장음표시 사용
Keae. 195 20. 2)De regibus Britannis inquit Gildas, ungebantur reges non Perdeum. p. I9 contrὰ quam nunc vulgus XiStimat quoscunque scilicet reges dei unctos esse. IXXX. Si in prineipatu politie aliqua est servitus, magi proprie ServuS
Lenit os foveraigne princes ornariis hos of their ione lood ostendin them, and so in their ange or therreis thei honor rabie prisoneriunt themselves, both commendabie and proflable Eae imples of t. fodin edit. Ang. Lond. l. 2 e. 5, p. 229. Lor Preston's Writing. ' Suecessio. Come Spol si eominet a fare it principe per uoceδ-sione e non per lettione subito comiti laron gli heredi a degeneraredes loro antichi, e laseiando opere virtuose pensaron che ,rencipi Non avessero a fare altro che superare gli altri di sontuosita, e dilaseisi e Puni astra qualita delitiosa Machiaveli discors. l. I, c. 2. Si re ira aneor per i lettione delP historia romana come si puo ordinare uri pegno uono perehe tuti gli impera tori che succederonoali' imperio I et heredita, oeetto Tito furono altivi quelli che per a Mitione, furono tuiti uoni come furono uel inque a Nerea a Mareo. Machiareii discor8. l. 1, c. I 0. What Calvis sis of Magistrates apointed for the defene of the People and to restrain the insolen ei os in93, 3 ere the Ephori in Lacedemonia, the Tribunes in ome, and the Demaretis in thens, that themought to resist an in eae their licentio usi e88 and crueis, i nolit ali applieable to a right monarchy ohere the life and honor ros the Prince ought to e sciered for he spea es of Aristo rati and popular Estates fodin de Repub edit. Ang. Lond. 606, . , .s, P. 224. Martin Luther deelared to the Protestant Princes in Germany that
In Rege qui recte regit necessaria sunt duo hec arma videlicet et Leges quibus utrumque tempus bellorum et hyaeis recte possit gubemiari utrumque enim istorum alterius indiget auxilio quo tam res militaris po8sit 88 in tuto quam ipsin leges usu armorum et proesidio possint ess Fer alce, etc. Bracton lib. 1 de Consuetud et lem Ang. cap. l. Tho lust four sintries are in Lord Preston's riting. 197 De religione quatenus ad Rempi P. Pectat. Laudatissimos omnium inter mortales, eos esse qui vera eligione hominum mentes imbirunt mino iis etiam laudcitiores qui humanis
legibus Regna et Respub quamvis egregie fundarunt Maehiaret.
'2D elesiostis et politie regiminis confusionem eum scilicet magistratus ministrum Ecclesia minister Ecclesiis magistratum agit et reliqioni et reipubliere pariter esse Feruleiosam, istendit iantes Poeta Hetruscus in Purgatorio. Cant. 6. Soleva Roma heci bon mondo feo Due soli harer; he una et altra tradas iacean edere et de mondo et di Deo Uun altro ha pento et e giunt i spadaci pastorale et Pun et Paltro insemefer viva fore mal eonvien che vada Pero hesiunt Pun altro non teme. Et paulo post
Per confonde in se due revimenti de ei sancto; et e brutta et a sina. opiniones hominum de Religione, oportere in Repub vel ulitionis principibus libera esse quos dii in laudat Machia vellus, intor aetera bona inquit, videbis Sub iis tempoia aut Oa, ovo ciuscuno
it inas no latos ut for them to tali up armes against Charies thera '' P. Pag. 25. The eeping of great Primes prisoner Origerou8, p. 229. ample oscit.
In Rege qui recte regit necessaria sunt duo hec arma videlicet et Leges quibus utrumque tempus bellorum et I aeis recte possit sid=ernari: iitrumque enim istorum alterius indiget aurilio quo taxu res militaris po88it esse in tuto quam ipsin leges usu armorum et rc idio Possinte88 8ervata , te Bracton lib. 1 de Consuetud et lem Ang. cap. l. Theclas four entries are in Lord Proston's riting.J197 De religione quatenus ad Rempid . Pectat. Laudatissimos omnium inter mortales, eos esse qui vera eligione hominum mentes imbuunt inmo iis etiam laudatiores qui humanis
testibus Regna et Remub quamvis egregie fundarunt Machiaret.
2 elesiostis et politie regiminis confusionem eum scilicet magistratus ministimni Ecclesiae minister Ecclesiis magistratum agit et religioni et reipubliere pariter e88 perniciosam, istendit iante8 Poeta Hetruscus in Purgatorio. Cant. 6. Soleva Roma heri bon mo=ido feo ue soli haver ehe Puna et altra tradasia ean edere et de mondo et di Deo Γ'unialtro ha pento et e giunta a pada Co pastorale et Pun et Paltro in semefer viva jorza ad convien che vada Pe, Mehesiunt Ptin altro non teme. Et paulo post
Per confonder in se due ressimenti de ne sancto; et e brutta et a sonia. Opinionos hominum de Religione, oporter in Repub vel sub bonis principibus liberas esse quo duin laudat Machiarellus, intoreae lora bona inquit, videbis sub iis tempora auroa, ovo ciu Scuno
In a rva Monare cile si Uecis obe the latos os a Monareh, and the Monaremthe Lares of nature, their ubstet enfasin their naturalliberti and proprietis of their good8. The ord0 monor hycis that here the rine is eoome Lord of the good and person of his ubieet by law of arnis an lati ull
Videsis the desinition os a vat Monar cap. 3, 3λ. 204. Pli=ii ju=tior ad Gesses Traja=ι the Emperor thus Principis sede=n obtines ne sit domino locu8, p. sil De ei plura, ad pag.
Thecipue maph of a Noya Monarch, pag. 205. Aristolle 's innition os a Ning angerou8, pag. 206. Aristoties opinion impugned that thenare barbarous eople ho8eKings come by succession hiis a the fame time Aleaeander a a K in by suoeession derisin himself roun Hercules. The Laee-denhonians aliso froni the stoe of the Heraelides and thers e. pag. 200. Froni the Asiatiqs, Perstans, and Egyptians ait ancient earn ingderio ed, p. 206. Fine oris of ings echon Lup D Ari8 tolle pag. 206. The poloer of Laee lemonian Mugs described pag. 207. The disserene of Monar hs no to bee athered by thei means feoming to the State, but by their means of governing the State, pag. ad. in the Roman Dictator p. ad. Antigonus the rs of the sueeessors of Alemander the Great hostile thimselfe King, p. 208.
Vet ire, o bee epotone i ings it them ieept in elective ins domes. amples of it p. 209. Dangerous atlso to the eople east their right os eleeting hould .so passe in to the forni os sueeession pag. 210. The hole of p. 199 is in Lord Preston's riting.
Tyrant This reord derised from the Gree es as of the propristythereos honourabie, and iniunctent time signi edis other hin thena Prince reho ithout the consent of the eopse had by 0rce or fraudpossessed himselfe of the State; and of a Companion ad himselfthire master et hom the called a Pyrant although he were a right wise a1id jus Prince Bodin. l. ' de Repub edit. Ang. Lond. o. 606, poste l0, cap. 4'.
The est King deseribed p. 211. The greates disserene beliciae a in and a Pyranti ivere, Iposse
44 A COMMON PLACI BOOK Pyrant flain by esseminate and oea e person and never ase, puse 2 ra. Qui plura de Tyrannis videre reli consulat vitas Timoleonis et Arati a Plutarcho co=ὶ8cripta8.
Plini in his panegyrica oration os Trajan the Empe Our On- eludet his period thus That nothin greater or etfer eould bewished for to the Commonsteale then that the immorta God reould imitate the Lis of Trajan. his aecessive pyray8 though it avoursos impietis et prooeedet fron the eale of a mos fanisus man. toward his mos eaecellent prinee. At his Oing ut and coming inali Temples dere filed for his elleome, an he himselfe sed toprafand ovenant reii the God thi thenshould keep and preservehim is the sare it to e for the good of the Commonweale pag.
Agesilaus Mn of Sparta asyned by the Ephori for haringilone, obbed the hearis and gained the love of at the Citizen to him pag.
edd. Aristides inmamed the . 8t p. ad. Phalaris, Busiris, Nero, an Caligula, horrid tyranis, p. edd. Necessary evehis no to e acleo unted Tyranni in a Sororaisne
Prince, ut to e much commended in him, p. Il6 Iris position is
Vitellius id o also 10it the murtherer of Galbae id aliaeaeempla, p. edd. The whole of p. 200 8 in ordireston's opiting. Monarchia. 201 M. Boeotuini, Cent 2 J Advertism thera uias. 176. Excellentrules for monarcha pag. I 8 l. Lor Preston's riting. Athens. 202 e 10ho oubteth hither here bee a God or no is no tobe compelle L,it argument qui it serere punishment to bee
A mistahe in the print for 228.
203 De Aristo ratia. M. Trajano foedalini Advertise ' from Parnassus Cent. β' Adf. I p. 176 ord Preston's riting. 204 Iudem et Iudicium. Criminatio et miserieordia et Ira et hujusmodi animi perturbationes non de re sunt sed ad Iudi eni Quod si in omnibus Iudieiis
eveniret, quema linodum in nonnullis etiam nunc evenit civitatibus, mainime vero in iis qui bene sunt institutoe, ni hi haberent quod Qeerent. Omnes enim partim a bitrantur ic lege crevere partim hoc institutum retinent et prohibent eaetra rem dicere; ut etiam in Tom. Areopago recte sic statuentes Non enim oportet Iudicem pervertere, is hi, i, Iram incitando, vel invidiam, vel visericordiam: quia id similet 629. est ac i qui qua usurus est regula eam reddat perversam. Aristot. l. l, Art. Rhet. cap. 1'.
Vide que Iudiei in Iudi O mi relinquenda. Eo l. cap. 5l3. Tliis page is Lord Preston's riting. 205 Democratia. Doceatini Cent 2 ' Ado. pag. l76 Lord Preston's riting. 220 Ce=isus et Uectigal.
Foderum, parata, et mansionaticum tributa erant a Carolo magno
I talis imposita quibus ille jus suun in eos quoddam significari voluit. Vide Sison. reg. Ital L 7, 7 p. hinc fortasse regibus Angliae quaecumque per loca iter facientibus tributum ejus in odi