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Booxi. TNE DIUINE INSTITUTES 121 live has ita origin ascit ere, ut os heaven hom God thebody ut of the earth, o the dust os,hicli,e havo aid thati Mas formed. Empedocles-Whomao cannot teli Whether torechon among poeta or philosophera, sorte Wrote in verse respect- in tho natur of things, a did Lucretius and Varro among the Romans-determine that hero mere four elementi thalis, re air, mater, and arili perhaps fossoWing Trismegistus, who aid that our odies mere composed of these four elementab God for heraaid that stercontaine in themselves omethingi fire, somethingis ala somethingi mater, and somethingis earth, and yet that the were either fire nor air, nor Water nor e th. And these ining indeed ars no falso for the nature of eari is containe in the flesli, that fmoisture in thoilood that o air in the reain that o fim in the vita heat. ut neither in the lood e separate homilio Oh, as moisturo is from the earin no the vita heatiram the breath, Mire hom the ala so that o ali thing onlytreo elements are found the whole natur of hic is included in the formationis ouesbo . an theres e was made homdifforent an opposite substances a the worid iiset was madefrem tot an darkness), rem is an death; and ho has admonishedis that these tWoethings contend against eata other in man so that is the foui, Whicli has ita origin hom God gainsine master' i is immortes, and lives in perpetua light ii, ontho other hand tho bod inali verpo e the foui, an subjectit to ita dominion, it is in evertastinidarhnes an death.yAnd the fores of this is not that it altogether annihilates thesouis of the nrighteous, ut subjecta them to evertastingpunishment.
Herminat .nishment tho second death, Whicli is itfellatio perpetuat, as also is immortali . solius defino hosti death: Deat is the dissolutio of the nature o living
122 LACTANTIUS BOOK ILbeings o thus: Deat is the separation and foui. But, inus define tho secon death: Death is the sufferingos eternat piam ominus Deat is the condemnationis fouissor their deseris to eternat punishments. his does no extendis the dum,catue, Whos spirit' not being composed os God, buto the common ala, are dissolved is deast. Theroforo in his unioni heaven and inrth, in image of Whic is dovolopes in man, thos thinga hic belongrio God occupy the higher par namely the wul, hic has dominionisve theiody; ut hosti Whichaelong to the devit occupy the loWer pari manifestinthobois for his, Min earthin ovo tot subjecto the wul, a the eari is in heaven. For it is, ascit,ere, a vesset Whichthis heavent spirit maremplo M a tempora la elling. Thoduties of both Mo-for the lalter, hic is hom heaven and hom God is command but for the forme' hichris rom thoearth and tho devit, to this, indeed, did not escaposto notico es a dissolute man Sallust, ,ho says: But ali cur
mand the od rather in obey.' I had bes molici ho hinlised in accordanco wit his morti sor he was a flave to themos degradin pleas es, and he destroyed tho emcac of his sontimoni by the depravit os his life But ii tho out is fidi, a me have alioWn it ought to mount up to heaven a fire thalit ma nota extinguished that is, it ought is rise to thoimmortali 'hic is in heaven. An astra cannot burn and bo hept alive unles ita nourished by omo ricli uel in Whicli it may have a tenance so the fuel and food of the inulis rightoo nes alone, is hic it is nourished unis life Asterstes things, God hining made man in the manne in Which Ιhavs oinred ut placed hi in paradise, that is in a most fruities and ple ant gaesen, hic He plante in the regiona
bo nourished by thei various fruits and boing Deo rom alli oum, might devoto himself entiret to tho service of God his Father. Thonme gaus to him fixed commands by the observanceis .hichas might continue immortat orcisae transgresse them, bo punishod missi death. It was eniolae that he aliould notissimo one tres only hic Was in the midst of tho garden, in hic Maad place tho knowledge of good indivit Thenthe aecuser enuing the moris o God applied ali his de iis and artifices tolemito the man statas mio deprivo him ofimmortali diurat he enticed tho momin by fraud tori eth sorbiddon fruit, and through her instrumentalit he also persuade the an himself to transgress the la o God. There re haring obfained theanowledg o good and erit, hobegan ashame of his aetares, and hid himsoli hom
, are notrio underatant thia a amerting that tho mandived in idlenea' and Without an emplamon in paradiae for thia movi bo inconsistant missi in Scriptum narrative, hic tella ua stat Adam a placedinem to Me in ordon and reacit. I ia intended to excludo piandiland anxio dabo , Utaria the punishment of ain. Seo Gen. ii 17. Paradiae.' Anotae readiniis, ad dejiciendum hominem,' to overthrow the man. Circumvallavit,' place a barrier mund Se Gen. iii 24 Hopla d at the e t of the gardinis Eden cherubima, an a taminga ord, utich inmed every Way, to Mep the way of the tremos sile.
124 LACTANTIUS. Boo II. troacheroustyaegused that he might come to tho fato os death, and receive theanowledge of good and evit.' Thus the lis of manaecam limite in duration y ut stili ho ver long in-asmuch ascit Was extended is a thousand years And when Varro a no ignorant of this, hande down ascit is in thosacred Writings, and spreta abroad by the knowledge of ali, ho
io have live a thousand years Fo h says that among the Egyptians months are accounted Maeare so that the circuito the sun through the welvo signs of the odiac does notmis a ea aut the oon, Whicli traverses that signinearing circle in the space of thirudus; hicli argument is manifestly false For no ne then exceeded in thousandili ear Butnow the who attain to tho hundredili ear, hicli frequentlyhappens undoubtedlyclive a thousand and two hundred monilis. An competent authorities repor that me are accustomed tomach ne hundred and twent years Butaecause Varro didnotano 'hyi When the lis of man was hortened he himself shortene it, sinco eaneW that it was possibi sor man totius a thousand and four hundred monilis. CHAP. XIV.-ον Noah the inventor of Uine, fio fra ha knowle e of the stara, and of the origin offati religiona. But fierWard God, henino a tho arth filled illi Michetaeis and crimes, determined in destro mankind wit a deluge; ut ho ever sor reneWing the multitude, H Goss
Boo n. THE DIVINE INSTITUTES 125 dry, God execrating the wichednes os the forme age, that tholongin o lis mio no again e a cause os meditating evila, gradually diminished the age of man by eac successive generation, an place a limit at a hundred and tWent years, whia it might not e permitte to exceed Butae, When homen forin rom in Gh, as the sacre Writings informus, diligenti cultivated in earth, an planted a vineyard With hisown hand From hicli circumstanc the ars refuted horegata Bacchus as in author os mine. For he no only pr ded Bacchus, but also Saturn and manus by many gener tions And when o had firsi ahen sto fruit iram the in yaes havinga om mer , he drank even to intorication, and lay nised And when one of his sons, Whos name Was Cham, bad seen this, helaid not couer his sather' nahedness, but went out and told the circumstanc to his rother also. ut they, havinxtahen a garment, entere Wit their faces turned backwatas, and covered thei fallier. And when thei father' camo aWare o What had been done, he disomned and sent aWayliis son. ut he went into exile, an sotile in a part of that land whicli is nominiled Arabia and that land was called irom him Chanaan, an his posterit Chanaanites This a thesim nation hic Was ignorant of God sincerit prince and
sounde didiso receivo rem his lather the worshimo God, in cursed by him; and thus e leti to his descendanis
ignorance of tho divino nature. From this nation es the earest eos flowed a the multitudo increased But the descendant os his fathe were called HebreWs, among Whom the religioni tho trus God was est -
Laetantius underetanda the 120 yeara mentione Gen. i. 3 a thelimit os human ille, an rogarda it M a mar of severit o God' pari. But Chrysoalom, erome, Augustine, an mos commentatore, regar itrather a a signit God' patience and long-austering in ovincinem stata cedo repentanoe. An thia appearctoae confirme by the Apostlo Peter 1 p. iii 20 men onco the long-suffering o God malis in theta it Noah While the ais mas a preparing. mam. Gen. ix. 23. Thia refers to that prophetio denunciationi divine u menti thoimpie illam, Hin Noah by the augeationis thomoly Spirit, ulterinamius in posterit o the profane an Gen. ix. 25 curae be
tienemon aemunt of the injur received, but by the prophetio impulae oliue Divino Spirit.
shelter themselves in houm o account of the qualit of the atmosphere, and tho heaven is no overspretabit an clondsi stat country the observe tho ourses of the star' and thala obscurations, whilo in theis frequent adorations thermore caresuli and Deel beheld them Then Hismards, inducedis certain prodigies, ths invented monstrous figures of animais, that the might morini them in authors of Which, Will osenti disclom. ut in other' ho mere cattere overtho earth, admiring tho elements of the worid, began to orshipthe emen the sun in earin the ea, ithout an images and templos, and offered sacrifices to them in the ope ala untii in processis time the erecte temples and statues to tho mon merses hings, and originaled the practice of honouring themmith victim and odours and thus manderinthom theano
When, theresore the number of men hadaeguit in eam, God in His forethought les the devit, to hom rom thsa ginning Η had ove pomerisve the arth, should is his subtili either corruptis destro men, as he had dono a fidit, sent anget for the protectio and improvement of tho human
no hopo os pardon Therefore, While the abod among men, stat mos decolitui reser of the earin by his very association, gradualirenticed them to vices, and polluted them is interco semit momen Then, notaeing admitted into heminin account
the earth. Thus from angel tho devi mines them to becomo his satellites an attendanis. ut the who ero bor Dominem, Minus the were neuher angelsior men, but bearing akin o mised nature, em no admitte into heli, a their fainers ero no into heaven Thus there came to e twohindam demons one of heaven the oster of the earth. Thelatis are the wiches spiridi, the anthors of ali the erils whichare done and the fame devit is thei prince Whencearismegistus alis him the reser of the demons But grammarians say that the are calle demons, a though Gemones ciliat is, asilod and acquainto Wit matters for the thin that theseare ossi They are acquainted indoed, it man futuro Eventa, ut notisti, sincerit is no permitte thementiret toknow tho ounses of God and thoret e the are accustomedio accommodato their ansWors in ambiguous resulis The et both hno them to e demons, an so describe them. Hesiod thus speais Theso are the demons according to thowill o Zeus, Good, livingin the earin the Mardians of mortalmon.' And this is gaid for this purpose, becaum God had sent them a Mardians to the humanaace; but they themselves also, though tho ars in destroyers of men, yet wis themselves toappea af thei Mardians that the themselves may bo o
128 LACTANTIUS. Boo II. shipped, and God ma not be orshipped. The philosophersalso discus tho subjectis these eings. For Plato attempte leve to explain thei natures in his linquet; ' and Socratessaid that there mas a demon continuali about him, ho adbecome attachedri him hen a boy, by whose Will and directionhis lifo was guided. The artinis andio er of the agi alto-gether consist in the influences in f these in hed is homthendeceivo the sight of men it deceptivo illusions, so that the domo se thos things,hicli exist and thin that the seothos things hic domo exist These contaminated and abandone spirita, as I say, ander ver the whol earth, and contrive a solacerior theiriwn perdition by the destructionis men. Therelam they fili evor place With snares, decetis, frauds, and errore for the clin to individuias, and occupy Whole houses hom doorrio door, and assume to themselves the nam os genii; forinthis mota the translate demons in the Latin language. The consecrat them in thei houses, to these thendati pourout libations o wine, and worahi the wise demons asinod of the earth, and as averters of thos evil Whicli the themselves cause and impose And these, since spirit are Without substance an no is e grasped insinuato themselves into thobodies of men an secreti Wocting in thei in ard paris, the corrupi theaealth, hasten diseases terris thei fouis Withdreams, haras thei minia illi phrengies that by theso viis the ma compei me in have reco se to thei aid.
And the naturo Dat theso decetis is obscure to those hoare ithout tho truth. For thenthin that those demons profitthem hen the ceas is injure, hereas they have no poWer exceptrio injure Some ne a perchanc say that the are
pirations.' Blinding tricha, iureterim. Thor lavish. The mori impliea a profuse and ex salvo liberality. Thin,' una alantiat, as oppostario corporeat. The ancienta inclinedto the opinion that angela had c dy noldius that of man, but o a aliotan more subito nature Pro Ny Lactantiu reserario thia idea in uiangine moro tenuis. momo med thia leuciario Scripture immaniteati Augustino ovea an aemunt of these Moesta de civit. Dei, ix. 18. Thus tho ancient Romana,Mahippinaever Fear, etc. to avoid injury
only good ining amon men is pie .' An What piet is, hetestifies in another place in these Wotas: For piet is hoknowledg o God.' Asclepius also, his disciple, mora fullyexpresse in fame sentiment in that finished discoum .hieli he wroterio the hing. Each of them in truth, assim that tho
demons are the nemies an harasser of men, and n his accountarismegistus calis them Miched angeis sociar mache
CHAP. XVII.-That aalmista, Dothavita', and 8imilar aris ara the inventionis demons. Thaso ero the inventorsis astrology, and wothsaying, and divination, and thos productions hic are calle oracles, and necromancy, and the artis magic, and whateve evit practices besides these me exercise either peni or in secret. No
But thes sam authorities by thoi countenanco cause it tobo belloved that the are trus Thus the delude tho creduli os me is lying divination, eca scit is no expedient forinem incla ope the truth. Theso ars the who auot mento mae images and statues; ho, in orde that thermight turnaWay the inda os me fram the worahi of the rue God, caused the countenance of dead Engs, fashioned an adoratamith exquisite beanu, to be erected and consecratia, and assumedio themselves heir ames, a though the were assuming mme charactera. ut the magicians, and thos Whom inopeopte tres catl enchanter' When they practiso their detest learis, cali upon themantheir truo names, thoso heavenlymames Whic ars read in the sacred, itings. Moreover, thes impuro an mandering spiriis that the may thro ali hings into confusion, and Verspread the tand of me missi error' inter-weave and mingle falso things with true. For the themselves