Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


differenes Ming, as they aver, siae and figure, oW Comes

and earin, and wator; and the invisibie including god' and demons, and spirita For tho existence of such thv cannot possibj denn homever desimus to do so. And again, thereare oster objecta that are long-lived, both animais and planis. As to animala, there are, for example, among blads, as theysay, the eagle, the rmen, and the phoenix; and among cre tures liring on land, thero are the stag, and the elephant, and the dragon; and among aquatio creatures them are thewhales, and such like monsters of tho disp. And as to trees, there are the piam, and tho Ois, and the persea; and among trem, too, there are somo that ars evergresns, of Which hindio tem have been rechoned up is some one; and there areothera that only bloom for a certain Mason, and then shed their leaves. And thero aro oster objecta, again-which indeedeonstituto tho vast mass of est Which eithor gro aro be-gotten hat havo an early death and a brios liso. Andamong these is man himself, as a certain holy scripture susos him: μMan that is bom of moman is of seu dus. -

junctions of tho atoms account fully for differences' so great in tho mauer of duration. For it is maintained that theream somo thinga stat ara compressed together by them, and


either quichly or aster some time they separate thomsolves from their orderly constitution. And, again, there are somΘbodies made up of atoms of a definito hind and a certain common figure, While there are others made up of diverinatoms diversely disposed. But Who, then, is the sagacio discriminator φιλοκρίνων , that brings certain atoms into collocation, and separates others; and marshals some in sucti Wise as to form the sun, and others in such a Way as tooriginate the moon, and adapis ali in natural filiares, and in aecordance With the proper constitution os each stari Fors ely neither Would those solar atoms, With their peculiar si actand End, and with their speciat mode os colloc*tion, ever have

reduced themselves so as to effect the production os a moon; nor, on the other hand, Would the conjunctions os these lunaratoms ever have developed into a sun. And as certainlyneither mould Arcturus, resplendent as he is, ever boast his

having the atoms possessed by Lucifer, nor Would the Pleiades glota in being constituted of those of Orion. For Weli has Paul expressed the distinction when he says: There is ono glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and anotheeglo of the stare: sor one star differeth from another starin glo ' And is tho coalition effected among them hasbeen an unintelligent one, as is tho case With soulless

laneously, for a spontaneous Work, then some admirabio architect must have apportioned their moa for them, and assumed the superintendenco among them; or there musthave been ono to do With them as the general does Who lovesorder and discipline, and who does not leave his army in an irregular condition, or suffer ali things to go on confusedinbut marshals the cavato in their proper succession, and di poses the heau-armed insaniry in their due arran and tha


Thy blast, fiat in apprehend Thy coming after Thy birili l

removed tho barrenness of the mother that boro me; and



birin injuro her virginity. But these tWo things, in ulterly opposite-Maring and virginity-harmoniged With ono imtoni ; ior such a thing abides possibie With Thee, tho Frameros nature. I am but a man, and am a partaher of the divino graco; but Thou art God, and also man to tho fame effeci: ior Thou ari is naturo man's friend. I have need in bebaptized of Thee, and comest Thou to me Thou Who mast

ho mast in tho Worid, and dicit como Where Thou mari; Thou Who Wast mado flesh, and yet Wast not changed into the


together With Thee, as Ming of one substance, and of one ill, and of Ono ju ment, and of one pomor, and of one honour With Thea; and Ηo receives, along With Thee, thesa- adoration iram all. Wheretore, o Lord, baptiae Thou me, ii Thou ple est; baptizo me, the Baptist. Re-

generato ona Whom Thou dicit cause in bo generaled. E



with respect to me. Permit the devit to come upon me, andenter the conflict With me as though I Were but a commonman, and receive thus his mortal Wound. Permit mo to

tho designing of a remedy sor those Who have been Wounded. There is a mystery, Which gives in these Watera the representation of tho heavenly streams of the regeneration of men. Suffer it to bo so noW: When thou seest me Ming What seemeth to me good among the Works of my hands, in amanner befitting divinity, then attune thy pralaes to thoacis accomptished. When thou seest me cleansing the lepere, then proclaim mo as the framer of nature. When thou se ima mahe the lame ready runners, then missi quichened paco do thou also prepare thy longue to presse me. When thouseest me cast out demons, then hail my hingdom With adoration. When thou seest me resso the dead hom their graves


is adduco the shado , and then tho reality. It bocometh meto finiati the old covenant, and then to dictate the neW, andis .rito it on tho hearis of 'men, and to subscribe it with my

beeometh me to ascend the cros' and to bo pierced With ita natis, and to suffer aster the manner of that nature which is capable of suffering, and in heat sufferings by my sussering, and by the tris to cum tho Wound that was inflicted uponmen by tho medium os a tree. It becometh mo to descendeven into the very depths of the grave, on behali of the dead ho are deisined there. Ιt becometh me, by my three dus' dissolution in tho flesh, to destroy the poWer of the ancientenemn death. It becometh me to Lindie tho torch of mybody for thoso who sit in durhness and in the shado o death. It becometh me to ascend in the flesh to that placo hero Ι am in my divini . Ιt becometh me in introducoto tho Fathor tho Adam reigning in me. It becometh me toaccomptish these things, for on account of these things I havo inheu my position mith the woris of my hands. It becomethme to bo baptigod with this baptism for the present, and aftemards to bestoW tho baptism of the consubstantialTrintly upon ali men. Lend me, therefore, O Baptist, thyright hand for tho present oeconomy, even as Mary lent

Virgin granted me her milh. LV hold of this head os mine, hicii tho seraphim revere. With thy right hand lay hold of this head, stat is related to thyself in hinship. LV hold

Spirit, and with sro: With mater, capable of Washing aWay the defilement of stas; With the Spirit, capabis of mahing


150 GREGORY THAUMATURO Sino earthy spirituat; mith sire, naturalty fitted to consumethe inorns ot transgressions. On hearing these Words, the Baptist directed his miud to the object of tho salvation or, to tho Savioues object), and comprehended the mystery Whichhe had received, and discliarged the divine command ; for hemas at once pious and ready to obey. And stretching sorthslowly his right hand, which seemed both to tremble and torejoico, he baptized the Lord. Thon the Jews Who Wore

present, With those in the vicinity and those fram a distance, Nasoned together, and spake thus With themselves and witheach other: Was it, then, Without cause that me imaginedJohn to bo superior to Jesus Was it Without cause that e considered the former to be greater than the lalteri Does not this very baptism attest the Baptist's pr eminenco 'Is not he who baptigeth presented as the superior, and he

to correct the erroneous imaginations of the JeWs, opened


os a different; of one substance With me according in Whatis unseen, and os one substance With you according to What

of tho ages. Amen.


through tho medium of the ourer membere onlythings Whicli are perfectly correspondent milhtho inner thoughis. But tho evit eye is the pretended love,

Whicli is also callod hypocrisy, by Whicli the wholo body of

though they may bo covered Mith sheegs clothing. Suchare they who Wash only the oulside of the cup and platis and do not understand that, uiatess the inside of these thingsis cleansed, the oulside itself cannot be made pure. Wher fore, in manifest confutation of such persons, the Savioursays: Is tho light that is in theo be darhness, hoW greatis that darkness t ' That is to say, it the lovo which seems to thes to bo light is reatly a Work meet sor darisess, byreason of some hypocrisy concealed in thee, What must bothy patent transgressions l