Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


things Were predicted ars fulsiled; and as tho Ond of tho orid is approaching, they have come for the probation as mellof the men as of the times. Error deceives as the adversaryrages more and more; senselemnem lista up, enu inflames,

an one is to M turned aWay hom and avoided, Whos verhe may be, stat is separated hom the church. Such an oneis perverted and sins, and is condemned of his οὐ self. Doos hs thinh that ho has Christ, Who acts in opposition to Chrises primis, Who separates himseli from the company of His clero and peopte 3 He bears arma against the chure



hs contenda against God's appotniment. An enemy of this altar, a rebel against Chrises sacrifice, for tho faith faithlem, for religion profane, a disobedient servant, an implous son, in

priesis, he dares to set up another altar, in mari another prayer With unauthorized mords, to profano sto truth of tho Lord's offering is false sacrifices, and not to knoW that ho ho strives against the appotniment of God, is punished onaccount of the daring of his temerity by divino visitation. 18. Τhus Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, Who endeavouredio cliam to themselves the poWer of sacrificing tu oppositionio Moses and Aaron the priest, under ent immediate punishment for their attempta. The earth, breahing ira fastenings,

priest Withstood him, Would not be obedient and yield, mas confounded by the divine indignation, and was pollutedupon his forehead by the spot os leprosy: he was marhed by an offended Lord in that part of his bOdy Where they aro signed who deservo weli of the Lord. And the fons of Aaron, Who placed strange fire u n the altar, Which tho Lord hadnot commanded, urere at once extinguished in the presenco


reo crime than that whicli the lapsed seem to havo falleninto, Who nevertheless, standing as penitents for their crime, beseech God with fuit satisfactions. In this case, the churchis fought aster and entrealed ; in that case, the church is r sisted : hero it is possibio that there has been necessi ; there the will is Engaged in the wichadnesse on the one hand, hewho has lapsed has only injured himself; on the other, he Who has endeavo ed to cause a heresy or a schism has deceived

many by dra ing them With him. In the formor, it is tholoss of one foui; in the lalter, the rish of many. Certainlytho ono both underetanda that he has sinned, and laments and bowails it; the oster, pulled up in his heari, and pie inghimself in his very crimes, separates sons hom their Mother,entices sheep hom their shepherd, disturbs the sacraments of God; and whilo tho lapsed has sinned but once, he sinsdaily. Finalty, the lapsed, Who has subsequently attainedio martyrdom, may receive the promises of the hin om; whilo tho Othor, is he have been flain without the church, cannot attain to the reWards of the church. 20. Nor let any ono marvet, belοved brethren, that evensome of tho confessors advance to these tengilis, and thencoalso that somo fotherH sin thus michediri thus grievously. Forneither does confession mae a man irae hom the snares of the devit, nor Mes it defend a man who is stili placed in tho worid, Mith a perpetuat security irom temptations, and dangers, and

onsedi, and attacks of the worid ; othemise me should neversee in confessors those subsequent fravds, and fornications, and adulteries, which now With Moans and sorro we Witnem in some. Whosoever that consessor is, he is not greater, Or


21. Confession is tho beginning of glo , not the fuit desertos the cro-; nor does it perfeci our presse, but it initiates our digni ; and since it is written, - Ηo that ondureth to theend, the fame shali be saved,' whatever has Mon before thoend is a stop by Which wo ascend to the summit os salvation, not a terminus Wherein tho fuit result of the ascent isal ready gained. Ηe is a confessor; but after consession his perit is greater, because the adversary is more proVAed. ΗΘ is a confessor; for this cause ho ought the more to stand on

Whom more dignity is ascribed, of him more servim is e acted. y Lot no one perish by the example os a confessor; let no one leam injustice, let no one learn arrogance, let noone leam treachery, fram the manners of a confessor. He is

a confessor, let him bo loWly and quiet; let him bo in his

doings modest missi discipline, so that he who is called a confossor of Christ may imitate Christ whom he confesses. Forsinoe Ηe says, μ Whos ver exalteth himself shali bo ab ed,


the concord os uniu, he shali have exchanged his first satili fora pubsequent unbellet, he may not flatior himself on account of his confession stat he is elected to the reWard os glornwhen hom this very fact his deseruing of punishment hasbecome the greater.

associaled with them in the fellowship of confession, and withdramn from the contagion os crime. Illuminated by thotrue light of the gospei, shone upon missi the Loraes pure and white bri iness, they ars as pralaeWorthy in maintaining the Mace of Christ, as they have been victorious in thela combat .ith tho devit. 23. I indoed destro, beloved brethren, and I equassy e deavour and exhori, that is it be possibie, nono of the brethrensiould perlah, and that our rejoicing Mother may enclose in


bo sound in like ghili. God is one, and Christ is one, and Hischurta is one, and the satili is ons, and the peoplo' is joinodinto a substantiat unity of body by the cement of concord. Uni cannot be severed; nor can one body be separared by a division os ita structure, nor torn into pleces, Willi ita entralis renched Munder by laceration. Whatever has proceededfrom the womb cannot live and broatho in iis dolached condition, but loses the substance of health.


on the earthi ' We seo that what Ho forotold has comoto pass. There is no salth in tho fear of God, in the law of righteousness, in iove, in labour; none considers tho fear offuturity, and nono takes to heari the dv of the Lord, and the wrath of God, and tho punishments to come upon unb




considera the eonditions of prve' and telis Ma thas prvem set to be, persemering and continuous, aper the

ding to prepare the way for His coming, but Himself coming


tho divino ves both with tho habit os body and with the

measure of Volce. For as it is characteristic os a stamelem