장음표시 사용
wait it to heaven, then,' mys he, does it receive thocommencement of another, an immortal liso.' And in tho Symposium ho sus, That there is instilled into ali thonatural love os generating What is like, and in men os generat-ing men alone, and in the good man of the generation of thocounterpart of himself. But it is impossibio for tho good man to do this Without possessing the perfeci viriues, in Which he wili train ths youth who havo recourso to him. And as ho sus in the Theaetetus, Ho will boget and finishmen. For some procreate by the body, othera by the foui; 'since also with tho barbarian philosophers to leach and en-lighten is called to regenerate; and I have begotten youin Josus Christ,' in says the good aposite some here. Empedocles, too, enumerates hiendship among the element' conceiving it as a combining lovo:
Parmenides, iso, in his poem, alluding to liope, spealis
THE MISCELLANIES 23 ISo with the lamps of the wise virgins, ii ted at night in thogreat daan s of ignorance, Whicli the Scriptum signified by night.' Wise fouis, pure as virgins, understanding them- solvos to be siluated amicit the ignorance of the worid, kindis the light, and rouso the mind, and illumine the daris ness, and dispel ignorance, and weh truth, and a ait theappearance of the Teacher.
For they hoard, I thinh, that excellent Wisdom, Which says totis, Watch your opportuni in the midst of tho soolisti, and in tho midst of the intelligent continuo. d again, The wiso Will conceat sonss.Vy For the many demand demonstration as a pledge of truth, not satisfied with thobare salvation is salth.
what thoy claim as belonging to us, be uso ali inings are God's; and especialty since What is good proceeded Domus to tho Greelis, let us handie those things as they are capille of hearing. For intelligence or rectitudo this meat crowd estimates not by truth, but by What they aro delighted with. And they Will be pleased not more mitti other thingsthan with what is liko thomselves. For ho Who is stili blindand dumb, not having underetanding, or the undaggled and keen vision of the contemplative foui, Whicli tho Saviour confers, lihe the uninitiated at the mysteries, or the un- musical at dances, not being yet pure and Worthy of the pure truth, but stili discordant and disordered and materiai, must stand oulside of the divine choir. For me compare spirituat things with spiritual.Vρ Wherofore, in accordancomith tho method os concealment, the truly sacred Word, trulydivine and most necessary for us, deposited in the stirine of
truth, Was by tho Egyptians indicated by What were called
tho consecrated-that is, those devoted to God, circumcised in tho destres of tho passions for tho salio os lovo to that Whichis alone divine-were allowed access to them. For Plato also thought it not lawsul sor tho impure to touch tho pure. Thence tho prophecies and oracles are spohen in enimas, and the mysteries ars not exhibited incontinently to ali and sundry, but only after certain purifications and previous in
Noπ those instructed among the Egyptians learned fidit ofati that stylo of the Εgyptian letters which is called Epistia graphic; and second, the Hieratic, Which the sacred scribes practim; and finalty, and last os ali, tho Hieroglyphic, of whicli ono hind whieli is by tho first olemonis is literat Κyriologic), and the other Symbolic. of tho Symbolic, ono hind spealis litorally by imitation, and another Writes as it ero figuratively; and another is quilo allegoricat, using
Wishing to express Sun in Wriling, they mahe a circle; and Μoon, a figure like the Moon, liho ita proper shape. But inusing the figurative style, by transposing and transferring, bychanging and by transsorming in many Ways as suila them, they draW characters. In relating the praises of tho hings in theological mytbs, they write in anaglyphs. Let the sollowingstand as a specimen of the third species the Enigmatic. Fortho rest of tho stars, on account of their oblique courae, theyhavo fimrod like the bodies of serpenta; but the sun like thatos a boeile, becauso it mahes a round figure of Ox-dung, androlis it betare ita face. And they say that this creatum lives fixmonths under ground, and the other division of the year abovo ground, and emiis iis seed in to the ball, and brings forth; and that there is not a semale beelle. Ali then, in a mord, Who
have spolien os divine things, both Barbarians and Greelis, have velled the first principies of things, and delivered thotruth in enigmas, and symbolf, and allegories, and metaphors, and such like tropes. Such also are the oracles among the Greeis. Αnd tho Pythian Apollo is callod Loxias. Also tho maxims of those among the Greelis called wiso men, in aseW svings indicate tho unsolding of matter os considerable importance. Such certainly is stat maxim, Sparo Timo either becauso lite is stiori, and we ought not is expendthis time in vain; or, on the oster hand, it bids you spareyοur personat expenses ; so that, though you live many years, necesSaries may not fati you. Similarly also the maxim μ Know thyset ' shows many things; both that
bora, and whose imago thou ari; and What is thy essence, and What thy creation, and What thy relation to God, and
the like. And tho Spirit sus by Isaiah the prophe I Will
taught in theology by those propheis, the poeta, philosophiae
much by Way of a hidden sense. I mean Orpheus, Linus, Musaeus, Homer, and Hesiod, and those in this fashion mise. The persuasive style os poeto is for them a veil for tho
many. Dreams and signa ars ali more or lem obscuro to
and hath not entered into tho heari os man, What God hath prepared for them that love Him. For God hath revoaledit in us by the Spirit. For the Spirit Marcheth ait things, oven the deep things of God. For he recognises the spirituat man and ths gnostic is sto disciple of the Holy Spiritdispensed by God, which is the mind of Christ. But thonaturat man receiveth not tho things of the Spirit, for theyaro Aolistinem in him.'M Now the apostle, in contradistin tion in gnostic perfection, calis the common faith the found tion, and somelimes milM Writing on this Rise: μ Brothren, Icould not speis to you as to spirituat, but as in carnal, to
are the choico of thoso meri Who are sin ners. But those Who
NΟW the Pythagorean symbols were connected With the Barbarian philosophy in tho most recondite Way. FOr in-Stance, tho Samian counself not to have a swallow in thohouse; V that is, not to receive a loquacious, Whispering, garrulous man, Who cannot contain What has been communicated to him. For tho swallow, and the turile, and thespar Ws of the sold, know the times of their entrance, ' says the Scripture; and one ought nevor to dwelt with trifles. And the turil dove murmuring shows the thanklem stander
Don't multer against me, aitting by one tu one place, mother in another. ε
The s alloW too, whicli suggesta the sable os Pandion, feeingit is right to detest tho incidenis reported os it, some ofWhicli me hear Tereus suffered, and some ot whicli ho inflicted. It pursues also the musical grasshoppers, Whenecthe Who is a persecutor of the word ought to be driven aWay.
Again Pythagoras commanded, When the pol is listed os
to intellectual objecta: for familiari with tho sight disparages the reverence of What is divine; and to worship that whicli is immaterial by matter, is to dishonour it by sense. Wheresors the wisest of the Egyptian priosis decidod that thotomplo os Atheno fhould be hypaethrai, just M tho HebreWs constructed the temple Without an image. And some, in
Worshipping God, mahe a representation os heaven containing the stars; and so Worship, although Scriptum sus, Let usmahe man in our image and likenem. Α Ι think it worthwhile also to adduce the ulterance of Eurysus the Pyth gorean, Whicli is as solioWs, Who in his book On Fortune, having said that tho Creator, on mahing man, took Ηimselfas an exemplar,' added, μΑnd tho body is liko tho otherinings, as Ming made of the fame materiai, and sashioned by the best Workman, Who Wrought it, inhing Himself astho archetype.' And, in fine, Pythagoras and his solio era, With Plato also, and most of the other philosophers, Were bestacquainted With the La giver, as may be concluded hom stela doctrine. And by a happy ulterance of divination, not milhout divine help, concurring in certain prophetic declarations, and seiging the truth in portions and aspecta, in terms notobscure, and not going Myond the explanation of the things, they honoured it on ascertaining the appearance of relation
in tho truth. Whence tho Hellenic philosophy is lita tho torch of wich whicli men hindle, artificiatly stealing theliot hom tho sun. But on the proclamation of the Wordali that holy light shone fortii. Then in houses by night thostolen light is usefui; but by day the fire bimes, and ali thon hi is illuminated by such a sun of intellectual light.