenitet, missi genitive, 8I. δparticipies definition, I9

in the periphrastic conjugations 222 tenses ol, 67 Wanting, L. C. 45 Passive Volce, intransitive verbs in, 83 a dative remine mith 83 a


past perfeci tenae, indicative, 37; subjunctive, 59. cyas tenae, indicative, I 54 Subjunctive, IS9.b perfeci tenso indicative, 36 a, b infinitive, no in indirect discourae,

phrase, definition, I place

Postquam, it indicative, 93 potentiai subjunctise, 7 a fpotior, Mith ablative, Io7. a P With genitive, 8 I. Epredicate, definition, 48. I and a prodicate adjective, 6o predicate noun, Meement, myrepositiona

with ablative, Somith accusative, IUPresent tenso historical, 53. a indicative, I 53 infinitive, not in indirect discourae,366. a in indirect discourae,166. b. I participle, I 67 subjunctiVe, 59. Gmith dum, I98. I primarynenctes, 61


priusquam, it indicative, I97 .a;wit subjunctive, I97 bprohibitions Q 72. an note I in

quamquam, mith indicative, I9Iquamis, Wit subjunctive, 92 quando, in causa clauses, it indicative, I 88 a Wit subjunctive, I 88. θquestiona

qui relative, deciension, 26; uses, I 37-I43. Se relative pronounquia in causa clauses, with indicative, I 88. a With subjunctive, I 88. δquidam, deciension, 29; Se I 44. Gquin, after verbs of hindering and o posing I85 after n- dubito, I 86; in characteristi Clause, L. C. 7 quia indefinite, deciension, 28; se,

quis, interrogative declanaton, 27;

quod in causa clauses, missi indicative, 88. a Wit subjunctive, I 88. b in substantive clauses offaCt, I 82 and a

d minus, after verba of hinderi an opposing 18s

reminiscor, With genitive, 8I. amauit clauaesadverbial 179 relative, IM


i cum clauses denotin time and cause, 95 in exhortationS, I 72. a in indirect discourse, in subordinate clauses, M


of the participle, 67 of the subjunctive, in dependent clauses, Iω; in independent

transitive verba, 49 objectis, Itres, deciension, Ο tu, deciension, a I in nominative, foremphasis, 29 ubi, with indicative, 93

it clauses of PurPOSe. 74 mi in clause of reavit, I 79With concessive clauses I92wit tempora clauses I93 uter dectension, II autinam, With the optative subjunctive,

utor, With ablative, I 7 a

uirum . . . an, 7o. b. Ivelut velut si, with subjunctive a Verba agreement of 65- defective, conjugation, 46. Ideponent, Conjugation, 37 imperSonat, conjugation, 46 ΙΙ intransitive so irregular, conjugation 3 45moods, in independent Sentences, 168-I73 in subordinate Clauses, I74-2ΟΙ periphrasti conjugations 38. I, II; USeS, 222. I, II regular Conjugation 3a-36

transitive, 9 vocati e Imvolitive ubjunctio I 72. c. note a Volo, conjugation, a V6s, deciension, a I in nominative, for emphasis, 29Wicthes, se optative subjunctive moris, orde of L. C. I-4, year, the Roman, a8