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Boo m. TNE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 191 mar o consummate vanitri statae re his deat ho ashod his Dionds o sacrifico soraim a coch hic he had voWod to Esculapius ' o vidently feared testas siloaedae put Monhis tria be ore Rhadamanthus, the judge, by Εsculapius onaccount o the vo . Ushould consideraim mos mad is hohad died unde tho influenco os dise e. ut sincoas did this in his ound mind, ho Who thinis that ho mas is is himselfo unsound mind. Behold ne in hos times the is mancongratulatos himself acharingaeon borni CHAP. XXI.- the system os Plato, hieli ouldaead to the
Let us hoWever, se What it mas stat horaearne trem S crates, ho, haring entiret rejected natura philosophy, betoahimself to inquiries about virtus and uty And thusa dono doub that ho instrucis his earer in the precepta ofjustice. Thereiare, unde the eachingis Socrates, it did notescape the notice of Plano stat tho force of justico consist in equali , since ali are bor in an qua condition Theresoro h says the mus have nothin private or their Wn butthat the may bo eques, a the method of justice requires in must possem at things in common. This is capabis ot singendured, a longis it appearcto e spolien o money. Buthon impossibi and hoWonjust this is, Ι could sho by many things Letis, ho ever admit iis possibili . For grant states are mise, and despis money. To What, then, did that communit lea him in ages also, he says, ought o bo incommon; so that many me may floch together like dog to thosame moman, and he who shallio superior in strenn marsuc- ωed in obtaining her; or ii therare patient a philosophera thuma amat thei turas, as in a rothel. Oh the wondersulequalit os Plato Where then, ictho virtuo of hasti lwhere conjugal fidelit, And is you talis amanthese ali justiceis tari away. ut he also sua stat states Would e pro perous, ii ither philosophere mere thei hings, o thei hings ere philosophers. ut ii ou ere to give the fovereigntyto this manis suo justice and equit' ho had deprived somo of their -n properu, and oven to somo the properuit ostera, he ould prostituto tho modest o momen a thin Whichwas nover done, I domo say by aling, butio even is a tyrant.
1s LACTANTIUS. Boo III. But hat motivo di ho advance so this mos degradingadvie, The stato mill bo in harmony, and bound togetherwith tho Mnd of mutuat love is ali shal bo theaustands, and fathers, and wives, and childrenis all. What a confusion oftho humanisaee is this How is it possibi for affection to bopreserved here there is nothing certain to e loveda hut
estem a strange a a fallier but also a father as a strangor.
Wh should I say that it is possibio sor a Miserio be common, but impossibi sor a son, ho cannot e conceivod excepi Domon, The communit' heresore, is os to him alone nature herael crying ut against it. t remain that it is ni sortho salis o concord that he would have a communit os Wives. But thero is no more vehement cause of discords, than thedestre os ne momana many men. An in this Plato, lithave been admonished is no is reason, yet certaini is e
ample both of tho dum animais, hicli fight mos vehementlyon this account, and of men, ho have alWaya cari ted on ostsmere mare With one anotheri account of this matter. CHAP. XXII.- of the precept os Plato, and censures of the fame.
D remain that tho communit of hich, have spolienadmits of nothingislso ut adulteries and lusis for the ulter extinctionisi hic virtus is speciali necessa . Theresore
o viriues, but a communit os goods contain nothing eis thantho licentiousnes of vices. For men ho have many mistressesca be calle nothingislso than luxurious and prodigal Andilhemiso omen ho are in the possessionis many men, mustos necessit be no adulteresses, ecause the have no fixedmarriage, ut prostitutes and hariola Thereiare ho reducod human lise Udo not sani tho liken si dum animais, buto the hetas and brutes. For almost ali tho bitas contractmarriages, and are united in patrs, an desen their est' asthough thei martiag bed' illi harmonious mind, and cherishthelam n ounnaecauso therare ellanown to them infityo putisther in their Way the repet them But his imman, contrar to the customi men, and contrar in nature,
chos more seolisti objectam imitationa an since ho san that thetautiosis males and semales eremo separate in the caseos ther animais, he thought that women also ought to engage in Wartare, and tali araham in tho public counseis, and unde
VJuatice compriae Mihin horaest ali in virium. An inus Aristotio inlla her in mother es in other virium, Momae ah oheriise acu vero in her Maom an the rest.
194 LACTANTIUS. Boo III. tae magistractes, and assume commands And theresor hoassigne to them horae an arma it follows that he hould have assigned in men Woo and the loom, and the car in os insanis. or didae se tho impossibilitro What he said, Domino ac that no nation has existed in the world so oolisti or sovain acto sive in this manner. CHAP. XXIII.- of the error of eertain philosophera, and of
the might have acquire the glor os liberali . Democritusis pratsed Mauso herubandone his fields, and suffere thom to ecome public astures. I should approve oscit, it ho hadgive them ut nothiniis done misely hic is selos andavit it it is dono by all. ut his negligenc is tolerable. What hali I say ο him ho change his possession into money, hichas thre into tho se doubt,hetherae asin his senses, or deranged. Way, he says, ye erit destres, intost deop. I Will ast ou Way lesta mysel inould bo castina by ou. Dyo have so great a contemptrior money, emplo it in acta of hindnes an humani , esto it Mon
matris philosophera es lea reputo and fame. Cicero ape a o Tuditanua a Mattering one frum in matrum among the peoplo.
madman, that he places it amon vices an diseram. o depriis us os an asrection, hic involves almos ins holocourae os human lite For inco in natur os mancia more leobis tha that os in oster animais, Whic divine providoncehas armed illi natura mean o protection, ister is endum the severit of the Mason or in aes os attacis Dominoirbodies, ecause non os these ining has been ove in man, he has received in tho placo os ali ines thing tho affectiones pit' hicli is tres calle humani , is hic κε might
mutuali protect ach steri or it a man ero enderedaavago by the sight of another man, hic πε eo happen in the case of thos animias hic arei a solita naturo, there ut be no societ among men, o care or system in thebuilding os illas and thus lis Would no evenae sata, sincesto mea es of men ould both be ex sed to tho attacis of the oster animati, and the would rege among themselves alter tho manner o Wild Masta Nor is his mata aciem in therinings. For What cana said respecting him .ho asserto that ano
.ho bellet nothing on tho ari When the sun a ahining. Xenophanes mos foesishly belleve mathematiciam ho midinat the or of tho oon a eighteon times large than insearth and a Was consistent Wit this folly ho mi stat Within the concavo sursacis o tho oon there M anotherearth, and that here another raco os me livo in a similarmanne to that in hic Wo livo in his arct Thereiore thes lunatic hau another inoon to hold forin to them aiotis night, a this oes torus. An perhaps this globo os ursma be Moon to another eari belowstis. Seneca sus that there as ne among the Stoica who used in deliberat Whether
Animal es a solitary nature, as opposin to thom es gregari a habita.
CHAP. XXIV. O the antipodes the heaven, and the stare. How is it Mithritiose ho imagine that there ars antipodes opposite totur seolateps ' o thersv anything to tholum essor is there any one so sensetes acto belleve that there aremen hose ootaleps aro higher than thei head. o that thethings hicli illi us are in a recumbent position, it themhanii an inverte directions that the crops and tris gro do nWard. that the rains, and snow, and hail fallipWard tolli earth doe any one Wonde that hangin gardens yare mentione amon in seven onder of the worid, henphilosophera malis anging elds, and eas, an cities, and mountians The originis this error must also bo et forthb us. For themare alWays deceived in the fame manner. For,hen they have assume anything salse in the commence-ment of thei investigations led by the resemblance of the truth, the necessariisses into thos things,hicli are ita consequences Thus the sal into any ridiculous things be- cause hos things hic are in agreementisit falso things, must themsolves o false Bul inco the place confidenco in thoraret, the domo conside the character of thos thingswhiel follo' ut defend them in very Way Whereas theyought to judgerimm hos whicli solioW, whether horaret aretrumor false.
What coursei argument, thereiare, ted them to the idea fine antipodes They a the co se of the star travellingtoWaria the est the sin that the sun and the moon alWaysset toWard tho fame quarter, and riso homilio fame. ut sinco the di no perceivo hat contrivanc regulate theircourses, norino the returne fram the west to the east,aut
supposed that tho heaven iuel si e doWnWaria in very direction, hic appearance it must presentis account of ita immenso readin the thought that the worid is round like
Ha alludes to thoianong gardana es Semiramis at Babylon.
Boo ni. 'E DIUINE INSTITUTES 197 a ball, and thensancied that the heaven revolves in accordancemit tho motion os in heavenly odies and thus that thostar an sun When they have et by the ver rapidi ii thomotis of tho mori aro orne ac to the east. Theresorothey both constructed meten orbs, a though after in figureo the worid, and engraved pon them certain monstro images, hic the said ero constellations It solioWed, therelare, from this rotundit of the heaven that tho earth, enclosed in the midst oscit curve sursace. ut it this eroso the eart also itfel mustae like a globe so that could notpossibi bo anythinibu round whic Was held enclosed by that which was round But it the eari also ere round it must necessarit happen that it aliould present the fame appearancorio ali paris of the heaven that is, stat it should missalos mountains, extendistains, and have leve seas. An itinis mere so that ast consequenco also followed that heromould eis partis in eari uninhabite is me and thooster animais Thus the rotundit of tho eari lotas, in addiation to tho inventionis thos suspended antipodes. But ii ou inquiro rem thos Who defend theso marvellous fictions, hy at things do no sal into that lower par of the heaven the rapi that suc is the natur of things, thatheau odies aro orno to tho iddie, and that the aro alliolae together toWard the iddie, as Wo se spolies in amhoes; ut that theiodies Whic are light a misi, mae, and
lanxon vat thiniis another; ut stat Psomelimes imaginotha the either discus philosophy for tho sata os aciest orpurposely and knowin y underiis to defend falsehoods, asit to exercise or display their talent on falso subjecis Butashould bo able o prove by many arguments that it is impo sibi sor tho heaven to scio e than the arth, mere it notthat this book mus no be concludet and that ome things stili remain, hic aro more necessar for tho presentis h. An sine it is nodith Work of a singlo book to univer tho error of eae individualin let it o suffcient is have enum rate a se rom hic tho natur of the thera a M
198 LACTANTIUS. Boo III. CHAP. XXV.-O learning philosciphy, and what great qualisca
generat, that having strengthened our cause me ma conclude.
That greates imitatori Plato among our Writer thought that philosophy ma not so the multitude, because nono but learnedmen could attaturio it Philosophy,' says Cicero, is contented wit a fen judges, of iis own accord designedi avoiding the multitude.' It is no thereiare isdom, is it avoid the conmurse of men since, i Wisdom salven to man, it is ovento est,ithout an distinction, so that there is no ne at allWho cannot acquire it But therso embraco virtus, hic lagiven to the human race, stat the alone os ali appea in mishto enio that hic is a public good boingos enutous a d the shonid misti to in or ear on tho Ves of ther that the ma not se th sun. For What elso is it tyden misdomi men than toriae a V hom their mind the truo an divino lighil ut it tho natur of man is capablem Wisdom, it Wasbofittin stat both motamen, and country people, and Women, an ali in hori, ho bear in human fom, houldae tauotto e Wiso and that the eoplo hould e mugiit together hom every language, and condition, and sex, and age Ther fore it is a very strong argument that philosophymetther tendato isdom, nor is os uel misdom, that iis myster is oesymadeano nartho Mars and cloah of the philosophers. The Stoics, moreoVer, perceived this, Wh said that philosoph mas toto studio both is flaves and women Epicurus also, Who invites hos Who re altogether unacquainted illi letters tophilosophy and Plato also, Wh Wished in compose a stat of
The attempted indoed, o do that hic truth required;
but the were unablorio proceed beyond wotas. Fire aecause instruction in many aris is necessary for an application to philosophy. Common leamin mustae acquire on account of practice in readinnaecause in a great a variet os subjecta itis impossibi stat ali ining should e learne by hearing orretataed in the memor' mo lituo attention ala musti oven
metr also, an music, an astrono , are necessary, eca ethes aris have ome connection it philosophy and the holei thes subjecta cannotae learned by Women, Who mustieam Within the ear of thei maturit the duties hic ars hereaster about toae o service to them for domestic uses noris servandi, ho must live in service during thos years e metali in hic the ars abis to learn no by the oor, orlabourere, or rustics, Who have is gain thei dati suppor ista M. An on his account Tuli sus that philosophnis averso hom in multitude Butoet Epicurus mill receivo the Ignorant. HOW, then, Will the underetand thos things,hlehar said respecting the fidit principies of things, the perplexuties and intricacies of Whic ars Marcob attained in is me ofeultivaled minds Therosore in subjecta hic ars involve in obscurit' and eonfused by a variet os intellecta, and se in by tho studiod languam o eloquent men, What place is hora for tho unskilla an ignorant Lastly the neor tauo any omen tostud philosophy, excepi Themiste only, Within tho holo
Themisto is sal to havo been in mila es Leontius Epicurua is r porte to havo inten in heri Themiatoclea, the later o Pythagora is mentione a a ludent of philosopis Maide many oine momen indifferent Mes. Plato dedimisi to Phaedo hia reatis omino immortalit of tho ovi: Gordinito therino unis, Phaedo a ranaomed by Crito or Neibiades at in auraestionis Socrates.
200 LACTANTIUS. Boo III. weighed old a though to ransom the corpse of Hector, o toliave insisteLupo the paymen os more money than the fellerdemanded. oreover, the tauo non of the barbarians, wit in single exception o Anacharsis the Scythian, honeve Would have dreamed os philosophyaad homo previoustyleamed both language and literature.
tho demand of nature, but hic the were themselves unableto periam, andriam stat the philosophers could no effect is accomplis Doninis divine instruction; for that ni is is-dom. Doubiles the were abieci persuade any one ho dono even persuade themselves of anything o the wili crustithe destres, moderate the anger, and restrai the lusis o any one When they themselves bothbielyto vices, and achnowledgotha the ars verpo ered by nature. ut hat influone is exertexo the ouis of men by the precept o God because
Terenoe, Adelphi, iv. 1. Perillus inventin the brarentuli, hisi in tyrant Phalaria uaod amani trument of torture. t ma a constructed that ineamana es in victima Marina reaemble the belloWing of the buli. Thesbaptismal fonti