장음표시 사용
s hen by the propheta, sor thensoretoid signs by Whicli tho
and thoir odios hal bo ruised by the hall, and thenshall
filled with carcases, and the platas shallae covered withaones; but lis eoplo os God during thos three dva ahalli comcealed unde caves of the earili untii the angeris God against themations and the las judgmentishallas ended. The the righteous hal go fori homineis hidinνplaces, and shali find ali thing covered with carcases an bones. ut the wholo race of the wiched shal ulteri perish; and thereshallis longe bo an nation in his orld, but in nationis
mahe offering to thei Lord, and servemim for overi At thesam time shali tali place that seconLand public resurrectiono ali in hic theonrighteous ahal be mised in evertastingpunishments These are the who have Worinippe the workso their oKn hands, Who have eithe been ignorant of or have
Boo mi. TNE DIVINE INSTITUTES. 483dente the Lord and Parent of the worid. ut their lord with his servandi hali e seige an condemne to punishment, together missi Whom est the and of the wiched in accordancemith thei deeds, hali e burnicior ever With perpetua fire in the sight os angel and the righteous. This is tho doctrine of the holy propheti Whicli, Christians follo ; his is ur Wisdom, hicli the who orshil irail objecta, or maintain an empi philosophy, deride a soli and
vani cause, are not accustomed to defend and asser itin public since God ordersos in quietnes and silenco totide His secret, an to kee it Withi ou own conscience and not to trive ith obstinate contention against hos Who re ignorant of the truth, and who rigorousi assai God an His religio not for the ahe of earning, ut o censurin and jeering Foris myster ought toae mos salthfuli conccaledan coVered, speciali by us, ho bear the nam o faith. in But the accuse his silence of urs, a though i mere theresultis an vi conscience Whence also the invent sonae detest te things respecting thos Who are hol andalameless, and willingly bellove theiriwn inventions. But ali fictions havo o been ushed mos hol Em- Peror, since the time heia the great God aised the ut forthe restorationis the ouse of justice, an for the protectiono tho human race for hile thou rules the Roman state, emorshippers of God are o more regarde a accursed an dimplous. Since the truth no comes fortit from obscurity, and is rought into light, e re no censure a unrighteous who endeavouro perform tho oris os righteousness. Noone any longe reproaches iis With the nam o God Nonoo us, ho are lone os ali me religious, is an more called
irreligious since despising the image of the dead me morshi pthe living and true God. he providence of the supreme Deityhas alsed the to the imperia digni , that thou mightest beabie illi true piet to rescin the injurious decrees of thera, to correct aulis, o provide illi a sathee clemen rior the
Le. tho laithfae,' a titio osten used to designato Christiana. Thia addreas to Constantino is mantinii som vis and editiona, butis inserte in the lex hy Migne, a found in somo important MM., and Min accordance With the stylo and spirit os Lactanti . R Jam emergente atque illustrata veritate.'
For the who iste to ahe way the worini of the heavent and matchless God that the might defand impiosis superstitions lie in min. But thou Who defendeat and lovest His name, excellinii virtve an prosperit' enio si infimmorta glories it the greatest appiness. The sine and have suffere the punishment of thei gulit. The γπeries right hand of God protecta thee immisit dangere He bestomon theo a quiet and tranquil reign, Wit insaighest congratui tions o ali men. An no undeservedi has in Lord and Ruler of the world chosen the in preferene to allisthere, uwhomme mi t rene His holy religion since thou Hono diduexist os ali, ho mightest afford a surpassing exampi os virine and holiness in hic thou mi testino oni eques, but also, Whicli is a very great matter, excet the glorros ancient princes, Whom neveriheles fame rechon among the good Thomindred perhaps is nature ni resembled the righteous. Foras hois ignoranti God the Ruler of the universe ma attain is a resemblanceis righteousness, butae cannot attain is righteou nos itself. ut thou both by the innate sanctit of thy ct racter, and by thyincknowledgment of the truth and of Godin every action, dos fuit perioris the work of righteousnem. It was thereiore efiitin that in arranging the conditionis the human race tho Deit should malis ussis in authoriban service. Whomo supplicate illi ait pruere, that II may especiali guata the whomine has mished toto theguardian os the worid then statino may inspiro the wit a dispositio by Whicli thou mayest always continue in the love of the divine ame. For his is serviceablo to ali Mario
Singularis. Profligati jacent. Conmmmaa. Decunia septem spatiis,' n expremio borro in hom in charistraco here applied to the seven book of thiarimatiae.
lliat mos jus Judge and indulgent Father, Who in th placeo labo a oves est, in the place of deat lite in tho placo os dataneas rightness, an in the place of shori and earthly
muc more dreadfui than these mustae endured, amely the prison, chains, and tortures: ain must e undergone in aliori, deat irael must e underlahe and orne, hen it is clear in ur conscience that that res plerauro illiso bomithout punishment, nor virtve Without a divine reWard. Ali, thereiore, ought to eudeavour ither o direct themselves tothe right Way as Oon a possibie or, havin underlahe and
by the attractions o pleasure. An the more early ach ne, as his years inclin to id
age, ees tot the approach of that da in hieli ho must depari rom his life let hi reflect ho h may leave it in purity, hoWae a come to the Judge in innocen ; notissiliendo, to hos dar mind the light is dented, ,ho, henthe strength of thei bodymo fatis, are admonishod in this os the las pressing necessity that the should Wit greater eam nes and ardour appi themselves to the satisfyin os their lusis. From hicli abyssciet very ono reo imself hilaritis permitte him, While the opportunit is present, and l chim turn himself to God with his holo mind that he may ithout anxiet a ait that day, in hicli God thoraule an Lord of this orld, hali judg the deed and thought os ach. Whateve things are here destred letaim notini neglect but also avoid them, and letaim udge that his Mulcis of greator valuethan thos deceitsul goods, the possession of hichris uncertain and transito so the tali thei departure very day, and the go fori much more quickl than the had entered, and is it is permitte us to enio them even to the last thermus stili, ithout doubi, e lest to thers. e canoahenothing With us, exceptis mei and innocenti spent lige. That man mill appear besors God illi abundant refources that
is provide an acquire sor himself these good. Lut those Who area ungry come thataeing sed missi heavenlysοod the may lay aside thoi lastin hunger; et hos Whο
Quorum caecis mentibua lux negatur.' iners read Quidam cieria mentibus viri.
Boo vii. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 487are thirs come that ths may illi ut mout dra forti, the water o salvation rom an versso in fountain. y this divino ood an drin tho lindrihail both see, and the deas hear, and the dum speah, and the lam Walh, and the oolishshal be wise, and the sich shal bo strong, and tho dead shali come toriis again. For hosve by his virtuo has tramplodupo the corruptions of the arth, the supreme and truthsul arbiter mill rais him to lis andri perpetua light. et no
and tollo ing present things, hali prostrate himself upo theground mill e punished asin deserter fro his Lord his com
Commentarias in the Iti antioris estoteris.