장음표시 사용
And Pindar expromty introduces also Zeus Soter, the eon
Ηe, then, Who is not obedient to tho truth, and is pussed up
Mai. L 10, 11, 14. Perhapa Bacchylides. η ἀρκαίαν. Tho massing of Η. Stephanua, ἀναοὰς ' Ωρας, is adopted in the translation. The texi Ma ἀγαθὰ σωτῆρας. Somo supply χρας, and at the
a00 THE MISCELLANIES DBoox V. with human teaching, is wretched and miserabie, according in Euripides:
Lot him Who Wishes, then, approaching to the true instruction, learn from Parmenides the Eleatic, Who promises :
And Metrodorus, thougii an Epicurean, spoke thus, divinelyinspired: Remember, o Menestratus, that, being a mortalondoWod mith a circumscribed lite, thou hast in thy foui ascended, tili thou hast seen endless time, and tho infinityof things; and what is to be, and what has been ; ' whenwith tho blessed choir, according to Plato, Me shali gaze ontho blossod sight and vision; We folio ing With Zeus, and othors With other deitios, is me may be permitted so to say, to receive initiation into the most biessed mystery : which weshali colebrate, ourselves being persect and untroubled by thoills whicli amatted us at tho end os our time; and introducedio the knowlodge of perfeci and tranquit Visions, and contemplating them in pure suillight; We o selves pure, and no nolonger distinguished by that, Whicli, When car ing it aboui, we cali the body, being bound in il liho an oyster to iis stioli. Tho Pythagoreans cali heaven the Antichthon the opposito
It having been, then, as I thinh, clearly shown in What wayit is to bo underetood that tho Greehs were called thioves by the Lord, Ι willingly leave the dogmas of the philosophere. Formem κε to go over their svings, we should gather together directly suis a quantity os notes, in alio ing that the wholo of tho Hellente misdom mas derived srom tho Barbarian philosophy. But this speculation, Wo Ahall, nevertheless, againtouch on, as necessi requires, When We collect the opinions current among the Greeta respecting first principies But hom what has been said, it tacitly devolves on us to consider in What way tho Hellenio books are to be perused by the man who is ablo to pass through the billows in them.
Thus, then, tot our fifth Miscellany os gnostic notos in ac- cordance With the truo philosophy bo brought to a close.
th virtus, for the reception os gnostic knowledge. The Greeri, then, clearly learning, hom What shali be said is usin these pages, that in prosanely persecuting the Goddoving
man, they themselves act impiously; then, as the notes ad-Vance, in accordance With the stylo of the Miseellantes, vo
knowle o of individual objecta ; in Which not only the rationia pomere, but equalty the irrational, share, Which ΙWould never term knowledge, in much as the apprehension of things throuo the senses comes naturally. Butthat milita par eaeeellenee is termed knowledge, beare thoimpress of judment and reason, in the exerciso of Which
preface, add to the close of the fifth book What is manting. . For since Wo have alioWn that the symbolicia stylo Wasancient, and Was employed not only by our propheta, butalso by the majori of the ancient Greelis, and by not a seWos tho rest of the Gentile Barbarians, it Was requisite to procoed to tho mysteries of the initiate i. I postpono the elucidation of these illi mo advanco to tho consutation os Whatis sald by tho Greelis on first principies; for me stiali shoN that the mysteries belong to the fame branch os speculation. And having proved that the declaration os Helleniothought is illuminated ali round by tho truth, bestoWed onus in the Scriptures, tal ing it according to the sense, me have proved, not to say What is invidious, that tho thest os tho truth passed to them. Como, and let us adduce tho Grooks as Witnessos against themselves to the thest. For, inasmuch as they pilier ironi one another, they estabiisti the faci that they aroth leves; and although against their Wili, they are detected, clandestinely appropriating to thoso of their oren race the
very persons Who are the authors of the divisions into secta, consess in Wriling, so as not to bo convicted os ingratitude, thatthey have received from Socrates the most important of their dogmas. But aster availing myseli os a Iew testimontes osmen most talked os, and of repute among the Greelis, and
THE MISCELLIN S. 305 exposing their plagiarieting style, and selecting them homVarious periods, I shali turn to What follows. Orpheus, then, having composed the lino:
Again, visaeus haring composed the lines:
It is uisoly to exuit ovis dead men,' β- Archilochus and Cratinus write, the former: It is nos nobio at dein men to meo; 'and Cratinus in the Laeones :
Again, Archilochus, transferring that Homeric line :
Also, translating the following :
Archilochus having likowiso said r
And Euripides, too, shouting the like on the stage:
3 Iliavi xviii. 309. ' die teri Ma : Νίκης ἀνθρωποισι λων εα πείρατα κειται. In Iliad, vii 101, 102, me read:
Euripides having, besides, said in tho Medea:
Sophocles in Ajaae Flagellifer ultera this iambic r
Whenco also Thucydides, in the Histories, says: μ Manymen, io Whom in a great degree, and in a stiori time, un-l ked-sor prosperi ty comes, are Wont to turn to insolence. And Philistus' likewiso imitates the fame sentiment, eXP S ing himself thus: And tho many things Whicli turn out prospero ly to men, in accordance With reason, have an in-
Τahe, is Way of parallel, such plagiarisms as the folloKing, fram thoso Who flourishod together, and wero rivals of eachother. From the Orestes of Euripides: