장음표시 사용
great pomer both of udging and of reigning. An respectingthis judinent an re n it is thus found in tho Erythraean
lis o plous an implous men. Not ali men, ho ever, hallthenae judged by God, but thos only who have been exercised in the religionis God For the who have not known God, Sinc sentence cannotae passed um them for thei acquitiat, areolready udged an condemned since the oly Scriptures testis that the wiched shalliso aris to judgment. heresorothorwho have known God shalli judged, and their deeds thatis thei evil Works, shallae compare and weighed against theirgood ones: so that ii those hicli are good aud jus are more and weighty the may beatve to a lis of blesseduess; ut is in evit exceed the may bo condemne to punishment. Mere,
472 LACTANTIUS. Mox vetperhaps, sommone mill say, Ι the ou is immortal, ho. is ii represente a capable of suffering an sensibi Os pnnis, montri or is it hal bo punished on accountis iis deseris, it is lain that it,ill e sensibi os ain, an evenis deast. Is it is not labierio death not even to ain, it follo. that itis not capable of suffering. This questionis argument is thus et by tho Stolos that the fouis of men continueri exist, and are not annitillatod by the interventionis deathri that the ouis momoVer of those
mancient crime, to mari inem pure.
clothed man, lihe this ou earthly bodnaut indestructible, and abidinisor ever, that it Vae able to hold ut against in tures and evertastingrare tho nature o whicli is different homiliis fir of urs, hicli,e socior in necessar purposes illia, and whic is extinguished untes it e sustaine by the fue o somo materiai. ut that divine fire alWay lives byitself, and flourishe without an nourishment nor has it anysmae mixed wit it, ut it is puro an liquid, and fluid asterilis mannis of Water. For it is no urge upWard by any force, as ur re, hic the inint of the arthi boh, bywhic it is held, and smohs intermingled compei testea fortii,
an to D upWaria to the natur of heaven, With a tremulous
The fame divinerare therefore, Mith one and the fame forcem po er, ill both burn the wiche and wil form them again, and wil replace a much ascit hali consum os theirbodies, and wili suppinitaeli illi ternat nourishment: hichthe poets transferred to the vulture o Tityus Thus, mithout any, tingis dies, hic regat thei substance, it Will only
474 LACTANNUS. Mox vitiburn and affect them it a sense of pain. ut . n m ahallhave judged the righteous,me ill also try them it fire. The the whose ins hali exceed ither in eight or in number, halli scorched by therare and burni: but the whoaesuli justico an maturit o viriue has imbued Win no per in that fire so they have somethingit God in themaolvo whictrepeis and reiecta in violence of the flame. So, at is thetore os innocence that the flame shrinhcho it Without doluharm; hic has received hom God this o ex that it barus the wiched, and is unde the command of the righteous Noli ho ever, te any one imagine that Quis are immediatet judgedastor deast. For at ars detesned in ne and a common lareo confinement untii the arrival of the time in Which in grest Judν shall,ahe an investigationis their deseris. Then thev Whos piet shali have been approve of Will receivo the rewardo immortali ; ut ther hos sin and crimes inan have been brought to light willio riso again, but mill be hidden in the samedishnes with the niched, Minidestined to certain punishmenti
Somo imagine that thes things are figmenta of the poeta, not knowin Whenco the poeta received them, and the mythat thes things aro impossibie; and it is no onde that it mappears to them. For the matte is relate by the poeta in amannor,hichris different Domino truth; for although theyare muc more ancient than the historians an orator' and other kind of writers yet Minus the wero ignorant of the secret of the divino mystery, and mentionis a future resurrecition had reached them is an obscure rumour,ae thenhandedi do u When caretessi and lightly heard aster in mannerii
iollo in sure authori , but mere opinion, a Maro, Who SVS
Although, thereiore the have parti corrupte the aecreta esthe truth, et tho matto iraei is found in o more me. causerit parti agrees,ith in propheis: hic is sufficient forus as a proo of the matteri et mme ream is contained in
Peratringentur imi atque amburentur.' Virg. m. 4 266.
Moxo. TNE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 475thei error. For When the propheta proclaimed Mith continualannouncement that the Son o God was about o judge thedeia, and this anno cemen did nodi cape thei notice in muta a thv supposed that there mas no ther ruter of heaven but Jupiter, the reporte that tho sonti upiter machiniinthodo e regions, ut notapollo, or Liber, or Mercurius, hoare a posed toto god of heaven, but ono .ho was both mortaland just, ethher Minos, or Eacus, or Rhadamanthus Theresoremit poetic licenco stercorrupted that whichahe had received; or the opinion ein scatiore throuo different outh and Vario disco ses, changed the truth. For in much as theessor told that when a thousand years had Men passed in the lowerregiona, thera vid againae restored is life a Maro saida δ
from ali defitemen me ma restore the fouis of the righteous to thei renewed bodies, and rais them to evertastin blesse&nem. Theresors the ther hings are trus, except the ateros oblivion, hicli then igne on his account, thatis onem hi mine this objection: hy, thereiore did therno remember that ther ero at one time alive, o Who they Were, o What thing the accomptishel But novertheles it is no thought probabie, and the whole matte is rojected a though licentio ου an fabulo ly invented. ut lienis assim thedoctrino of the resurrection, and teac that outi Will retur in another lite no Argetiu of themselves, but possesse of the samo perception and figure,' Me mei it this objection: Soman ages have no passed; hat individua ever aros homines ad that through his example e may belleverit tot po
sible ut in resurrectio cannot tali placo hilarunHON eousnem stili prevatis. For in his mori me M ales hviolence, by the Word, is ambush, is Misons, an aro visit mitti injuries, missi Want, Willi imprisonment, Wit tortures, and
wit proscriptions. Ad to this stat righteo nescia halia, that est,ho is to follo God areiso onb hel in hau ,
but are harasse Mith ali reproaches, and are tormento manisoldaind of punishmenta, and Merarive to th impions Morehimoi god made With ands, no is reason or truth, butis dreadies laceratio of theiriodies. ought me thereiore to is again to these sam Gings, orto rotum to a lis in hicli it is impossibio for them toto satelSinco the righteous, then, are so lightly esteemed, and in easilytaken Way, What can me suppos Mould have happenin is any one returning rom the dea had recovere lis is a re veryyos his forme condition ould assuredlyae tinen awayfrom the ves of men test, is he were Men or hines, ali menwith one accord should leave the god and betake themselves to the worshi an religio of the ne God Theres scit is necessar that the resurrectio aliould tahe place ne onlywhen evit shali have been ahenoway, sincerit is befitting thatthose ho have risen again aliould netther die an more, norbo injured in an way that the may be abieri passis happylis .hose deat has been annulled. But the poeta knowing that this lis abound with altiviis, introduced tho veri obli-rion, les the fouis remembering their laboum and eviis, should resus to return to the uppe regions enco Virgil sus:
For thendi notano homo When it mustriis place and thereiore the supposed that ouis ere bor again, and that the returne atres to the womb, and went ac in infan . Whonce also Plato, hile discussin the natur os the oui,
Boo vii. TNE DIVINE INSTITUTES. 477 says that i may boanown Domitiis that ouis ars immortaland divine because in bus mind areoliant, and eas of pe ception, and ecause the so quichi comprehend the subjecis whichaheyclearn, that the appea nodisten to bo leaminisor theraret time, butrioa recalling them to min&and recollectingthem in hic matte in Wis man mos laesishly belleuod
the poets. CHAP. XXIII.-O the resurrectionis the oul, and the proose of
this Dei. There re the wil not e bor again, hichris impossibi' but the willisis again, and bo lothed by God mith odies, and wil remember their forme lise, and ali ita actions and being place in the possessionis heavenly good' and enjoying
the pleas ei innumerable refources, the Wil give thanks to God inmis immediate presence, becausemo has destro Lallevit, and ecausem has alsed them tomis hingdom an toperpetualdiso. Respecting Whicli resurrectio the philosophersalso attemptexto spea a corrupti a the poets. For Pyth goras asserted that fouis passed into ne bodies; ut Molishly, that the passed rom me into catile, and from catile into men and that he himself,as restored fro Euphorbus Chrysippus saysaeiter Whom Cicero speis of a supporting the portico oftho Stoics, ho in the book Whichae rote concerning providence, hen he was speising of the reneWing of the worid, introduce theso ords But since this is o it is evident that nothiniis impossibie, and that me aster our death, When
certain period os imo have again come round are restoredio his state in Whicli, no are. But letis retur Dom
at the fame time, then a tengium flial send the wiche todarhnes inire But a many as are holy shal live againintho arth God ovin them at the fame time a spirit, and honour, and lise.' But is notini propheta, but even bards, an poets, and philosophera, agre that there mill eis resu rectio of the de , leti one ask of us hoW this is possibiersor no reason canae assigned sor divine oris bucit rem tho
Then the whorahal bo alivo in their bodies stati no die, ni during thos thousand years inali produco an infinito multu tude, and their ompring hal bo holy, and elove is God; but the who stat be alsed hom the dea ahal prosido overtho livin a judges. ut the nations inal no bo antirebextinguished, ut somo hali e lest as a victorydor God that the may be the occasionis triumph to tho rightoo , and may bo subjecte in perpetua flavery Mout the samo timealso tho prince of the deviis, hocis in contriveri an viis,shalla bound wit chains, and shal be imprisoned during the thousan years of the eavent res in hic righteo nemshali reign in the morid, so that he marcontrive no ovil against the eopte os God. iter His coming the rightoous hallae collected hominii the earth, and the udgmentaeing completerithe sacre cit shali e planted in tho iddis of thoisara, in
made more brilliant than the star' and sun and moon' Then
mox m. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 47s receive tho righines of the sun nor mill it e surther diministed but the sun mill become seven times brighter than itno. is and tho earin mill ope ita fruits uiness, andarinisorthmos abundant fruits of it om accord in roco mountians
and offerings, to adoro and hono the great Mng, Whose nameshallae renowne and veneraled is est the nations hich inaliberander heaven, and by the hinga horahali res o earth. CHAP. XXV.-s the last times, and of the ei os Rome. These are the things hic are spoken o by the prophet asabout to happen hereaster: ut Phave no considererit nece sar to bring forWard thei testimontes and Words, since twould bo an endles task nor ould the limita of my boohreceive so great a multitude of subjecis, since so many Withone reati spea simila things an at the fame time, est mearines shouldae occasioned to tho readem ita stauid eaptogether hings collecte and transferred Dominil momoVer,