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ARGUMENT.-Lucian assenta to the pet ition os Celerinus.
to bs called so colleague in Christ, meeting. I have receivedyour letter, most dearly beloved lord and brather, in Whichyou have so laden me mitti expressions of Endness, that by
2. You ought to know What has been done concerning us.
cus at the torture, Fortunio in prison, Paulus aster torture,
Fortunata, Victorinus, Victor, Herennius, Julia, Martiat, and Aristo, Who by God's Will were put to death in thoprison by hunger, oi Whom in a feW days you Will hear of
Ι wrote my letter to you. For before these eight dvs, forfive intervening days, I received a morset os bread and mater is meas e. And thereiore, brother, I ask that, ashere, since the Lord has begun to give peace to the churchitaeli, according to the precept os Paulus, and our tractate, the case being set fortit besore the bisti , and confessionbeing made, not only these may have peace, but also those Whom you know to be Very near to our heart. 3. Αll my colleagues greet you. Do Fou greet the confessors of the Lord who are thers With you, Whose names Fouliave intimated, among Whom also are Saturninus, With his companions, but Who also is my colleague, and Μaris, Collecta, and Emerita, Calphurnius and Maria, Sabina, Spesina, and the sisters, Januaria, Dativa, Donata. - greet Sat rus With his family, Bassianus and ali the clero, Uranius, Alexius, Quintianus, Colonica, and ali Whose names Ι havonot Written, becauso I am atready meary. Thereiore theymust pardon me. I bid you heartily farewell, and Alexius, and Getulicus, and the money-changers, and the sistera. Mysistem Januaria and Sophia, Whom I commend to Iou, greet
λ These morda in bracheta are necessary to tho sense, but are omitted in the origines. Pejerario. There are many conjecturea as to the meaning of this. Perhaps the most plausibie is the emendation, Petrario - in tho
thv may bellem underatand theae mattera, Cyprian latis care that not only his own letters, but citio thoae of Cel rinus and vician, should be sent to them.
1. Cyprian to the presbyters and deacons abiding at Rome, his brethren, meeting. Aster the letters that I w te to you, bolouod brethren, in Which What I had done Was explained, and some stirat account Was oven os my discipline avid dili-ynce, there came another matter Whicli, any more stan thoothera, ought not to be concealed from you. For our brother Ludian, who himself also is one of the consessors, earnest
indeod in salth, and robust in viriue, but littis ostablishod in the roading of the Lord's Word, has attempted certain things, constituting himself for a time an authori sor unshilled Mople,so that certificates Writton by his hand were given indi criminately to many persons in the name os Paulus; whereas Mappalicus the martyr, cautious and modest, min dies of thelaw and discipline, Wrote no letters contrary to the gospei, but only, moved With domestic affection sor his mother, whohad fallen, commanded peace to be given to her. Salu ninus, moreoVer, aster his torture, stili remaining in prison, sent out no letters of this hind. But Lucian, not only while
Paulus mas stili in prison, gave everyWhere in his namo certificates Written With his own hand, but even astor his docease persisted in doing the fame things under his name, saying that this had been commanded him by Paulus, ignorant that he must obey the Lord rather than his fello servant. In the name also of Aurelius, a Foung man who had unde gono the torture, many certificates Were oven, written by the hand of the samo Lucian, because Aurelius did not knowhom to write himself. 2. In order, in some measum, to put a stop to this practice, I wroto letters to them, Whicli I have sent to you under thoenclosure of the former letter, in Whicli I did not fati to askand persuade them that consideration might be had for tho lais of tho Lord and the gospei. But alter I sent my letters to them, that, as it mere, something might be done more moderatelyand temperately; the fame Lucian wroto a letter in the nameos ali tho consessors, in Whicli meli nigh every bond of faith, and soar of God, and the Loraes commmd, and the sacreMnem and sincerity of the gospei mere dissolved. For he wroto in the name of ali, that they had given peam to all, and thatho Mished that this decree should bo communicated throughmo to tho other bishops, of whicli letter I transmitted a copyto 3 ou. It Was added in deed, of Whom the account of whatthoy have done since their crime has been satisfacto ; V a thing this Whicli excites a greater odium against me, bocauso I, When I have begun to hear the cases of each onoand to examine in to them, seem to deny to many What theynow aro ali boasting that they have received from tho
66 THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM by me, and were delayed till my comitan mere inflamed by
this letter as is by a firebrand, and began to be more violent, and to extori the peace granted to them. I have sent a comis you of the letters that Ι Wrote to my clero about theso mattera, and, moreoVer, What Caldonius, my colleague, ahis integri and faithiulness Wrote, and what I replied tohim. I have sent both to you to read. Copies also of tho letter of Celerinus, the good and stout confessor, Which ho
might learn tho truth iraeli, hoW moderate and cautiousis Celerinus tho consessor, and hoW reverent both in his humili and fear sor our faith; While Lucian, as I havosaid, is tess shilsul concerning the underatanding of the Loraesmord, and is his facility, is mischievous on account of tho di liae that he causes for my reverentiat dealing. For While tho Lord has said that the nations are to be baptized in the namo
of tho Father, and of the Son, and of the Ηοly Ghost, and
came opportunely; as also did thoso whicli the blessod eo i sors, Moyses and Maximus, Nicostratus, and the rest, sentio Saturninus and Aurelius, and the othera, in Which are com
68THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM in the cib. And since it belloved me to Write by clero,
TO MOYSES AND MAXIMUS AND THE REST OF TΗΕ CONFESSORS ARGUMENT Thia letter is one os congratulation to the Romam
1. Cyprian to Moyses and Maximus, the presbyter' and to the other consessors, his very beloved brethren, greeting. I had Hready known hom rumour, most brave and blessed brethren, the glory of your faith and virtve, rejοicing greatly and abundantly congratulating you, stat the highest con-
maled by tortures. But he Who, preceding in the strutale, has Men made an example of virtve to the brethren, is oncommon mound with tho martyrs in honour. Ηence Fouhavo delivered in us gariands Woven by Four hand, and have pledged your brethren from the cup of salvation. 2. To these glorious beginnings of confession and the omensos a victorious Warsare, has been added the maintenance of discipline, whicli I observed from the vigour of your letterthat you lately sent to your colleagues joined With you to tho Lord in confession, With anxious admonition, that the sacredprecepis of the gospei and the commandments of life oncedetivered to us should bo hept With firm and rigid observance.
70THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM Him, it Wo heep His commandmonis. Ho that satin ho
these precepis; you observe the divine and heavenly commands. This is to bo a consessor of the Lord; this is to boa martyr of Christ, to keep the firmness of one's profession inviolate among ali eviis, and secure. For to wish to becomo a martyr for the Lord, and to try to overthrow tho Loris precepis; to uso against Him the condescension stat He has granted you ; o become, as it mere, a rebel with arms thatyou have received from Him; this is to misi, to confess