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membering you day and night, both When in the sacrifices Ι offer prayer With many, and When in reti rement I praywith private petition, beseech of the Lord a fuit achnowledy
things, and meditating only divine things, Du ascend tolofiter heighis, even by the delay of your suffering ; and by the long lapse of time, aro not masting, but incre ing
at onm; but he who continues alWays batiling vitii punishmenis, and is not overcome mitti suffering, is datly cro ned. 2. NoW, thereiore, let magistrates and consuls or pr consuls go by; let them glory in the ensigns of their yearly digni , and in their twelve fasces. Behold, the heavenlydignity in you is fealed by the brightness of a year's honour, and already, in the continuance os iis Victorious glory, has passed over the rolling circle of the returning year. The rising sun and the waning moon enlightened the worid ; butto Fou, He Mio made the sun and moon Was a greater lightin your dungeon, and the bri iness os Christ gloming in yourhearis and minds, irradiated with that eternat and brilliantlight the gloom of the place os punishment, Which to othera was so horribie and deadly. The winter has passed throughthe vicissitndes of the monilis; but you, Qui up in prison, mere unde Oing, insisad of the inclemencies of winter, theminter of persecution. To the vrinter succeeded the mildnossos sphing, rejoicing Mith roses and cro ned with flowors; butto Fou mere present roses and flowera frem the delictis of
the year mila on mitti the Lorae a servanis, hus is celebratia tho vicissitude of the Masons With spiritual deseris, and with celestiat rematas.
THE CONFESSORS TO CYPRIAN.ARGUMENT.-A eert eate reritten in the nanae of the martyrsis Lucianu3. All tho consessors to Father' Cyprian, Meeting. Κno that, to ait, concerning Whom the account of what they have
dono sinco the commission os their sin has been, in Durestimation, satisfacto , We lime granted peace; and me havo destred that this rescript should bo made known by you totho other bishops also. We bid you to have peaco with thoholy martyrs. Lucianus Wrote this, there being present of the clero, both an exorcist and a reader.
ould be assured to those concerning whom tho account of what they have dono since their crime has been, in ourestimation, satisfactoU; Whicli matter, as it malis for tho
and so to assume a common cause for my own decision. And
Caldonius in Cyprian and his selloW-presbyters abiding at
Carthage, Meeting. The necessity of the times induces uanot hastily in grant pince. But it Was Weli to Write to γ' that they' Who, after haring sacrificed, mere again tried, becamo exiles. And thus they seem to me to have atoned for thoir former crime, in that they noW let go their posse aions and homes, and, repenting, sollοπ Christ. Thus Felix, who assisted in the office of presbyter' under Decimus, and was very near to me in bonds Ι kne that fame Felix very
thoroughin, Victoria, his vise, and Lucius, being faithsul,
CYPRIAN REPLIES TO CALDONIUS. ARGUMENT.-Cyprian treais of nothing peculioer in this epistie, boond acquiescing in the opinion of Caldonius, to Ust, thαι peaee should not be re sed to aueli lapsed αε, is atrue repentanee αnd confession of the name of Christ, hane deserved is, and have therefore returned to Him.
longer under the po er of the devit, as it Were, prostrate;
have listed themsolvos up and havo hegun to stand with Christ. And Ι wisti that the others also mouid repent after their sali, and bo transferred into their former condition; and that you may know hοπ we have deali missi these, in thoirurgent and eagor rastiness and importunity to extore peace, Iliave sent a book to you, mitti letters to the number of five, that I mrote to the clero and to the people, and to the martyrsalso and consessors, whicli letters have atready been sent tomany of our colleagues, and havo satisfied them; and th replied that they also agree With me in the fame opinion
also communicate to as many of our colleagues as Fou can,
timo os devastation lias salien frem Christ; sor stio has sacrificed and provoked our Lord, as seems manifest to us. And
day and night, have spent the days in teus, in sackcloth, and ashes, and I am stili spending them so to this day, untii tho aid os our Lord Jesus Christ, and affection manifested through you, or through those my lords Who have been
rulers commanded them in the meantime to remain as they
repented of her pumose es sacrificing, Wheu tae Waa actualty on her Wayto effect it. β i.e. in the mom es Fabian.