Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류



whilo matter is the opposite, impressibie, mutabie, Vari te, alterable. And noW, hoW can these properties harmonioustyc exist and unito ' Ιs it that God has adapted Himsoli tothe nature of the matter, and thus has si ii sully Wrought illBut it would bo absurd to supposo that God Works in gold, as men aro Wont to do, or hems or polisties sione, or puis Hishand to any of tho other aris hicli different hinds of matter are made capable os receiving form and figure. Butis, on tho other hand, He has fasitioned matter according to His omn Will, and after tho dictates of His own wisdom, impressing upon it the rich and manisold forms producedis His oWn operation, then is this account of ours one both good and true, and stili further ono that establishes thoposition that the ungeneraled God is tho hypostasis theliso and foundation of ali things in tho universe. For Withthis fact of the defeet os generation it conjotas the propermode of His being. Mucii, indeed, might be said in confutation of these teachers, but that is not What is before usat present. And ii they aro put alongside the most implous polytheisis προς τούς ἀθεωτάτους πολυθεουH, these Will Seem the more pious in their speech.


times. I


is tho plant the samo as the hvsbandman, nor the boat thesamo as the boatbuilder.J But then I lingered rather upontaings sultable and more adapted to the nature os the thing, and I unsolded in many Worti, is Various caresully comaidered arguments, What things mero more trus; Whichthino, moreover, I havs set forin to you in another letteri

d in these inings I havo also prouod the falsohood os theehamo Which they bring against me-to Wit, that 1 do notmaintain that Christ is consubstantiat with God. Foralthough I say that I have never either found or read this ord in the sacred Scriptures, yet other reasonings, Whicli I immediateb subjoined, are in no Wise discrepant hom this vis' because I brought sorWard as an illustration humanompring, Which assuredly is of the samo kiud as the b gester ; and I said that parents are absolutely distinguishedfrom thela children by tho fact alono that they themselves

distance missi expressions too caretessty used, as is they Werestones, not observing that on things of Whicli they are ignorant, and Whicli requiro interpretation to be underst d,



Father, and bosoro I made mention of tho Son Ι already signified Him in tho Father. I addod tho Son; and the Father, even although I had not previousty named Him, had atready been absolutely comprehended in tho Son. Iadded the Holy Spirit; but, at the fame time, I conveyed


EPISTLE TO DIONYSIUS OF ROME. 193 Trinity; and again We contraci the Trinity, which cannotho diminished, into a Unity.

said that He is also Creator of Christ, let him observe stat Isret called Him Fathor, in Which Word tho Son also is atthe fame time expressed. For astor I called the Father tho Creator, I added, Neither is He tho Father of thoso thingswhereos He is Creator, is Ho Who begot is properly unde stood lo M a Father for we Will consider the latitude of

aster Whicli manner God sald, I expected that it should mahe judment, but it made iniqui . Athanasius adds, 4. 21, that Dionysius gave various repties to thoso that blamed him for saying that God is the Maher of Christ, Whereis he cleared himself, saying, 11. That neithor must this saying be thus blamed; tor


Wiso men among the Greelis cali themselves the misere of their books, although the samo aro fathers of their books. Moreover, divine Scripture calis us makers of those motio

and sata of the two is distinct tho one from the other, and maintaining a peculiar place, and ono that is distinguishod hom tho other; sinco the former indeed abides and is stirrodin tho heari, Whilo the lalter has ita placo in the langue and in tho mouis. Αnd yet they are not apari hom one another,nor deprived of one another; neither is the mind without inoword, nor is the word Without the mind; but tho miud maesthe mota and appears in the word, and tho Word exhibita thomiud Wheroin it Was made. And the mind indein is, as it re, the word immanent, While the word is the mind bre inglarin femanantJ. The mind passes into the mord, and the word transmits the miud to the s munding hearere; and thus the


-nd is means of the word tahes iis placo in tho sonis os thohearere, entering in at the fame time as the word. And in-Med tho mind is, as it Were, the sather of the word, existingis iueis; but the word is as tho son of the mind, and cannot be made besors it nor Without it, but exista mith it, Whencoit has talion ita seed and origin. In the fame manner, alio,

gester. And again: For on this account after the Unity thero is also tho most divino Trini . The eonelassem of the em e treasiae.16. In accordanco with ait theso things, tho form, more--er, and rule being received imm the eidem .ho have liuod fore us, WΘ also, With a voice in accordance With them, mill in acquit oursolves of thanks to you, and of the lotior .hichwo am noW Writing. And in God tho Fathor, and His Sonoae Loes Jesus Christ, With tho Holy Spirit, bo glory and

dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Os αε work itaeν Athanasius thua speias r17. Finali' Dionysius) complains that his accusers do notquoto his opinions in their integri , but mutilated, and thatthv do not speis out of a good conscience, but for evit in-esination ; and ho says that they are liho those Who cavilledat tho spisties of tho blessed apostle. Certainly ho meelatho individual Worti ol his accusera, and gives a solution toau thala argumenta; and as in thoso earlier . iunga of his


Dionysius to Basilides, my beloved son, and my brother, a fellow-minister With me in holy things, and an obedient servant of God, in the Lord greeting.yYou have sent to me, mosi faithsul and accomptished son, in order to inquire What is the proper hour for bringing the fast to a close on the d V of Pentecost.' For Fou say that

λ Τhoro is a Scholium in tho Codox Amerbachianus Which may bogiven hero: It should bu known that thia ininted Dionysius becamo ahearer of Origen in the fourth year of the relin os Philip, Who auoceeded Gordian in tho empire. On tho death of Heraclas, the thirteenth bishopes the church of Alexandria, ho Was put in possession orthe Madinis of that church; and alter a period of sevenisen years, Embracing the last thres years of the reign os Philis, and the one year of that oi Decius, and the ono year of Gallus and Volusianus the son os Decius, and tWelvo years of tho Nigna ot Valerian and his son Gali Gallienus , he do- partod to tho Lord. Αnd Basilides mas bishop of the partinea in the Pentapolis of Libya, as Eusebius informa us in the alath and aevinin boohs of his Melesiastical History. ἀπονηστίζεσθαι δεῖ. Gentianus Hervetus rendera this by jejunandra sit dies Paschae; and thus hs translatea the mord by jejunare, to saah. Whereuer it occurs, Whereas it rather means alWays, jejunium solvere, to have done fasting. In this senso the mord is used in the Apostolis Constitutions repeatedlyr see Book V. ch. 12, 18, etc. It occura in the fame sense in the 89th Canon of the Concilium Trullanum. The usa must evidently bo tho fame here: so that it does nos mean, What is the proper hour for fasting on the day of Pentecost 3 hui, What is thohour at Which the ante-paschal fast ought to be terminated-Whetheron the evening preceding the paschal festivat iraeis, or at cochcro ing, or at another time 3-GALL. See algo the very suli article in Suicer, s.r.


ho came to the sepulchre one aster another κατὰ καιρους

the inn,'' as Maa telis M. Thus no one has shoπn us clearly the exact timo When He rose. It is admitted, hoWever, statinoso Who came to tho sepulchro in tho and of tho Sabbath,

it. And let us not suppose that the evangelista disagree orcontradici each other. But even although there may seemto M somo mali dissiculty as to the subject oi our inquim,

as it is found in not a se manuscripta, Vin επέστειλας μοι . . . τη του περιλυσει, he common reading Ming, 'ν του πάσχα ημἐραν. And the περίλυσις του πάσχα denotea the cloae of tho paschal fast, asEusebius mst. Eccles. v. 23) mea the phrase τας των ασιτιων ἐπώλυσεις, -the verba περιλυειν, ἀπολυειν, ἐπιλυειν, καταλυειν, Ming osten med inthia aenae. OTELERIUS on the Apostolis Constitutions, V. 15.


198THE V KS OF DIONYSIUS is they ali agres that the light of the w id, our Lord, rom