장음표시 사용
412 THE TREA TISES OF CYPRIAM aster, they have made shipWrea hom the faith, and havo
Was rejoicing in his stores, and he to Whom sise Hready Wasfailing, was thinhing os tho abundance of his food. But, ontho other hand, the Lord telis us that he becomes perfectand complete Who selis ali his goods, and distributes them for the use of the poor, and w lays up for himself tre ure in heaven. He says that that man is able in follow Ηim, andis imitato the glory of the Lord's passion, Who, Deo from hindrance, and with his lolns ordod, is involved in no enim ementa os Worldly estate, but at large and freo himself, accompanies his possessions, Which before have been sent toGod. For which result, that every one of us may be able toprepare himself, let him thus learn to pray, and know, Domthe character of the prayer, What he ought to be.
ministering to him in his solitude, and by birci bringing him
who is sed by God may livo in God, and that not only the
monished that me are sinners, since me are compelled to enueat
414 THE TREA TISES OF CYPRIAM 23. Ho has clearly joined herewith and added tho lam
irespasses. There remains no ground of excuse in the du
God may abide in God's peace, and that, having one spirit,
Wo fhould also have ono hoari and ono mind. Thus Goddoes not receive tho sacrifice of a person who is in disagre ment, but commands him to go bach srom the altar and
first bo reconciled to his brother, that so God also may beappeased by tho prayers os a peacemiser. Our pince and brotherly agreement is the greater sacrifice to God, ud apeopto united in one in the uni of the Fathor, and of the
24. For even in tho sacrifices whieli Abel and Cain finio red, God looked not at their gista, but at their hearis, sothat he was acceptabie in his gist who was acceptabio in his
to the altar, thus to come mitti the fear os God, With a simplohoart, With the law of righteousness, With the peace of concord. With reason did he, who was such in respect of God's sacrifice, hecome subsequently himseli a sacrifico to God; so that howho first set sortii martyrdom, and initiared tho Lord's passion
thing in himself, test any should talis in himself tho gloryeister os consession or of suffering as his o n, When the
that D enter not into temptation; tho spirit indeod is milling, but the flesti is Woah; so that Whilo a humble and submissivo consession comes first, and ali is attributed to God, whalaveris fought for suppliantly With fear and honour of God, maybe granted by His οὐ lovingaindness. 27. Alter ali theso things, in the conclusion of the prayer comes a briet clauso, Which shortly and comprehensively
being filled missi tho Hob Spirit, he spolis of the majesty
against the adversary, and M open to God alone; nor let it suster God's enemy to approach to it at the time of prver. For frequently ho steals Mon us, and penetrates Within, and