The book of Ratramn, the priest and monk of Corbey, commonly called Bertram, on the body and blood of the Lord : to which is added, an appendix, containing the Saxon homily of Aelfric = Ratramni presbyteri et monachi Corbeiensis, qui vulgo Bertramus

발행: 1838년

분량: 152페이지


분류: 미분류


vearing in the Psalmist, Macheth us, both Whatour Fathera re ived in that heavenly manna, and .hat the sit insul ought to bellave in the mystery of Chrisca Bois. In euher inrely is Christ signia sed, Who De in the mula os bellavera, and ia Angeia'

His Passion, He mas able to change the substance of brein and the creature of Wine, into His o- Body,


Spirit that quiekeneth, the flein profiteth nothing. He satin that the flein profiteth nothing as in eu ellavera undereisod ii, but othermise it invethlise, as it is mystieatly received by the fiathsul. And why so p Ηe Himself declareth, saying, It is the Spirit that quicheneth.' Wher ore in this mystery of the Body and Blood, it is the spiritual. ring that inveth liue, Wit ut Which morianginese mysteries aviat nothing; they may feed the


ς St. August. Epist. xcviii. 3. 9.


questioned, ans ereth that Christ is noW sacrificed. For is Sacramenta had not some resemblance to inose inius, of which they are the Sacramenis, they Would not be Sacraments at all. But Dom this resemblance they of times tine the names of the inings themselves. As then after a certain

sori the Sacrament of the Body of Christ is ino Body of Christ, and the Sacrament of the Blood of Christ, the Blood of Christ, so too the Sacr ment of the satin' is the faith.V

φ The Sacrament of tho salthJ That is, Baptism, as the words


RATRAMN ON TREXXXVI. Wa see M. Atioriine aiath, that S eramenta are one inium and the inium M .HAEthv are Sacramenta another. For the Body, in Whiis Christ suffered, and the Blood, Which flowed Dom His aide, are the inius themaeives; Whilstine mysteries of these thinga are the Sacramenta Mine Bois and Blood of Christ, Which are celebrated in memory of the Lord's passion, not oesy during the whiae Paschal solamni in every year, butauo every My throughout the year.

XXXVII. And although the Bois of Christ, in

Which He Once suffered, is one, and Hia Blood, which Was ined sor the salvation of the woriri isone, yet the Sacramenta of these inium have a sumed the names of the inius themaelves, in as to

Arth; even as the Passion and the Resurrection, .hich aes celebratin every year, are so callerithough He suffered and rose again in His omnΡerson but once, nor can inose Mys noW berecalled, since they have passed aWay. Yet thedus, on Which the Passion or Resurrection of the Lord is commemorared, are so calleo in that invol St. Augustina immediately solio ing ahe.. Wheu ste answer is made st. a. at Baptismi that the litue one belle veth, .ho hath not yet the affection os salth, the ansuor that he hast saith is made on account of the Sacrament of faith, and that he tums to God on account of the Sacrament os conversion.'


the nexi My is the Passion or the Resurrectionos ine Lord, though the very dus, in Which thesethings mere done have for many years Passed aWay. We may say, The Lord is sacrificeri When the Sacrament of His passion is celebrateri thoughm mere but once sacrificed in His oWn Person forine salvation of the woria, as the ΑPosse satin, Christ hath suffered for us, learing you an I rit.

m reos he waneth sor in these sacred mysteries, according to that sving of Wisdom, Thou hast Prov.23, Mawn near to the table M a mighty one, con- λ sider diligently What is set bes e thee, knowing that thou thysias must prepare the like V ΤΟ

f knowing ... likeJ These morda are not in the Hebre.. The Septuagint version has them, and it is evident that they existed in some old Latin versions, as they are quoted by St. Ambroseand St. Augustine. They are not in the Vulgate.


Heb. 7, 26. 27.

imitate Him is fellaminis in His Math, the

har eas, undefiteri separate Dom sinners, and

os the mysteries. XL. Yet it is not false in say that in thoae my teries the Lord is sacrificeri or suffers, since invhave a likenem to that Math and passion, therepresentations of Which they are. Whince theyare styled the Lord's Body and the Lord 's Blood, sor they tine the name of thom things, of Whichthey are the Sacramenta. Henee St. Isidore, in his


made of the fruits of the earin, is sanctified, and eomes a Sacrament by the invisibie operation' of the Spirit os God. The Sacrament of this' Mein and cup the Greeri can Eucharist, Which the Latius interpret Bona Gratia, Good graee.' And What can be hester inan the Body and ' Blood of Christ Θ ΓΝΟ. the brein and wine are

Ward mam so the Word of God, Which is the living Brea' doth re in the fovis of the sauh- ' ful by the participation of Himself U'J XLI. His Catholic doctor also inacheth, that this hiar mystery of our Loraes passion is in be