장음표시 사용
gilded tormenta, that he is held in bondam by his Mid, and
his person mitti the enclosure and protection os a numerous retinne. Even as he does not asson his inferiore to foet
12THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM securi , it is inevitablo that he himself inould want tho
terribie to others, is, first os ali, terribie ω themselves. I. smiles to rage, it cajoles to deceive, it entices to flay, itlisis up to cast doWn. With a certain usury oi mischios, thogreator the height os dignity and honoura attained, the greateris the interest os penalty required. 14. Hence, then, the one peacesul and trustWorthy tranquillit' the one solid and firm and constant securi , is this, for a man to Withdra from theso eddies os a distracting orld, and, anchored on the ground of the harbour os salvation, to list his eyes from earth to heaven ; and having been admitted to the gist of God, and being already Very neanto his God in mind, he may boaest, that Whatever in humanassairs others esteem losty and grand, lies altogether beneath
Neistor for this purpose is it necessary to pay a pricctoither in the way of bribery or of labour; so that manys elevation or dignio or poWer should be begotten in him mitti elaborate offore; but it is a gratuitous gist imm God, and it is
possession afford no abiding assurance to their possessors.
frequently, We ought to have sume moderation in our con
tomed aeat for the faita, thv remind the Carthaginianeleris of their si , and insortiet them .hat to do in theease of the lapsed, si1 ing the intereat of the bishosis
1. Wo havo been informed by Crementius the subineacon, Who came to from you, that tho blessed faster' Cyprian has for a certain reason MithMawn; in doing whicli ho actodquite rightly, because ho is a person os eminence, and beca ea conflict is impending, whicli God has allowed in tho worid, for the sae of c operating with His servanis in their struggle against the adversary, and was, moreover, Willing that this conflict should sho to angeis and to men that the victor shallbe crowneri While the Vanquished shali in himself receivo thodoom whicli has been made manifest to us. Since, moreOVer,
retirement. There Mems no meming in interpreting the passage M a reference to Peter'a Math.
16 THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAN.minds by Dur exhortation; and is they should be seiged oncomore, may confess, and may so mahe amends for their pre-vious sin. And there are other matters Which are incumbenton you, Which also We have here added, as that ii any Whomay have fallen into this temptation be n to be talion mittisichness, and repent of What they have done, and destre communion, it should in any Wise be granted them. Ox ii Du
1. Cyprian to the eidem and deacons, brethren abiding at Rome, sends, greeting. When the repori of the dopartureos the excellent mala, my colleague,' Was stili uncertain amongus, my beloved brethren, and Ι Was Wavering doubifulty in my opinion on the matter, I received a letter sent to me hom you is Crementius the su deacon, in Which Ι wasmost abundantly informed of his glorious end ; and I rejoicedgreatly that, in harmony With the integrity of his admini
tration, an honourabie consummation also attended him.
Wherein, moreover, I greatly congratulate you, that Duhonour his memory With a testimony so public and so illu trious, so that is your means is made known to me, not oesywhat is glorious to you in connection missi the memory of yonr bishop, but What ought to afford to me also an exampleos faith and virtuo. For in proportion as the fali os a bishopis an event whicli tends ruinousty to the fali of his followers,so on the oster hand it is a nsesul and helpsul thing when abishop, by the firmn s of his fatili, seis himself forin to hishrothren as an object os imitation. 3. Ι lime, moreoVer, read another episse,' in Which nsither thct person Who Wrote nor the persona to Whom it Was WrittenwEro plainly declared; and inasmuch as in the fame letterboth the writing and the matter, and even the paper itfel gavo me the idea that something had Men tinen a V, orhad been changed hom the original, I have sent Du bach
the opisse as it actualty came to hand, stat Fou may examinowhether it is the very samo Which you gave to Crementius the su deacon, to caro. For it is a very serious thing ii thotruth of a clerical letter is corrupted by any falsehood ordeceit. In ordor, then, that We may lino this, ascertain Whothor the writing and subscription are yours, and writo me again What is the truth of the matter. I bid you, de est brethren, ever he tity fareWeli.
In respect of means, moreοVer, for meeting the expenses,
tho smali sum Whicli mas collected there mas distributedamong the clero sor cases of that hiud, stat many mighthave means Whence they could assist the necessities ani
burtholis of individuals. 2. I beg also that there may be no lach, on yοur paris, of wisdom and caresuiness to preservo peace. For althoughhom their assection the brethren are eager to approach andio visit those good consessors, on Wbom by their glorious beginnings the divine consideration has atready shed abrighiness, yet I thinh that this sagerness must be cautio tyindulged, and not in crowds,-not in numbers collected to-gether at once, test from this very thing ill-will bo a Med, and the means os access bo dented, and thus, While me insatiabb misit for ali, we loso all. Tahe counset, the fore, and see that this may be more fasely managed With moderation, so that the presbyters also, Who thero os ory with tho consessors, may one by one talio tures With tho deaconsin dividually; because, by thus changing the persons and Va ing the peoplo that come together, suspicion is diminished. For, meeli and humbie in ali things, as befiis the servants of
God, me ought to accommodate ourselves to the times, and to
TO THE PRESBYTERS AND DEACONS.ΑRGUΜΕΝT.-The argument of this letter is nearly the sameas that of the preceding one, eaecept that the writer direeis the eonfessors also to be admonished by the oleris of their
1. Cyprian to tho presbyters and deaeons, his brethren, neoting. I had Wished indeed, beloved brethren, With this my letter is Meet the Whole of my clero in health and
desolation even a portion of the clero, I pray the Lordinat, is ino divine mercy, I may here ter meet Du at all