장음표시 사용
man worships the true supreme God another Jove; ne prays illi suppliant hand lis ted ut to eaven another lay them po the
beas is, and to malae it capita tot the death of any of these indso deities. ver province an Cityia it proper ods, a Syriath god Ashtaroth, Arabia has Disares, avaria Belinus, Africa the Celestiat Virgin, and mauritania thei aings No- these pro
vicinam movi int. Max Majores nostri esse voluerunt Henc that of Silius Ille etiam qua frisca Fides stat Regia, nobis Atire Tarpeia sonet Capitolia ruge. There as likewis one Fidius, a Sabine god, hos temple was upo themons Quirinalis. e was the od who oo care of allis, henc that o Plautus in Asinar, Per Divum Fidium quaeris. his ath as sterward contracte intoone ord, Mediusfrius, though Festus Pompeius expound it therwise, quasi διός flius, lib. i. : Nubes numeret orans. The wis and good Socrates a lashed by Aristophanes in his rιbibus foris orshippe of the clouds, ecause he worshippedili one true o with yes liste uinto heaven like the Christians, ho havingin a Gentile senseraeither temple image, nor altar, a the eathen inminutius Objecis, ere Charged, a Tertullian intimates, sor adorin clouds; ut how that in inutius is to e undet stood, I refer the reade to m notes pon that PaSSage. Scaliger understand this of Juvenal of the Christians, an readscit
I frater Nubes et Coeli Numen adorant. SFris Ariamus Eusebius stom Sanchoniathon ill have it to e Venus,
Coelestis. This celestia virgin a peculiari honoured a Carthage, an is supposed by Somerio be Iuno, though there is huge controvers about it Andthe res of the idols here mentione are so obscure, and so much disputed that Ibelleve the reader ill than me is I say no more abo ut them.
vinces i mistae not are unde the Roma jurisdiction, and yet I domo find any of the Roman od in orship among them
beCaus the god of thes Countries are a litti known a Rome asmany of the municipat deities in severa town in taly, a Delventinus o Casinum, Visidianus os Narni, Ancaria os scoli, Nursia o Volsinium, Valentia of Ocricoly Nortia of Sutri, and Juno of Monte Fiasco, ho was Worshipped by the nam os Curetis in honour of her ather Cures. ut e Christians, e lone areth peopte horare no tolerate to enjo a Separate religio properto urseives; e offend the Romans, an are noto be ooked Upon a RomanS beCause e do notisorshi the God of the RomanS hoWever, e have his advantage, that God is the Godo ali, hose e re ait, hether e Wil or no but there is universal toleration among ou to a divine honour to any but
I ΗΑV noW, in m opinion, give sussicient proose of the false and the true divinity havin no oni dispute an demonstrate this
in m Way, Ι illiso decline the combat am challenge to by the presumption of those ho a that the Romans arrive tofuch a pitch o grandeur a tot master of the orld by the pure
Romanos fro aerito Religiositatis diligentissima in tantum Sublimitatis elatos. That the Roman greatnes Was not win to the Roman religion Prudentius prove at large lib. ii adver. Θmmacis. Sed multi duxere Dii per prospera Romam, Ouos colit ob meritum magnis donata Trium is, Erio ago, Bellatrix, qua is Subjecerit, ede. And inutius is ver particular upo the fame head butiecause he has horrowed so many hinis rom Tertullian, and is subjoine to this Apology, I willio sorestat the reader However, that the Roman value themselves as extraordinary
neve suffere his own Creterio have Come unde the Roman rod; unmindiu of the Idean Cave and the never-to-be-forgottent OiSe the Corybantes made to drown his infant Cries, and of the agreeablesweets of his fragrant nurse the Goat Amalthaea. What would noti have referre his own om before an Capitol, and madethe Country hicli contained Jove' ashes the mistres of the
lavourites of heaven upo the account of thei grandeur, is evident sto that os Valerius, lib. i. Non Mirtim igitur si ro eo imperio augiendo custoriendos. Ipertinax Deorum indumentia semper excribuit. M. Aurelio- en to die decina sexto alend. Aprilium. Thus Dion
Cassius of the Same emperor sayS-τοῦ ἔπτα α δ κατα του Μαρτίου ροτηλλαξεν.
Quia cineres ovis exit. There is hardi any one hin more tallie of than Crete by the poets an historians, and the Christians apologisis, here JoVe Wasborn, red, and buried. Thus Virgil Dictaeo Coeli gem pavere sub antro. Thus Si Cyprian de LGI. an. Antrum mi in Creta visitur in the
sussere her elove Carthage, more elove than Samos, o have been sacked an ruine by the deteste race of Trojans sor know her passion for this Cit stom our Wn Virgil:
Even Iove himselfisus ben to late.
Hie illius arma, Hic currus fuit, hoc Rernunt De Gentibus esse, Si qua ut sinant, jam tum tendus. Ἀσαρ. D stat Pupiter ipse.
curiosities ad thei firs conceptio in Numa' brain, and et durin his reig the Roman worship a Without illier statue ortempte, their old religion asin thrist plain religion, Withou any
md concepta est Curiositas Stiperstitiosa It has been objected that theconsent of nations init argue anything, argues sor olytheism, that hein more universat, an consequently more natura than the worshi os ne od ut this is a very Molisti objection so there is in ali mankin a propensit toreligio in generat, a there is an inclination to eat an drin in ali an asit is test to the directio of ur appetites liat e hould choos to eat anudrini in particular, o scit est o ou reason hat we hould worship; ut toeat an drin and worshi something, e re ali inclined though osten abusedas to the objeci. It is his natura propensit to religio designin me strihein illi and the would neve appl to it so universali di the not in alim an hin readit disposed sor divine orship an atheis has been lookedupo as a mons ter in ali ages. Thus it was that Numa Pompilius orked upontiis subjecis, and procure an implicit veneration to ali his institutions h pretendin an acquaintance illi the oddes AEgeria. Nuna Pompilis, et t sulum Romanum sara is obligaret, volebat videri sibi cum De P eria
confrenus erae nocteternos, efιSque monitu accepta Diis Immortalibus sacra instituere Valer MaX. lib. i. CaP. 2.
Fruit Religio, etc. Varro says that the Roman worshippe their god onehundred an sevent years ithout an image, and thinys the had been helter serve had there been o mages madea an this frugalit in religion las te tolli conques of Asia, usque ad devictam Asiam, says lio, lib. xxxiv. Thus Ovid, speahing of the ancient simplicity SayS- iusiur exigua vix totus stabat in AEde, que iovis dextra fluiae Fulmen erat. In Fast. 3, an in like manne Iuvenal-Hanc rebus Latiis curam grauare solebat Fictilis, et nullo violatus Lusiter auro. Vid. Cicer ParadoX. I.
Capitolia certantia coelo Capitol vin Mi heaven Agreeablerio hichMartia thus describes it Nec Capitolini sumnarum fenereale Tonantis, sit eque nitent Coelo proxima Templa suo.
For, mistahe not, hingdom or empires are go by ars. and propagate by victories, and War an victories for the mos partconclude in the Captivit an desolationi cities. An this sortis bufines is no likel to e despatche without reading ponreligion for the walis of aclown and thos of a temple are attered both alike-priesis and eople lain Without distinction and theptundering soldier illis more pardo the riches of the god thanthos of men. The Romans therefore a Compute thei Sacrileges by their trophi es, an teli ho many god the have triumphedover, by the nations the have conquered; and witha remember that at the statues of the captive deities no in the temple are ut so many potis of War. And et these od wit endure to be orshippedi sucii nemies, an decree them a perpetuat empires for so doing, hen in honour the ought to e revenged pontheir utrages, ather tha be Moled by thei adorationa ut godsWho have netther sensation nor noWledge a b injured with asmuch impunit a the are serve&with vanity. Certaint it cannotenter into any one' head to imagine that the Roman gre to thisbul of greatnes by the influence of religion, ho a I have
TUA Lmseritim sine ne decerntini. Tertullia frequently quotes VirgilexpreSSty, hicli akes it probable that in these ord he alludes to a like passage in that poet- serium sine ne dedi.
pulis do Nn cities, under hom anhin onee sojourne Without an Cities at all. Why ill ou thus persis in errori For ancientuncultivate Romes is ancienter than many of your gods. he hadher hingsaeire he had suci a circumferenCe of her round ahenup ith a capitol. The Babylonians, and edes, an Egyptians, an Assyrians, an Amazons ad ali their ingdonis es ore ourΡontim, and Quindecemviri, an Salii, an Luperci,ere thoughtos Aster ali, had the Roman od been the dispenser of ing-
Sinis stris Roma Wil uncultivate Rome in hicli state Virgil thus
describescit, Gn. Hinc a Tarseiam Serim, et Casitoria ducit, Aurea nunc, olim S vestribus horrida dumis. Foederibus. Concerning the alliance an frequent leagues of the Romans wit the Jews, M. achab. lib. i. cap. 8 lib. i. cap. I, etc. and JOSePh. lib. xiV. P. 486, lib. xvi cap. Io, p. 562. ut for offering Sacrifice to the odos the Jews I canno find though Heraldus assirmcit, and rom Josephus.
a ciladel. Whicli ind of our are by his secret injections modisie an suborne to that perversenes of judgment, and Savage injustice againstras, hiChes mentioned in the eginning of m Apology. For although the whol force of demons an such hin os spirit is subjecte to us, et like ther rebelliou SlaveS, thei feariis mixe with contumacy, and it is thei meat an drinhio be urting those homotherwis the are astat of sor Servile Par inspires liatred.
and et hen e apprehen them, the surrender an submit tothei condition and whom the batile at a distanc the beseechatiand There re hen by thei instinctoo treatis the rebeis,
like Servile punishmento he thus, Psay, Dyo thei instruments the brea out against us, in hos power the are for the knoWthei imparit fult well, and thei malice istut the more nrage at
Fruendae rerum mali nitati de Poeno more. And ali the lucid intervat theyhave so this devilis enjoymen is but untii the da os udgment.' In these ordsour author plaint alludes to the econ Episti of St. eter i. - For is God spare no the angel that inned, ut ast them down to hell, and delivere them into chain os darkness, tot reservexunto judgment.' An this alluSion, in a potnt of doctrine, in some measure proves that this Episti Went sor
BUT ecaus it seem manifesti Wron to dra men to SaCrifice against the natural reedom of their Wilis, SinCe, as I have else-where declared, religio must be a pure ac of the will, it mustneedsi ver Molisti to pres men to the service of the godS, hom
Pro salute Imperatoris sacri care. When Herod and his ather Nicetes took ut Polycar in to thei coacti the attempte to persuade himis of his resolu
tion to Suffer, in his sorinos ordS, τί γα κακον ἐστιν ειπειν, κυρα Καίσαρ, και ἶσαι
και διασωζεσραι. Where is the ham to say, O Lor Caesar, an to Sacrifice, and so save ourself V And when the martyr was roughi es ore the tribunal the
of the atheisis, that is, the Christians These an such like were the formsupon whichahentri ed Christians Vim Euseb. Ecc. Hist. lib. v. Cap. 3, P. 3I. Citius Henigne astud vos Tutius fer ovis Gensem seserare, quam erit at
FIRS there re mahe it appea that those o sacrifice to an proieci ither ing or subjecis, and then Charge us With treason against god an men for i anget o demons, spirit essentiallywiche or of the mos destructive nature, an e the author Ofany good i spiriis os and undone themselves an Save therS,
lino insola ConSCience our od to e can defend the living, pra Whyio the no defend in therars place theiriwn statues and image and temples, hieli in m opinion are defende by Caesar'sguards, Wh hee Walch and war for thei security. ut thematerials of theseo thin come sto Caesar' mines and the temples dependis Caesar' nos and lastly many of the gods have fel Caesar' displeasure anxi he has been propitious to the odS, and liberal, an bestoWed privileges pon them, it stili mahes forour cause Thus the ho is it likely that the who are a Caesar'snod, a the ali entiret are, hould e 'he uardians o Caesar's life Is it no more lihely that the od should e in Caesar'skeeping than Caesar in theirs What are e traitor to the
iurandasque tuum per nomen ponimus aras SVS Horace. For he who wore salsely by the od was note only by the cenSors, and exposed to hame. Vid. Ciceron lib. iv. de Resub But ne perjured by the genius o Caesar a severet bastinacloed, and exposed into the argain. Forthus Says Ulpian lib. xiii. de iurejurando. Siquis juraverit in re fecitniaria fer Genium Coesaris, et pejeraverit, etc. In erator noster cum Patre rescripsis, fustibus eum castigorraeum dimis re, et ita ei super i προπετως ω δανυε, se utanter ne jurato.