The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

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indeed o have cancelle this relation, and by ein inhumanbrethren have forfelte the ille of men; ut by hat divine ties

Omnia indiscrem sunt apud nos, etc. r. Potter observes rom ence thalamong many theraeasons hy a certain proportio for the maintenance of the clerg was no fixed by the apostles, his asine, that there could ei occaSion

to determine the portio then, he mendat at the had at their Dei and thesam reason held good to ur Tertullian' time, foris says here that Christians had ali hings in common but thet wives. Vid. r. otter's Discoune of Aurch Uernment, P. 34. Poni observe further, hat great veneratio is due to the writer of thoSe ages, hen men value nothingiui religion, and followed Christin the ighest expression o charity, in sellin ali the had sor the supportis ChristianS.


lighted up, very one is invite forti to in prat se to God, eithersu his he collectifrom themoly Criptures, o SuChlas are of his o nComposing and by this you may judge of the meas ures of drinhingat a Christian east. An d a Wetegan, o e Conclude ali in prayer, an de par no like a parce of heate bullies for Couring the Street an hillin and avishing the nexi e me et, ut illi the

Post aquam lanatalem et metina, Ni quisq. I de Scripturis sanctis, vel de proprio ingenio potest, frovocatur in merium Deo canere. Pliny, lib. X. P. 97, reporis i as a main par of the Christian worship that the me togetherie redanto Oin in singin hymn to Christ a God These hymns ere alie eitherout os the Hol Scriptures and the compiter of the Asostolica Constitutions mentions the 33rd Salm, lib. viii. cap. 13, p. O23 , o elSe Such a Were de proprio Io Enio, of their own head of their own composing for it was Sual atthi time or an person to compose divine songs in honour o Christ, and Singiliem in the public assemblies, tili the Counci of Laodice ordere thatio son Scomposed by private person Should e recite in the church, Can. 59. The dispute etween us and the dissenter is bout the sense of this phrase, de proprio orenio, hicli the wil have to signis eXtempore raptures, in vindicatio of theiriwn effusions against Whichahe Reverend r. Bennet argue thus That allowing this hymito e extempore, et it made noth in to the PurpOSe,untes it could e prove that the congregation Oine in ii. Secondiy, hedentes the fac that the psalm as extempore, ecause no Such thin a an extempore Sal was ver ear of thos o David, though inspired, erenotWithstandin precomposed Nor oes Sinon de profrio Ingenio Salin os their own composing impi that the were extempore psalms, sor Salm de profrio Ingenio are in this place opposed to psalm de Scrip aιris Sanctis, ahen Outi Scripture, an notrio recomposed ones Thus, that judici ous person in his ver laborious an very valvable Histor of Set Fornis os rarer, p. 243, whicli Phadiso the satisfaction to se tit it a to late to ad an improve ments romai tomyiwn remark upo that passage Sine morat ore quia de Pectore, and there re recommend the reade to his eloth hapter, p. 93, where he will find this phras larget an substantiali trealed But after ali, SuppoSin theSe hymn to have been extempore, et it is grante on ali handythat theraeasonis miracles and inspiration a notive in Tertullian' time, and therefore i is great contemptis authorit an presumption in them to pray the Same way, ill the can Prove the have the Same gisis, speciali Since theyfin ali suci effusion censure an sorbid by the Counci o Laodice ali eady

ei ted.


are et together, an regulate With so much discipline and order, Such a meeling, I say, is noto be calle factious, ut as orderly

O the Contrary factiosis a name hichielong to thos only ho conspire in the atre of the good an virtuous, and rem onStrate fuit Cry sor innocent lood, heltering thei malice unde this ain pretenCe, that the areis opinion, forsooth, that the Christians areth occasion o ali hemis hie in the worid. f Tiberivernows, and Nile oes not i heaven stand stili and withhold iis ain, and the arth quakes is famine or pestilence ah thei marChes through the Country the word is, Away illi thes Christians to thelion Bles med hat, o many peoplerio ne lion ra teli me What avoc, hat a might fati of eople has been made in thewori an Rome efore the eig o Tiberius that is, e re the adventis Christ 3 e read os Hierannape, and Delos, and RhodeS, and o, Stand swept way ith many thousand of thei inhabitants. lato telis of a trac o land bigger than Asia an Africa together, deuoured by the Atlanti Ocean. Besides, an earlhquakedrank up the Corinthian ea, and an impetuous orce of Water toreos Lucania rom Italy, andianishe it into an istand Whicli oesno by the nam os Sicily. No these devastations os holeCountrie I hardi belleve ou ill en to e public calamities.

Si Tiberius ascendit in Moenia, statim Christianos ad Leones. The overflowing o Tiber allookedipo as an ill omen, as e Se by thatis Horace, Vidimus flavum Tiberim re ortis, etc. That it a the hard late of the Christians tot continuali charged a the Causeo ali the public calamities, e in byrat Cypr ad Denaeir. p. 97 and in the Ver firS page of Arnobius a . Gent. Nay, solo and lastin Wa this calumny, that he the ollis an Vandalchrohe in pon the Roman empire, St. Austinwas oblige to rite his book de Civit. Dei, to silence his objection. An solihewisessor the fame eason did Orosius a St. Austin's equest rite his evenbook of history. An Melito, Bishomo Sardis, in that fragmentis his orationwhicli, have in Eusebius, urgues the fame design. Vid. Eus L . Eccl. V. cap. 26, P. II 9, 12Ο. Whoeve has a minest be more particulari acquaintelwith the histor of the followin calamities ii meet illi reserences in abundance in amelius, and theres ore I shal Sa nothin to them.


inio alestine When the adjaCent Countries of Sodom and Gomorrahwere Consum edi a Stor Osire the and smelis of burning to this Jay, and the apples that gro there are agreeable to the y only, but turn to ashes pon the OUCh. Besides, e have notin ordos complaint against the Christians sto TusCan or Campania, hen Heaven ho his flames pon Volsinium, an Vesuvius dis harged his pon ompeium. a there any orshippe of the rue God at Rome when Hannibal made suChlavo of the Romans at Cannae, and

candi of the Lord, ould have te them, the had certaini Munditie God the looked sor, and consequently ould have Serve Himonly, Whom the found to e the ni God an by this means have experienCed is mercies ather than is udgments. Butno the lie unde His jus judgmenis, and which to the have fel longies ore the nam ei Christiana ad alein in the worid, and WhOSe good man enjoyed long efore he had made imself any


gods. Why illae notae persuade to thinii that theraeing holia done hi the good Withou any thanks for his blessings, is thesam Being that does him the evit sor his ingratitude, since very person is sociarauit tyras heris uiathanklal ΘHowever, is, enter into a Comparison os ast an presentCalamities, e hal find the a Count much abate since the Comingo Christianity for since that time the innocence of Christians has tempere the iniquities of the age, and there have been a se of men hoane the right way o deprecatin the engeance of God. Lastly When e re in great an O rain, and the ea in anxietyabout the suCCeedin fruits then O are at our ballis and debauches, and offering Our ater sacrifices to Jupiter, and orderin procession o bare o for the eople. o loo sorheaven in the Capitol, an gape to the Cloud upo the Ceilinguo dissolve in rain, Without Ver turning ou eye to the true heaven, and applyin to the rue God, hocis the ni hel in time of need. But then in his rea drought, e Christians sympathige illi thewori and dry up urseive a it ere illi faSting, and are XCeed-ingi temperate in ali respecis, dissering the mos frugal meat oflife and ollinii sackCloth and ashes an in his pitiabie posture we noch aloud sor admission of ur prayers illi a much importunit ascis, Would bring odium pon heaven or denying urpetition and when, have, ascit ere, extortediit stom ou God by the violenCe of prayer then, orgooth, ou Jove muS have thehonour of the grant.


Aquilicia mos immolanitis These Aquilecta ere the sacrifices offere toJupiter unde great carcit of water, propter aquam eliciendana and thence called Jupiter Elicius, accordin to that of Ovid. Fast. lib. 3.

Eliciunt coelo te etsiser, inde minor Nunc quoq te celebrans Eliciung. I vocant.


almightines against the Christians p


gratitude to God ou Lord, the Creator os ali hings and we rejectnothin He has ad for the se of man. We re indeed very temperate in ur Moymenis, and Cautious in transgressing the bound of ea son, an abusing the favours of His indulgin pro

x laque non sine foro, non sine macello, non sine balneis, etc. o may

observe seo hen e that the Christians of old, a devovi an religious a theyutere, et the converse an trade With the eathen orid, vere active and diligent in thei secular professions, an refuge no calling hateve that was innocent in iself and useful to the publica sor ad the been neve so good, and live onlyrio God and themselves in ood an cloisters, the hadiso beenshining lighis, ut candies unde a bushel. Fighers of men must converse illi multitudes, o spread their et to greater advantage an for large draughis; and we n by at the apologist that the caught a many by thei exampleS, and preachen a powerfult with thei lives, a thei sermons Anil a the Jewswer haled for thei reservedness, selfigliness, an ill-nature, and theresore madelitile progress So, o the ther and the Christians ere a much admire event, their nemies for the weetnes of thei temper, thei patience anuinboundeucharity, and there re prea the more prodigiously. No=a lavor diluculo alti alibus, etc. The Saturnalia ere note Dasis in the monili December, tesse times o liberty, herein the servant ali sat attable and the masters aited. See more of this in acrobius, Saletlrnal. lib. i. cap. 7. An December bein a colo season, our author eeringi telis them thath di not much like bathin s early, and that it was time enoughrior ashing


and ein made tis With old he he was ead alludin to the custo ofwashing the dea which was very ancient accordindito that os Ennius-Zargitinii Corsus bona emina lavit et unxit. The λουτρα πανυστατα aS Electra in Euripides calliit , extrem Washings, o wasL in the dea hodies, was counteda necessar a thing that to ard the conclusiono Plato' Phaedo, sec. 47 Edit. Cantab Seiret Dia , e in that Socrates, when e intende to drin his polson, thought it est to et bout ashing

ταῖς γυναιξι παρέχειν νεκρὸ λουε ν And we in this customo washing the ead

laidae in an uppe chamber. V x Hon emo capiti coronam Viderisat, qui per casiatam odorantur. In resereno to this, ut in a more intelligibi expression is that of inutius,- re quo caput non coronamus ignoscite, Aurava boni Flores naribres ducere, non occisilio capillisve solevares haurire. Sciant Sabaei, staris et carioris suas mercis Christianis seseliendis, etc. Thus again e have it in inutius, Reservatis tinguento tineribus. The

primitive Christians ere ver caresul about funerais, and ver costi in theirspices and odour for embalming thei dead; and therefore hen St. Polycarpwas putri death the burn his hod in spite to the Christians, ho ha heggedit of the proconsul, in orde to embalm it an ove it a solemn interment, here-upo the gatheredis the bones an decenti committe them to the arth, and there sed i meet an celebrate the memor of that holy martyr Vid.


their gods. Certainly say ou the rates for the templemo Comet nothing, and who Canira os an collections for the godi Andreatly e Cannot et it for in good truth e re not able to

public is cheate in iis revenues by the trich and lies of thos ofyour religion, ho bring in an inventor of their good in orde tobe taxed CCordingly; ou ould oon find, I say, at the oo Ofthe CCount that ha the temple may lose in her offerings by the Christia religion the State sussicienti get in her axes by the Christia fidelit in thei publi paymentS.


EuSeb. H. Eccles lib. v. cap. 13, p. 33. This cost V says Dr. Cave, Prim. Christian part iii cap. 2, p. 73 the Christians doubiles bestowed pontheiodies of the ead hecause the looked pon eath a the entrance into abelle lise, an lai up the od a the canditate an expectanti a joysul and

mortality, and that their odies hould not e persecuted after death. V Andritali leave to add that considering ow very carem the firs Christians ere tofollo the Scriptures even in eremontes indifferent, I uestion not, ut findinglio Ioseph Was embalmed Gen. l. v. ult. and speciali considering o the alabaster hoco oiniment of spikenard ver precious, was approved by ou LOrdHimself formis own buriat, in that os t. ar xiv. he has done hat Sh could hecis come e reliandri anoin myiod to the burying;V-I doubi not, I say, ut this prevalled ver much with the irs Christians tot so expensive in thei spices pon the dead.