Caesar in Gaul, with introduction, review of first-year syntax, notes, grammar, prose composition, and vocabularies

발행: 1918년

분량: 739페이지


분류: 미분류






Η modern deman for econom an emciency, hichpervades the educational ori as et a the wori of2 business, has te to the preparatio of this ne editiono Caesar. t comprises in a single volume allis the materialneede for the secon year of Latin and by the eliminationones matterio directi serviceabie, im to promine emciencyin iis presentation. Aster a brie introductio devote to historica matters and the Roman artis War, a thorouo revie of the fimi ear'swor in syntax is presented by means o Ritchie's V The Argonauis, ' Nepos' ''mannibal, ' and a simple biograph of Caesar. The texi, which ismeusel's illi a few minor ChanmS, Comprises therars fou book of the Gallic War V an interestingepisodes homili remaining books, with notes ritie Domthe stand int of the pupil rather than rom that of the tracher, an fuit adequat in his needs To remove a rea obstacte toprogress me long passage of indirect discourse occurring in the first two book are ive in the direct form. The Same passages are give later in thei unchange form for purposes of comparison an for the se of such teacher as refer amore Strenuou Course. The ex closes illi Caesar' account

of the batile of harsalia, the climax of the V Civit War, ' and evenis that immediatet follow. These illie found particularly valvatae for sight oin the are provide with omnoles and species vocabularies of the wotas notisse in the precedingtex of the 'Gallic ar. '


In the Gramma the attempt has been made to present thesyntaco Caesar in the mos direct an simple form and the Latin Composition discusses the fundamenta ConstructionS. While the authors have no been at ali radica in the matteris nomenclature, such of the ne names have been sed a seem lihelyrio gain genera adoption. The vocabular gives the essentials of etymolog and contains ni such idiom an definitions as are fundamenta tolli teXt. Batti plans, aps, an illustrations os ver sor have been inserte with a lavisti and an it is ope that these illien to mali in great stor more rea to the pupil' imagination. Specia attention is calle to the four colore plates made rom aintingS. This book covers the requirements of the New or Syllabus. The specia vocabularies of ne thousand word prescribe mine Syllabus for therars an secon years are reprinte in alam valvatae for drili. Provision is made also for the studyof the formatio an derivation o words, a suggeste in the New or courSe.