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tues. II also establisheyt o paris of the eari irael oppositoto one another, and of a different character, amely the eastandrita est; and of thes the eas is assigne to God, b causo Homimself is tho seuntes of light, and the enlightenero at things, and ecausem mahesos ris to terna lite. But in mescis ascribe to that disturbe and depraved minibecausa it conceia thodio aecause it alWay bring on daris ness, and Mauso it mae me dio an peristi in thei alas. For actio belongcto in east, and the wholo course of liso dependa pon the light so daanes bolong to the west butdeat an destructio are containe in arta s. The Hemeasura out in the fame anthe ther paris,-namely the Muth and the north, hic paris are closely united illi thoino formis. For that whic is more gloWing Wit the warmines in sun is ne est to an closely unite Wit the east; hut stat hie is torpid mitti colds an perpetuat ice be-Iongcto the samo division a tho extreme est. For asciaris nescis opposed in light soris col to heat. As, thereiare, heatis nearestrio si foris the Quin to the east an a coid isne est in daaness, socia the norther region to the est. AndHe assigned is ac of these paris iis omitime, amely thespring to in east the summe to the outher region theautumn elonga to the west, and the inter to the orth. In these Wo parta also the outhern and th norinem, is comtained a figura o lis an death, because lite consista in hea deat in eoid. And Maeat arises hom)re so does coid frummater. An accordis to the divisionis thes partim also madesta an night to completo is alternato successio missi Each other in murses and perpetuat revolutions os time, Which. calloears Tho an hic the fidit eas supplies, must long to God asinit things do whic arei a belle character. But in night whichahe extremo est bring on belongs, in- ω, to iam hom me have said toto the rival o God. An even in the maing of theso God had regata to the futura formo ad them so that a representationis true religion and of falso superstitions miotae hoWn hom these. For a the sun Whic rises datly although icis but one,-homwhita Cicero mould havori appea that it a calle Sol, b
cause the star are obscured, and it alone is seen, et sinceritis a true tot and of persec fulness, and of mos powersulheat, an enlightens ali ining mith ths rightest splendour; so God althoughme is one only, is possessed os perfeci majesty, and micti, and splendour. ut night which, say is assignedio that depraved adversarro God, shows by a resemblance theman an various superstitions hicli elongo him. Foralthough innumerable stare appea toralitie and shine, bet, because the are no fui and soli liora, and sen sortii noheat, nor verpo e the datanes by thei multitude, herosor theso tW things are found toto os chie importance, Whichhave power differing romand opposed is ne another eatand moisturo, hicli God Wondersutly designe for the supportand productioni ali things. For since the poWer o God consist in heat and fire, fine ad nos tempere iis ardour andiorco is minoing matteris moistum and old, nothing could have been ornis have existed, ut haleve had egu toexis must immediateb have been destroyed is conflagration. From hic also ome philosophera an poeta aid that tho orld Was maderupis a discordant concord; ut thendidiotthorouoly understand the matter Heraclitus sat stat allthings Wore produce homrare Thales of Miletus rom ater. Each samsomethinc os in truth), and yetinach Was in error: forcii ne element onj had existed, ater could no havo been produce frem re, nor, o the ther and could simhom mater; ut it is moro true that at things ere producta immo mingling of the wo Fire, indeed cannot o mixtamith Water,aeca e therare opposed in each other; and is theycam into collision the ono hicli proved superior must destrytho theri ut thei substances may be min ed. The in stanc os fir is heat; os ater molature Rightly thereiore es vid say: For hen molatur and heat have ecomomin et the conceive, an ali hings aris hom these Wo. And thoughiro is a variance Wit Water molat apou Pr duces ali inings, an discordant concord is ad ted to production.' o the ne element is, ascit,ere, mascutine the other, ascit ere, femininea the ne active, the ther passive d
on this account it Was appotnted by the ancient stat marriage contracta aliouldae ratified by the solemni of fir and water, because tho oun o animal ars furnished it a body bylleat and moistum, and are thus animaled odite. For, since very animal consist o soae an body tho materia of the bod is contained in moisture, that of the foui in heat: hic me a lino from tho ompring os birds; for though these are sul of thic moisture, unies the are chorished by creative heat, the moisture cannotaecome a body, nor an the od bo animate with life Exile also Fere accustome toae sorbidde the se os re and water for asyet it seeme unia sulci inflic capita punishmen o any, ho everrauit , inasmuch a the were men. When, there- fore, the se of thos things in hicli the lis of men consisis mas sorbidden, it a Memed o b equivalent to the actualinflictio os death n him ho had been thus sentenced offuc importance ere these Wo elementa considered, that theybolieved them to e essentia sor the productio of man, and so tho sustaining os his life One of theso is common to uswit the ther animais, the ther has been assigne to aualone For We,aeingin heavenly and immortat race, mahe seos fire, hichris oven torus as a proo os immortalitri sincerareis rom heaven and iis nature, inasmuch ascit is moveable andrises pWard contain the principiem lite But the other ani- mala, inasmuch a therare altogether mortal, mahe use of Water only Whic is a corporea andiarthly element. Andalis naturo of this, becauserit is moveabie, and has a doWnWard inclination, shows a figurem Math. Theretare in catus domo loo u toheaven nor do therenteriai religious sentimendi, since tho seo fidicis removed irom them But hom What fource or in What manne God ii tedis o caused a floW these two principalelementa, firmand water, He ho made them Mone cananom. CHAP. XI.-O listas creatures of man Prometheus, Deucalion,
114 LACTANTIUS. Boox II. animal o varion hind and of dissimila form inould bocreated both great and amasser And the were made in patrs, that is, ne os ac sex; fram theimpring of whic both theai and the earin and tho mas mere filled. An God avo nourishment to at theso by thei hinds from the arth, that the service in men some, for instance, Were forfood, othera sor clothing butri se Whicli areis great strength He gave, that thermio assis in cultisating the earin, Whenco inermem calledaeast o burthen. And thus, hen ali iningshad bos salsed with a Wonder&Larrangemen me determinedio prepare formimself ameternat hingdom, and to creato innumerabis muti, o Whommmmio besto immortality. henΗ mado formisses a figuro endome mit perception and intelligenes that is, alter the lihenes of ms wn image than πhicli nostin can e more perfect m forme man ut of tho duri of tho ground hom hic he mas calle man, a causerue mas made homine arth. inalty Plato says thatine human form mas oditho a does the Sibyl Who says, Thou artis image, o man, possesse of right reasou. The poeta iam have notinive a disserent account respectingiliis formation es man, homove therma have corrupte it; for the sal that man was mado by rometheus from lay. The weremo mistisen in the matter itfel aut in themamo of tho artificer For they had nove come into contaci missi a lino of tho truth; ut in things hie Mero handed doWn by the oracles of the propheta, and containin in the sacria book of God thos things collected hom sabies and obscure opinion, an distorted a in truth is mont inae corrupted by the uutitudo hen sprea abroad by Various conversations mery one
ti mas a man, he mas able to eget a man, but notrio minoone. ut his punishment onmount Caucasus declares thathe was not of the ods. ut no no rechone his ather
Iapetus o his uncis Titan a gods,aecauso the hio digni o the hinoom,as in possessioni Saturninly by hic ho inino divino honoura, together Wit ali his descendanis. This inventis of tho poeta admits of refutationa many arguments. R is agreed by al that the deluge oo placo for thedestructionis michedness, and forciis removat rom the emth. NoW, both philosophers and poeta, and writers of ancient hi tory, asseri the fame, and in this ther peciali agres mitti tholanmage of the propheis Η, therelare, the floo too placo for the purpos os destroyin Wichednem, hic had increased
through in excessive multitude of men homWas Prometheus the maher of man when his son Deucalion is sald by the samowriter is have been the only one Who Was preserveson account
of his righteousnes. How could a singlo descent and a single generation have so quickly fille tho ori With mon ut itis plain that they have corrupted this also, a thendid tho sommer account since the were ignorant both at what timo the flood happene o the arth, and who it mas that deserved onaccount of his righteousnes tot save when the human racemristia, and ho and with whomae Was savod ait o whicham auo by tho inspired writings. t is lain, heresore, that the account Whic the give respecting the or of r metheus is false. But Meauso Phad sala stat the poets aro not accustomed tospeis that hic is altogethor unime, buta .ramu in figures and thus in obscure thei accounts, Ι domo sartha the spohe falsely in this, but that firs of ali Prometheus mado the imageos a mani rich an sos clari and that he fidit originaled thoarti mahing statues and images in much asa liuod in thotimes of Jupiter, during hic temples began to beauili, and nemmodes of Worshipping the god introducod. And thus thotruth was corrupted by falsehood and that hichisas sal tohave been made by Godlega also toae ascribe to man, ho
116 LACTANTIUS. Boo II. imitated the divine oa. ut the mahin os the me and living man hom clamis the wor o God. An this also is relate is Hermes, Who no only says that man was made byGod aster the image of God, butae evenarie to explain in hoWskilsul a mannerme formediata limb in the humanaody, sincethere is non of them Whicli is notis avallablorior tho necessityo us as for beauty. ut even the Stoics, When thendiscussine subjectis providence, attempt to do his and utly fol-lowed them in many places. ut hoWever hybriefl treat of subjectis copious and fruitsul, whic Ι nompassiverin this account,aeca εἰ have latet writte a particular book on this subjectrio my disciplo Demetrianus Buta cannot here omitthat hic somo errin philosopher say that me and the
that expressionis Virgil, Andrilis sarth-bor ' race of meninised iis ea homilio hard solds.' An this opinion isespeciali enteriaine by thos Who en in existence of a divine providence For tho Stoic attribute tho formationo animal to divino hili. ut Aristotio Deo himself homlabour and trouble, by saying that the worid alWays existed, and therelaro stat the huma race, and the ther things,hicli amicit, hadio be nning, but alWaychadaeon, and alWays Would
M. But When me se that ac animal separatet' hicli adno previous existence, beon to exist, and eases to exist icis necessary that the whole ac must at some time have bomito exist, and must ceas at some timeaecauso it had a beginning. For ali things must necessarilyae comprised in three periodao time-tho past the present, and the future. The commenc ment belonga to the past, existence to tho present, dissolutionto the future. An ali thes things ars seen in the case of men individually for me egi Whe we aro orn and we exist hil me live an me cerae hen e die. Ο Whichaccount therWould havo it that there ars three Parcae : ono
Thodium δημιουργος, tho Architect, or Creator, is sed is Plato and
who fixe tho we M liferior men tho second, ho,eaves it; the thies, who ut an finishescit But in the whole race of men, because the present time oni is seen, et iram it tho pastalso that is, the commencement, and the future, that is, thedissolution, are inferred. For sinc it exista, it is ovident thalat some timoritaegan to exist for nothing an exist Without a
it,ill at som time have an end. For that cannot as a Whole, bo immortat, hic consistam mortals For as, ali die individually, it is possibi that by some calami , ali may perishsimultaneo ly either through tho unproductiones of thsearth, whic somelimes happens in particular cases o throughthe genera spread os pestilence, hic osten desolate separato cities an countries o by the conflagratio of the worid, ascissaid to have happened in tho casei Phaethona or by a deluge, ascis reporte in tho time os Deucalion, When the whole racemas destroyed illi tho exceptionis one an Andri this delus happened by chance, it tot assuredishmo happenedthat he who a tho ni furvivo si uid perish But is homas reserve by the wil o divine providence, as it cannotas dented in recruit mankind, it is evident that the lis and thodestructionis the human race are in tho po eris God Andiicit is possibis for it to die altogether,aecauserit dies in paris, it is evident that i had amorion adisome time ansas the liabilit in deca, bespesis a beginning s also it gives proonos anend. is thes things aro true, Aristoti Willio unable tomaintain that the world also itfel hadiso eginning But is Plato an Epicurus extor this fro Aristoti se Plato and Aristolle, who thought stat the world Wouldio evertasting, Will, notWiinstandin their eloquence, e deprive of this alio is Epicurus, becauserit solioWs that ascit had a beginninn, it mustias have an end. But, Will spea of these things at greater longi in tho las book No letis reveri in the origin os man.
118 LACTANNUS. Boo II. of tho stare, stero existed a land of maturity for tho productio os animais and thus that the ne earth, rotaining the productive med brought fori of itfel certain vesseis alterino likenes of Wombs, respectin Whicli Lucretius sus, mbs re attache to in eari is mora; ' and that these When theyladae me mature, beinguent by the compulsionis nature, produce tende animias alter atas that thooarth itfel abo de With aliud of moisture hic resembled missi, and that animal mero supported by this nourishment. Ho' then, mere the abieri endure or moid the force of the colesor of heat, ominae bor at ali since the sun Would scorchinem e tho es contraci them But the say, at the e- ginning of the ori there a no inter nor summe aut a perpetua spring o an equabis temperature' hy, then, doWo se that none of thes things nomiappens Because, theysay, it Was necessar that it should Once happen that animaismight e bom; ut aster theyaegan to exist, and the o ero generation mas oven to them, the eari cerae to bring forth, and tho conditionis time mas changed. ii homeasy it is to refuto falsehoodsi In theraret place nothing an existin this orld whic domino continue permanent, ascit qgan.
di that divino overament, hic manages an rules theirco ses, ait to eo sit exercise together Wit them. Hine nexi place, i it is a the say there mustis necessi acta providen , and theniat into that ver condition hic theyespeciali avoid For hilo the animal mere et unbora, it is plain stat sommone provide that the ahould bo bora that thomori might no appea gloomy Wit Wasis an desolation. But stat thermio bo produced hom in earin Without thoossice of parendi, provisio mus have been mado it great judment an in tho nex place that the messium condensed homine arth might e forme into tho Various figures os bodios an also that haring received homine esset With hic the were covered the poWer o life and sensation they
Ripenem, or auit lenem. 3 utile bus, oe folliclea. Book v. 806. A perpetuat temperature and an equabie apring.
us, hoWEVer se Whether the circumstanc itast whiel thoyassert could have ahen place that men hould e bor homthe earth. I any one considera durintho long a time andiu hat anne an insant is reared, he in assuredi undem Mand that hos earth-bor children could no possibi havo been reare Without ome ne to bring them p. or theymus have lain sor many month cas forth untii thei sineWs ere strengthened so that the had pomer to move themselves an in tange stela place, hic can carcet happe Withinthe pace of ne ear No me hether an insant could havo lata inmug many monilis in the fame manne an in themme place Where it Was cast fortii, Without dying overWhel medan corrupte by that moistur of the earin whicli it supplied for the sine of nourishment, and by the excrement oscit oWnbod mixed togethori Therosor it is impossibi but that it
a reared by some ne unless, indeed, ali animal aro omnes in a tender condition, butimW up and it neve came
into their in to a this. heresors tho hole of that method is impossibi and vain is that cana calle methodis hic it is attempted that there hali e no method. Forho Who says that ali ining are produced of their W accord, and attributes nostinxto divino providence ho assuredi does no asser aut overthrows method. ut is nothingianae doneor produce Without design, it is lain that therocis a divino providence, to hic that hic is calle desim peculiarlybelongs Thereior God tho Contriveris at things, mademan. An even Cicero, though ignorant of the sacre Wri,ings, saW this, Who in his treatis o tho Lams, in thoraret MA, hande domn the samo thingis tho propheta; anda ad his
I xtricabilis,' that cannotio diaenis led.
man, a produce by the supreme Deit unde remata locircumstances for this alonem so many hind and natures os animais, partises of judgmen an reflection, hen ali thoranimal are destitute of them.' Do ou se that the man,
The sacre writinga contain statemenis to the fame effeci.
CHAP. XIII.-Wis mancis of two aeaees; hae is his frat death, and what the seeond and of iae auu and punishment ofour με paremti. When, thereiore He had rei forme the malo astor Hisown likeness, then He also fashioned oman alter the mage of tho man himseli, that the two by their union might o ableto perpetuat thei race, an to fili sis hole arthisit a multitudo. ut in tho mining of man himselfine concluded an complete in natur of those two materiati hic me