Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


ino stimulus to sin ; nor does he repress, but nourishes Wrony ing. But he who, Willi braver counseis, rebutas at thesame time that he instrucis a brother, urges him on ard to


atonemini. Penitenco is d en forin from their bro is, and the memory of thela very grave and extremo sin istaen aWay. The mounti of the ving are covered over,



and to enixeat their Lord, from the formWing os repentance, and pretend in receive them to communion This is thosamo hind of thing to tho lapsed as hail to tho harvesta; asino stomy star to the trees; as the destruction os pestilencoto tho herds; as the raging tempest to fhipping. They t eaWay the consolation Os eternal hope; they overtum the treos in the mora; they creep on to a deadly contagion Withtheir pestilent mords; they dasti the ship on the mchs, sothat it may not reach to tho harbour. Such a facili does not grant peace, but tines it aWay; nor does it ove comm nion, but it hindore from salvation. This is mollier pers cution, and another temptation, by Whicli the crasty ene stili further assaulis tho lapsed; attaching them is a secretcorruption, that their lamentation may bo h hed, stat theirmes may be silent, that the memory of their sin may passaWay, stat the gmaning of their heari may be repressed, stat the weeping of their eyes may bs quenched; nor long and fuit penitenco deprecate the Lord so grievousty offended,

a servant remit or forego by his indulgenco What has been committed by a greater crime against tho Lord, test to thoperson lapsed this bo moreover addod in his sin, is ho boignorant that it is declarod, μ Cursed is the man stat pulteth his hopo in man. Tho Lord must be besought. The Lord must be appeased by our atonement, Who has sald, that him that donioth Him He Will dony, who Hono has received alijudment hom His Father. Wo bellovo, indeed, that themeriis of martyre and tho morks of the righteous are of great

ment shali come hen, after the conclusion os this lifo and

the Worid, His peoplo inali stand bosors the tribunal of Christ.


that he can give remission os sins to ait, in or dares to rescindilio Lord's precepis, not only does it in no respect aduantago


Jeremi , and announces, mying, Betore I formia thoe in tho belly, I hneW thee; and beforo thou camest out of thomomb I sanctified thee, and I ordat ned thee a prophet unto the nations. d to the fame man He salth, When he ostenentrealed and prayed sor the sins of the people, V notthou for this people, netther list up cry nor prayer for them; for I mill not hoar them in the time Wherein they cali on me, in tho timo of thoir amiction.' But Who was more righteous stan Noah, Who, When the earth was filled mith sins, Wasalons found righinous on the earth l Who more glorious than Daniel l Who more strong for suffering martyrdom infirmnem os satin, more happy in God's condescension, Whoso many times, both When he was in conflict conquered, and, whon he had conquered, liuod on' Was any more ready in Mod moris than Job, braver in temptations, more patient in sufferings, more submissive in his fear, moro truo in his Dissil

neither does He confera him that consesses; the Gospei cannot be found in one pari and waver in another. Eister bothmust stand fim, or both must lose the force of truth. Is they


366 THE TREA TISES OF CYPRIAN.who deo inali not be milty os a crime, netther inest they Who

Gospes, since they become martyrs on account of the Gos l. Let no one, beloved brethren, let no one decry the digni of martyra, let no one degrado their glories and their croma. o strength of their uncorrupted faith abides mund; norcan he either sv or do anything against Christ, Whose hope, and fiath, and virtus, and glory, are ali in Christ: those cannot

commmd, Who themselves have done God's command. D any one greater than God, or more mercisul than God's goodneas,

us raster consider our offences, revolving our doings and the secreta os our m d; let us weio the deseris of our conscience;


me are punished in the meantime, that others may be co rected. The torments of a feW are the exmples of all.


Was no more able to speah, or to indicate tho crimo that hadbeen committed, than she had besore been abis to unde stand or to prevent it. Therofore it happened unamares in their ignorance, that When we Were sacrificing, tho mollier

tho fainis, became impatient of our prayer and supplications, and was at one moment Ahahen With Weeping, and atanother tossed about like a Wave of the sea by the violent excitement of her mind ; as is by the compulsion os a torturer the foui of that stili tender child confessed a consciousnessos tho fact with such signs as it could. When, hoWever, thesolemnities mere finished, and the deacon began to offer thecup to those present, and When, as the rest received it, ita

turn approached, the litile child, by the instinet os inodivine majes , turned aWay iis face, compressed iis mouinwith resisting lips, and refused the cup. Still the deacon


persisted, ani although against his efforis, foreed in hersome of the sacrament of the cup. Then there sollamod a sobbing and vomiting. In a profaned body and mouin the Eucharist could not remain; the drauot sanctifiod in theblood of tho Lord burat forin hom tho polluted stomach. So great is the Loraes poWer, in great is His majest' Thoaecreis of daaness mers disclosed under His light, and notoven Uddon crimes deceived God's priest. 26. This much a ut an infant, Which Was not yet os anago in speis of tho crime committed by othera in res et Aherself. But the woman who in adumcod life and of moro

cinder. HOW many them aro datly Who do nes repent normahe confession of the consciousnem of their crime, Who are



Worid the punishment of their sins is as varied as the multitude of sinners is abundant. Let each one consider notWhat another has suffered, but What he himself deserves tosiner; nor thinh that he has escaped is his punishment delay for a time, since he ought to fear it the more that the wrathoi God the judgo has reserved it for himself. 27. Nor let those persons flatter themselves that in need repent the less, who, although they have not polluted theirhanda mitti abominabie sacrifices, yet have defited their conscience With certificates. That profession og one Who dentes, istho testimony of a Christian disowning what he had beon. Hosays that he has done What another has actualty committed; and although it is initten, cannot serve two mastere,' he has served an earthly master in that he has obeyed his edici; he has been moro obedient in human authori thanto God. It mattera not whethor he has published What hohas dono mitti lem eister of disgraco or of guili among men. Be that as it mari ho will not be able to escape and avoid God