Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


os their amictions. Let a more earnest care, moreOVer, bebesto ed umn the glorious confessors. And although IhnoW that very many of thom have been maintained by the voWy and by tho Iovo of the brothren, yet ii there be any Who are in Want either of clothing or maintenance, let thembo supplied Mith Whatever things ars necessary, as I formerly Wrois to you, While they were stili hept in prison, nly letthem know hom Du and be instructed, and learn What, accord- ing to the authori of Scripture, the disciplino os the churchrequires of them, that they ought to be humble and modestand pea able, that they should maintain tho honour of tholaname, so that those Who have achieved glory by What theyliave testissed, may achieve glory also by their charactera, and in ali things seehing the Lord's approvat, may shoW themselves

He that endureth to the end, tho fame shali bo saved. MLet them imitate the Lord, who at the very time os Hispassion Was not more proud, but moro humble. For then



ensnaring adversary, Who more eagerly attacks the man thatis strongest, and becoming more virulent, for the Very reasonthat he is conquered, strivos to overcome his conqueror.

Tho Lord grant that I may soon both see them again, andis salutary exhortation may estabiisti their minds to preservetheir glo . For I am grieved Maen Ι hear that some of them run about michedly and proudly, and give thenaseivos up to follies or to discords ; that members of Christ, and evenmembers that havo confessed Christ, aro defited by unlawsul concubinage, and cannot be ruled either by deacons or by presbytera, but cause that, by the wiched and evit charactoreos a fem, the honourable glories of many and good consessorsare tarnished; Whom they ought to fear, test, being condemned by their testimony and judgmens, thoy be excluded froin their

4. In respect of that whicli our follow-presbytera, Donatus and Fortunatus, Novatus and Gordius, Wrote to me, I have not been able to reply by myself, since, from the first commencement of my episcopacy, I made up my mind to donothing on my oWn private opinion, Without your advice and without the consent of the people. But as soon as, by the grace of God, I shali have come to you, then v e mill discussin common, as our respective dignity requires, thoso things


ARGUMENT.-m Ghoris Rogatianus and the other confessori

Me grieve over those Whom a hostile persecution has castdοWn, in the fame proportion me rejoice over Fou Whom the levit has not boon able to Overeome.

beginnings as these there should also come an increas' and



mado a confessor; sin no more, test a Worse thing come uniothee.' Solomon alio, and Saul, and many others, εο longas they walhed in the Lord's ways, were able to keep thograce given to them. Whon the discipline of the Lord was forsinen by them, grace also forsook them. 3. Wo must persevero in the straight and narrow road os presse and glom; and since peaceiulneas and humility and

tho tranquillity of a good lito is fitting for ali Christians,

according to the word of the Lord, who looks to nono other man than in him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and that trembleth at His word, it the more belloves Fou confessors, Who have been made an example to the rest os thobrethren, to observe and sulfit this, as being those Whosocharactera aliould provohe to imitation the liso and conductos all. For as the Jews Were alienated from God, as thoso on whose account the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles,' ' so ou ths other hand those are dear to God


the greatest part oi you, I rejoice in say, are caresul for; and made Miter is the honour of your confession itseli, Mardand preserve ita glory by tranquil and virtuous lives.


26 THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAMyou hicli I havo learni mitti extremo anguish and griet o

mind, to Wit, that there are not wanting those who defite thetemptes of God, and the members sanctified a ter confessionand mado glorious,' mitti a disgracesul and infamoris concubinage, associating their beds promiscuousty With Women'si In which, even is there bo no pollution of their conscience,

there is a great guili in this very thing, that by their offenco

originate examples for the ruin os others. There ought alsoto bo no contentions and emulations among you, Since the

6. Let us confirm one another by mutus exhortations, andiet os more and more go formard in tho Lord; so that when


TO THE CLERGY, COΝCERNING PRAYER TO GOD. ARGUMENT.-The argument of the present epistie is nearly the same as that of the two preceding, eaeceps that he horis in this to diligent pruer. 1. Cyprian to the presbyters and deacons, his brethren, greeting. Although I know, brethren belouod, that homilio soar Whicli me ali os us o o to God, you also aro instantly urgent in continuat petitions and earnest prayersto Him, stili I myself remind your religiolis anxiety, that

in order to appease and entreat the Lord, We must lamentnot only in Words, but also Willi fastings and with tears, and with overy hind of urgen . For me must perceive and confoss that the so disordered ruin arising from that amiction, whicli has in a meat measuro laid waste, and is even stilllaying Waste, Our floch, has visited us according to our sins, in that we do not keep the way of the Lord, nor observe the

Lord did the will of His Father, and wo do not do the will of



ought to be an example of virtuous life to othera, do notmaintain disciplinei Therofore, Whilo an inflated and --

modest boastfulness about their om consession excessively- elates Some, tortures come upon them, and tortures Witho any cessation of the tormentor, Without any end of condemnation, Without any com fori of death,-tortures Whicli do noteastly let them pras to tho cro , but WTench them on therach untii they cause them to abandon their salth, unlesssome ono inhen aWay by the divino compassion sit id departin the Very midst of the tormenis, gaining glor' not by thecessation of his torture, but by the quichness of his death. 2. These things me suffer by our own fauit and our own deseruing, even as the divine judment has foreWarnod us,


persona pianted out to them, bnt that in their petitions thoro ere dissonant Volces, and wilis disagreeing, and that this excessively displeased Him Who had sald, Ash, and D shallobtain,' because the disagreement of tho peopte mas out os harmony, and there Was not a consent of the brethren one



watch in the fame.' For the apostles also ceased not to

maho satisfaction to God the Father i Wo have an advocato and an intercessor for our sins, Jesus Christ the Lord andour God, ii only We repent of our sins past, and consess andacknowledge our sins, Wheruby We no offend the Lord, and sor the time to come engage to Walh in His Ways, andio scar His commandments. The Father corrocis and prodicis us, it wo stili stand fast in the faith both in amictions and perplexities, that is to say, cling closely to His Christ; asit is writton, Who shali separato us from the lovo of Christi