Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 12: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 2

발행: 1869년

분량: 562페이지


분류: 미분류


things then be so. For life would sati me, mero Ι to unde rahe to go over the subject in delati, to expose the selfisti plagiarism of tho Greelis, and hoW they claim the discovery of tho best of their doctrines, Whicli they have received froni us.



each one os their petitions. Again, the Greelis relate, that in the case of a gallum onceos the Etesian winds, Aristaeus Onco sacrificed in Ceus to Isthmian Zeus. For there mas great devastation, everythingbeing buriat up With the heat in consequence of the winda, which had been Wont to relaesh the productions of the earin, nes bioWing, and he eastly called them bach. And at Delphi, on the expedition os Xerxes against Greme, the Pythian priestess having made ans er:

they having erected an altar and performed sacrifico to tho inds, had them as their helpers. For, blowing violentlyaround Cape Sepias, they shivered the whole preparations of the Persian expedition. Empedocles os Agrigentum Was called Chocher of Winds.' Accordingly it is sald, that When, Ona time, a Wind blew from the mountain os Agrigentum, heavy and pestiferous for the inhabitanis, and the cause also

Wheroforo ho himself writes in the linos :

And they say that he was sollowed by some that used divinations, and some that had been long vexed by fore disinsos.'


NE MISCELLANTES. 321 They plainly, then, belleved in the performance of cures, and

signs and Wonders, hom our Scriptures. For is certain pomere move the winti and dispense Ahowers, let them hear

And some say that plagues, and hail-storms, and tempesta, and tho lihe, ars mont to take place, not alone in consequenceos materiai disturbance, but also through anger os demonsand bad angeis. For instance, they say that the Magi atCleone, Walching the phenomena of the shies, When the cloudsam aboni to discharge hall, avert the threatening of Wrathby incantations and sacrifices. And is at any time thero is the want of an animal, they ars satisfied With bleeding theirown finger for a sacrifice. The prophetess Diotima, by the Athenians offering sacrifico previous to the pestilence, effecteda dolay of the plague for ten years. The sacrifices, i , of Epimenides of Crete, put Og the Persian war for an equalperiod. And it is considerod to be ali tho samo whether mocali these spiriis gods or angeis. And thogo fhillod in thomatter os consecrating statues, in many of the temples havserected tombs of the dead, calling the fouis of these Daemons,

and toaching them to be worshipped by men ; as having, in consequence of the puri of their lise, by tho divino for

os celestial phenomena, mas called μ Wisdom ' Σοφία). Onhis mesting a cordial reception iram his brother Damasus, he



of God is the advent of divino poWer, pervading the wholam id, and prociatming the liot that is inaccessibio.'

For inch is the allegory, according to the Scriptum. Butthe fire Was seen, as Aristobulus says, While the whola multitude, amounting to not less than a million, besides those underage, Were congregated around the mountain, tho circuit ofino mount not Ming tres than five dus' joum . Over tho.holo place of the vision ine burning fire Was seen by themali oncampod as it mere amund ; so that the descent Was notlocat. For God is meryWhem. Nom tho compilers of narratives say that in tho istand of Britain there is a cave siluated under a mountain, and a chasm on iis summit; and that, accordinψ' When the Windlatis into tho cavo, and mines into the bosom of the clest, amund is heard liko cymbals clashing musically. And ostenin the woods, When the leaves are moved by a sudden gust ofwind, a mund is emitted like tho song of birds. Those also Who composed the Persios relato that in thonplands, in the country of the Μagi, three mountains arosiluated on an extended plain, and that thoin Who traves throuo the localit' on coming to the firat mountain, hear a confused Aound as of severat myriads shouting, as it in batilo arru; and on maching the middie one, they hear a clamo louder and more distinci; and at the end hear peopte singinga paean, as ii Victorious. Αnd the cause, in my opinion, of the

the localities; and the ala, entering in, being sent bach and


even mithout a medium, to produce a Volce and vision throughthe ear, shoming that His meatnem has a natural order b yond What is customa , in order to the conversion of thehitherio unbelleving soul, and the reception of the command-

shali find anothor testimony in confirmation, in tho factstat tho best of the philosophers, having appropriated theirmost excellent dogmas from us, boast, as it mere, of certain

of tho tensis Whicli portain to oach seci heing culled homoster Barbarians, chiefly from tho Egyptians-both other tenera, and that especialty of the transmigration of the foui. For the Egyptians puraue a philosophy of their oWn. Τhisis principalty shown by their sacred ceremonial. For finiadvances the Singer, bearing some one of the symbols of music. For they say that he must learn two of tho books of Hermes, the one of Whicli contains tho hymns of the gods, the second the regulations for tho kinjs liso. d aster tho Singer advances tho Astrologer,' with a horologo in his livid, and a palm, the symbols os astrology. He must have theastrological books of Hermes, whicli ars four in number, alnus in his mouth. of these, one is about the order of the



BOOK VI. fixed stare that are visibis, and another about the conjunctions and luminous appearances of the sun and moon; and the rest respecting their risings. Next in order advinces thesacred Scribe, With Wings on his head, and in his hand a book and rute, in Which were Writing inh and the reed, with whichthey Write. And he must be acquainted with what are called hieroglyphim, and know about cosmography and geography, the position of the sun and moon, and about the five planeis; also the description os Enpi, and the chart of the Nile; and the description of the equipment of the priesis and of the places consecrated to them, and about the me ures and thethings in use in the sacred rites. Then the Stole- eper folloWs those preriousty mentioned, with the cubit os justice and the cup for libations. Ho is aequainted with ali potnis called Paedentic relating to training and Moschophatic sacrificial). There are also ten books Whicli relato to the honourpaid by them to their gods, and containing the Egyptianworship; as that relating to sacrifices, fini- fruits, hymns, prVers, processions, festivais, and tho like. Αnd bohind allwalis the Prophei, with tho mater ase carried openly in his arms; Who is solio ed by thoso Who caro tho issus ofloaves. Ηe, as being the governor of the temple, learns theten boota called Hieratio; V and they contain ali about thelaws, and the gods, and the whole os the training of thopriesis. For the Prophet is, among the Egyptians, also OVersto distribution of the revenuos. There are then fortΡt obooks os Hermes indispensably necessisy; of Whicli the si and-thirty containing the wholo philosophy of the Egyptians ars learned by the forementioned personages; and the othersix, Whicli are medicat, by tho Pastophoroi imag bearem ,-treating of the structuro of the body, and of diseases, and instrumenta, and medicines, and about the ves, and thelast about Women. Such are the customs of the Egyptians, to speis briefly. The philosophy of the Indians, i , has been celebrated. Alexandor of Μacedon, having taken ten of tho Indian Gymnosophista, that seemed the best and most sententious, proposed to them problem' threatening to put in death him



prove true, alter saying that thou Wouldest hili firat tho fidit man stat ans ered very badly And that tho Greehs are called pillarers of ali manner of riling, is, as I thinh, suffciently demonstrated is abundant




TNE MISCELLANTES. 327 possession, Worinio them.' And What God hath givon to

clearly, as I thinh, he shοWed that the one and only Godmas known by the Greelis in a Gentile Way, by the JeWs Judaically, and in a neW and spiritual Way by us. And further, that the samo God that furnishod both tho venanis mas the giver os Greeli philosophy to the Greeis,

shows. And it is olear hom this. Accordiniy, then, Domino Hellente trianing, and also fram that of the lam aremthered into the one race of the faved peopte inose Who accepi faith: not that tho three peoples are separared by time, so



BUT as tho proclamation of the gospe has come noW attho fit time, so also at tho fit time mero the LaW and the ri pheta given to the Barbarians, and Philosophy to the Greeis,to fit their eam for the gospei. Therefore,' says tho Lord ho delivered Israel, μ in an acceptabis timo have I heardines, and in a day of salvation have I helpod thoe. And Ιhavo oven theo sor a Covenant in the nations; that thou