장음표시 사용
ea es of the bygone persecution. namely, the neglect of
to publio repentanee and fuit satisfaction. Laatly, hewarns his readers to avoid the Noratians, eo uting theia heresy with many scripture3.1. Behold, boloved brethren, peace is restored to the chureli; and although it latoly seemed to incredulous peοple dissiculi, and to traiiors impossibio, our security is by divino aid and retribution r est lishod. our minds return to gladness; and the season os amiction and the cloud bcing dispersed, tranquillity and serenity have stione sortii once more. Haises must be oven to God, and His benefiis and gisis must be celebrated With giving of thanks, although even in the time os
may enter, bearing the trophies from a prostrate enemylWith tho triumphing men como Women uiso, WhO, While contending with the worid, have also overcome their sex; and virgins also come With the doubie glory of their Wariare, and bos transcending their years with their virtves.' Moreove
a cautious retirement, and to be reserved sor tho Lord. Thoformer is a public, the lalter is a private confession. Thoformer overcomes the judge of this World; the lauer, contentwith God as iis judge, heeps a pure conscience in integri
os heart. In the former case there is a readier fortitudo ; in the latior, solicitude is moro secure. The former, as his hour approached, Was atready sound mature; the lalter perhapsWas delayed, Who, leaving his estate, Mithdre for a While, because he would not deny, but mould certainly consess is heloo had been apprehended. 4. One cause of met saddens theso heavenly crowns of martyra, these glorious spiritual consessions, these very greatand illustrious viriues of the brethren who stand; Which is, that the hostile violence has torn aWay a pari os our omnboweis, and thrown it aWay in the destructiveness of ira o n
me deservedy more sor our sins, yet tho most mercisul Lordhas so moderated ali inings, stat ali Which has transpired has minor inemed a trial than a persecution. 6. Each ono Was desimus os increasing his estate; and se
geties of What bellevors had eithor done besore in the times of the apostles, or alWays ought to do, then mitti tho insati lo
their property. Among the primis there Was no devoladnessos religion ; among the ministere' there Was no Mund fiath: in their Woris there Was no mercy; in their manners there was no discipline. In men, their beatas mero defaced; in omen, thela complexion mas dyed: the ves mero falsifita
thv incre in their gatas by multiplying usuries. What donot suis as me deserve in suffer for alas of this hiud, Wheneven Hready the divine rebuke has foreWamed us, and said,
commandmenis, me have come by severer remedies to the eo
rection of our sin and probation os οὐ faith. Νor indoedhave we at last been convertia in tho fear of the Lord, so asis undergo patiently and courageo ly this our correction and
tho obligation to Christ should be dissolved with headlongrashnessi Have not propheta aforetime, and subsequently apostles, told of these things ' Havo not they, fuit of thoΗoly Spirit, predicted the amictions of the righinous, andalways tho injuries of the heathensi Does not the sacredScripture, Which euer arms our faith and strenginens mittia Volce from heaven the servants of God, say, Thou shali
Christi sacramentum.' ' Deut. vi. 13.
their senses sali, their longus cleave to their mouili, their speeta gr- Meah l Could tho servant of God stand there, and speah and renounco Christ, When he had atready renounced the devii and tho woridi Was not that altar, hither ho drow near to peristi, to him a funerat pile ΤΟuot he not to fhudder at and flee from tho devirs altar, which he had seen to smohe, and to be redolent of a foui foetor, as is it mere the funerat and sepulchre os his lito
9. But to many their own destruction was not sufficient. With mutuat exhortations, peoplo mere urged to their ruin;
nothing might bs Wanting to aggravate the crime, infantsalso, in the arma os their parenis, either carried or conducted,
excuses suin a crime. One's country Was in be lest, and lossos one's estate mas to bo suffered. Yet to whom that is bomand dies is iners not a necessity at somo time to leave his munim, and to suffer the loss of his estate' But let not Christbe fors en, so that tho loss os salvation and of an eternal
they are raster possessed; as flaves of their profit, and not lotas With respect to their οὐ money, but racter the Mnd laves of their money. These times and theso men are indicated by the
severe sufferings Were threatening those Who resisted. Homay complain os tortures Who has been OVercome by tortures ;he may offer the excuse of suffering who has been Vanquished
encounter, Varied tortures and long-continued sufferings ove