장음표시 사용
Hic infra jacet, silentio et tenebris In lucis et gloriae transferenda aeternitatem, Egregii nominis mulier F. T. Terris idcirco data et adempta, Ut intolligerent homines Quo virtu amore Amplectenda sit incolumiS, Qua invidia Quaerenda sit Sublata.
octoberra, DCCXXXIX. Aged XXXVI.
JoΗΑΝΝΕ ΗΑΝWAY Arm. Suavioribus musarum studiis Quibus nuSquam, ne in castri quidem, renunciavit In schola primum estmonasteriensi
Clarissimo instituente BuSbeo, Et deinde in Academia Cantabrigiensi Innutritu ;Gravioribus belli taediis, Auspicantibus In Flandria invictissimo principe Johanne Mariburii Duce, In Hispania sortissimo heroe Carolo Petroburgi comite
Exercitatus In omnibus vitae ossiciis Cum publicae tum priVatae, Tam civilis quam militaris, Fidelis, strenuuS hUmaNUS. Qualis maritus, quali fuerit parens, Testatur hoc Sepulchrale marmor, Quod pie posuerunt vidua et filius. Memoriam tam egregii viri Et tu, lector, Venerere Ut tibi dotu similiter aliquando requieSCere.
Obiit xxvi die ovembriS A. D. DCCXXXVI. Suae vero aetati LXV.
D1ANA Oxo NII HELGINI Comitissa Quae Illustri orta sanguine, sanguinem illustraVit, Ceciliorum meritis clara, Sui clariSSima, Ut quae nesciret minor SSe maXimiS Vitam ineuntem innocentia, Procedentem ampla Virtutum cohorS, Exeuntem mors beatissima decoravit; Volente numine)Ut nuspiam deesset aut virtus aut felicitas. Duobus conjuncta maritis, Utrique carissima; PrimUm,
Quem ad annum habuit)Impense dilexit:
Quem ad annos viginti quatuor)Tanta pietate et amore coluit, Ut cui ViVen S, Obsequium tanquam patri praestitit Morien S,
Patrimonium tanquam filio reliquit
Maternam pietatem facile superaVit. Famulitii adeo mitem prudentemque curam geSSit, Ut non tam domina familiae praeeSSO, Quam anima corpori ineSSe videretur. Denique Cum pudico, humili forti, Sancto animo, Virginibus, conjugibus, viduis, omnibuSExemplum consecraSset integerrimUm, Terris anima major, ad similes evolavit SuperOS. D 3
Adolescentis nobilissimi, Propriis tamen quam majorum virtutibus clarioris. Inerat illi am a pueritia In vultu ipso, in voce, geStuque corporiSViriles nescio quid et plenum dignitatis. Miram sane ingenii ubertatem Excoluit atque promovit optima disciplina; omnem doctrinam liberalem ab eo perceptam IllustraVit,
Νativa quadam, et quae virum nobilem decorat, eloquentia. Ita natus, ita educatus, quam primum in lucem proceSSit,
Dignus extemplo Vi SUS St, Quem in amicitiam cooptarent homines primarii; Νeque erat in amicitia aut jucundior quisquam aut
Serenissimo regi Georgio primo, A cubiculo, et brevi, acceptiSSimu : Hoc sibi merito non ultimae ducebat laudi Principi placuiSSe, Non minus acri ad judicandum, quam ad favendum
Ad maxima quaeque cum pateret Via, Cum nihil ei defuit ad summam laudem nisi longa Vita, In medio aetatis et fortunae curriculo,
Gravi febre correptUS, Spes amicorum ardentiSSima S, prope am rataS Immatura morte fruStratu eSt
Obiites dio Augusti, anno 172l, aetati 24.
Richardi de hoc oppido filius, Et Collegii Regalis apud Cantabrigienses ociuS
Qui sacro ministerio designatUS, Et apparatu doctrinae jam maturUS, Variolis correptUS Spem subito Suorum omnium, Quos aut VenuState captaVerat Vultus, Aut ingenii vigore demeruerat, Morumve devinxerat Suavitate, In lacrymas convertit et desiderium Amantissimae praeSertim matriS, Quae eXiguum hoc extrui curavit Sui et testimonium luctus et levamen. Obiit 280 Decembris, A. D. 732, Suae vero aetatiS 23.
ΑΜ jus come froni indulgin a very pleaSingmelanchol in a country churchyard, and payin arespeciful visit to the dead of whicli Lam ne dayrio increas the number A the solemnit anil a ful-nes of the place does instanti affect the belloider, the solitude an silene of i does equali dispos him to attention an meditation : so that e uo here finx more useful and improvinguetirement. Verymonument has iis instruction, and very illoc hasiis tessoni mortality. Phave by this means, in aratior spacem time read the histor of the whol village and could teli thenam es of iis principat families for the last hiri orsori years might perhapsa a litile ighora ut here, by the injur os time and weather, the registerbegins tot interrupted, and the letters are generallyso desaced that is an inscription an e made ut itis no without much dissiculi an conjecture.
310 LETTERS.'Tis Ot, however, Without great compassio I see the Lindisndeavour of the furvivor, o preSerVe thememor os a departed friendoso oon frustrate and disappotnted T continue the remembrance of the deceased though by a mound of earlli, a turiis grass, oro ait of Ood is an instance of affection and humanity, qua to the mos costly monuments of bras an marble, in very thing ut Xpens and duration and et o peristi te are even hos llio fruities is the expense, an ho Shor the duration Thu churchyard Idoocon a the rendegvous of the Whole paristi, hither peopte os alliges and conditions resori. 'Tis the common dormitory, here, after thelabo ursis life are ver the ali lielown an reposethem selves together in the ust. The litti cares an concern the had When living, are here entirelysorgoiten nor come there hither an Uneasines Orenmity, to disquiet o interrupi their est. The jealoustes an fears the discontent an Suspicions, the animosities and misunderstandings hicli inibittermen ne against another, re ali determinex hereen ali resentinent an contention S.
Wo have this satisfaction ithal in death, that tris statem perfeci quality. The rich and the oor, the oun and the aged the wis and the oolisti, allii down together, an are tende in the diast.
Hererit is that no ne is greater Orcles than another, for rottennes admits of no distinction and corruption
sin ery that pride an invent, or mone ean purchaSe insomuel that omen hali stan amaged, and
312yet ali his idnight show, whicli has alsed thecuriosit of multitudes, and with purposed delays has increased i into impatience, an o no sarther Withhim than to his grave here must ali his state leavehim, and the honour are his no longer. Having thus amusod mysel in contemplatin the Vanit of human greatnessu What is it saides thalca thus mali us starite, and shrin at the thoughiso dealli Tho might and the rich of the worid ma tremble, ut What is the tingi death to those Whos life has been altogether misery o What poWer has the grave ver the nhappy 3 is it no rather arefuge rom violence an oppreSSion, an a retreat hom insolence an contempt is it not a protectionto the defenceless, an a securit to him ho had noplacerio fleo uni, Suret in death there is asely, and in the grave there is eace this i pes o thesweat of the oo labouring man, and ahes the load Do the unde back of the wear travelle this dries up the lears of the disconsolatu, and mahethaheliear of the sorrowsul to large it throbbing 'tis this ease the agonies of the dis eased, and giveth a medicine to the opules incurabie: his discliarges thenahe and hungr insolvent an releases him Dom