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tho Lord ho accepta as clear and evident, though concealedfrom othera; and he has Hready received the knowledge of ali things. And the oracles We possem give their ulterances respecting What exista, as it is; and respecting What is future, as it shali be; and respecting What is past, as it Was. In scientific mattera, as being alone possessed os scientifichnowledge, he mill hold the pr eminence, and will discourso on the discussion respecting the Mod, ever intent on intellectual objecis, tracing out his procedure in human assaire fram the archetypes above; as navigatore direct tho fhipaccording to the star; prepared to hold himself in readinossior overy sultable action ; accustomed to despise ali diffleuitios and dangers When it is necessary in unde o them; neVerdoing anything precipitate or incongruous either to himselfor the common meat; foreseeing; and inflexibio by pleasures both of waking houm and of dreams. For, accustomed tosparo living and frugali , he is moderate, active, and grais ;requiring feW necessaries for lita; occupying himself with nothing superfluous. But destring not even these things aschios, but is reason os felloWship in lite, as necessary for his friourn in illa, as far RS neeeMam.
contribution to the truth. Prosecuting, then, the proportionos harmonios in music; and in arithmetic noting the increa ing and decreasing os numbere, and their relations to one another, and hon the most of things fali under some proportionos numbers; studying geometry, Which-is abstraci QSSence, he perceives a continuous distance, and an immutable essence
with heaven, and will revolvo with iis revolution; studyingever divine things, and their harmony vitii each other; from hicli Abraham starting, ascended to the knowledge of Him ho created them. Further, the Gnostic Will avail himsolios dialectios, fixing on the distinction os genera into species, and wili mastor the distinction os existences, tili he come tori hat are primary and simple. But the multitude are frightened at tho Hellente phil Sophy, as children are at masta, being ahaid test it load thom
that thoy mill not retain the truth. For truth is immoveable; but falso opinion dissolves. - choose, for instanee, OnBpurpio by comparison With another purple. So that, is oneconfesses that he has not a heari stat has been made right, ho
Ηervetus, προσοίσεται; the conjecture of Sylburgius, προσείσεται, or προσἡσσται, used a litue alter in the pMMe προσησεται την ἀληθειαν.
It is, then, not by mailing himself of theso as virtuos statour Gnostic Will be deeply leamed. But by using them asholps in distinguishing What is common and What is peculiar,
he will admit the truth. For the cause of ali error and falso opinion, is inability to distinguish in What respect things are common, and in What respecta they differ. For unless, inthings that ars distinci, one closely Watch speech, he Willinadvertently confound What is common and What is peculiar. And where this tahes placo, he must of necessity tali intopathless tracta and error.
Tho distinction of names and things also in tho Scripturos themselves produces great light in men's fouis. For it is necessam to underatand expressions whicli signisy severat things, and severat expressions When they signisy one thing. Thoresult of Whicli is accurate ansWering. But it is necessary toavoid the great futility whicli occupies itsolf in irrelevant
matters; since the Gnostic avails himself of branches os learning as auxiliary preparatory exercises, in order to the accurate communication of tho truth, as far as attainable and with astitilo distraction as possibie, and for defence against reasonings that plot for the extinction of the truth. He will notthen bs deficient in What contributes to proficiency in thecurriculum os studies and tho Hellenic philosophy; but notprincipally, but necessariin secondarily, and on account of
circumstances. For What those labouring in herestes use
then in astronomy me have Abraham as an instance, soalso in arithmetic Wo havo the fame Abraham. For, hea ing that Lot Was inhen captive, and having numbered hisown servant' born in his house, 318 τι δ),' ho doteais a very great number of the enemy. They say, then, that the character representing 300 is, as tosti ape, the type of the Lord's sign,' and that tho Iota and thona indieato the Saviour's name; that it Was indicated, accord- ingly, that Abraham's domestics were in salvation, Who havingsod to tho Sign and tho Namo became totas of ths captives, and of the very many unbelleving nations that solio ed them.
squaros ; and of the inequality of the number 56, consistinges seven of the even numbers beginning With 2 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14), Which produce the numbers that are not squares.'Again, according to another Way of indicating, the number 120 consisis os four numbers-of one triangular, 15; ofanoster, a square, 25 ; os a stird, a pentagon, 35 ; and of asourth, a hexagon, 45. The 5 is tinen according to the sameratio in eaeli mode. For in triangular numbers, hom theunity 5 comes 15; and in squares, 25; and of those in succession, proportionalty. NoW 25, whicli is tho numbor 5 fromunitri is sald to bo the symbol of tho Levitical tribo. Andilio number 35 depends also on the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonio scalo of doubles-6, 8, 9, 12; the additionos which mahos 35. In theso days, the Jews say that seven monilis' childron are formed. And tho number 45 dependson the scale of triples-6, 9, 12, 18-the addition of whichmahes 45; and similarly, in these dvs they say that nino
monilis' children are formed. Such, then, is the stylo of the example in arithmetic. Andiet the testimony os geometry be the tabernacle that Was constructed, and the ais that was fasitioned, onstructed in most
regular proportions, and through divine ideas, by the gist ofunderatanding, whicli leads us Irom things os sense to intellectual objecis, or rather from these to holy things, and to the holyos holies. For the squares of wood indicato that the square form, producing right anses, pervades ali, and potiara out security. And tho longili of the structuro was three hundred
tho ark onds in a cubit, narroWing to a cubit hom the broad base like a pyramid, the symbol of those Who are purifiedand tosted by fire. And this geometrical proportion has a place, sor the transpori os those holy abodes, whose differences aro indicatod by tho difforences of the numbers set do- below.And the numbers introduced aro si fold, as three hundredis fix times fisu ; and ten-sold, as three hundred is ten timos thiru; and containing one and tW thirds ἐπιδίμοιροψ, sorfifty is one and tw thirti of thir . NoW there are some Who say that throe hundred cubiis ars tho symbol of the Loris sim ;y and fift' of hope and of tho remission oven at Ρentecost; and thir , or as in some,
a sues Wero tWelve. Αnd the structure's terminating in acubit is tho symbol os the advancoment of the rightoous to
And tho tablo which Was in the templo Was sis cubita; 'and iis four feet were about a cubit and a hali. They add, then, the twelve cubila, agreeably to the revolution of the twelve monilis, in the annuat circle, during Whichtho earin produces and matures ali things; adapting itfelito the four se ons. Αnd the tablo, in my opinion, exhibiis the image of the earth, supported as it is on four feet, summer, autumn, spring, Winter, by vhich the year traveis. Wheresore also it is said that the tablo has mavy chaim; 'Meither bocauso the universe revolves in the circulis os thotimes, or perhaps it indicated the earili surroundod with
Further, as an example of music, let us adduce David, playing at once and prophesying, melodio ly praising God μου tho Enarmonis sutis best the Dorian harmony, and tho
THE MISCELLANTES. 355 Diatonio the Phrygian, as Mistoxenus says. The harmony, thereiore, of the Barbarian psalter' Whicli exhibited gravityos strian, being the most ancient, most certainly became amodet for Terpander, for the Dorian harmony, Who sings thepresses of Zeus thus:
The lyre, according to iis primary signification, may by the psalmist be used figuratively for the Lord; according to iis
secondarri for those Who continuatly striae the chords of their fovis under the direction of the Choi master, the Lord. And it tho peoplo saved bo called the lyre, it mill be unde Mood to be in consequenco os their giving ψοπ musically, throuo the inspiration of tho Word and the knowledgo ofGod, being struch by the Word so as to produce faith. Youmay tae music in another Way, as the ecclesiastical symphonyat ones of the laW and the propheta, and the apostles along illi the gospei, and tho harmony Which obtained in cachprophet, in the transitions of the persons. But, as seems, the most of those Who ars inscribod withtho Name,' liko tho companions of Ulysses, handio tho mordunshilsully, passing by not the Sirens, but the rhythm and the melody, stopping their eam Willi ignorance; since in know that, after lending their eam to Hellente studies, in Wili never subsequently bo able to retrace their sieps. But he who culis What is usoses for tho advantago of the catechumens, and especialty When they ars Greeta and theearth is tho Lota's, and tho suinem thereos ), must not abstata hom erudition, lihe irrationat animati; but he must collectas many aids as possibie for his heisera. But he must isno means linger over these studies, excepi sesely sor ineaduantage aceruing from stem; so that, on Masping and
obtaining this, he may bo abis to tine his departum homoto tho true philosophy, whicli is a strong cabie sor the wes, providing securi from everything. Music is then to bo hindled for tho sata of the ombellio-
ment and composure os manners. For instance, at a banquet
ticentious and voluptuous, and then frenetied and Dantic. The fame holds also of astronomy. For treating of the description os the colestial objecta, about the sorm of tho universe, and the revolution of the heavens, and the motion of the stare, leading the foui never to the creative poWer, ii teaches to quichness in perceiving the seMons of the year, the changes of the air, and the appe ance of the stare; since also navigation and husbando derive from this much benefit, as architecture and bullding from geometry. Thisbranch of learning, too, mahes the foui in the highest degreo observant, capsile os perceiving the true and detecting the false, of discovering correspondences and proportions, so Mio hunt out for similarity in things dissimilis; and conducisus to the discovory of tength Without breadth, and supe ficiat extent Without thichness, and an indivisibis potnt, and transporta to intelleoluat objecta from those of sense.
Tho studies of philosophy, theresore, and philosophy itseli,
be prepared and variousty exercised, ii it Would bocomo in the highest degree good. For there is the scientific and tho practical element in truth; and tho lalter flows fram thospeculative; and there is need os great practice, and exercise,
and experienee. But in speculation, One element relates to one's net boursand another to one's self. Whereiore also training oughtto bo so moulded as to bo adapted to both. He, then, Who has acquired a competent acquaintance With the subjecis
whicli embrace the principios whicli conduce to scientifichnowledge gnoais), may stop and remain for the futuro inquiet, directing his actions in conformi with his theo .
But for tho bonefit of one's neighbours, in the case of those who have proclivities for Wriling, and those Who set them-selves to deliver the word, both is ollior culturo beneficiat, and tho reading of tho Scriptures of the Lord is necessary, in order to the demonstration of What is sald, and especiallyii thoso Who hear are accessions from Hellente culture. Sueli David describes tho church : The queen stood onthy right hand, enueloped in a goiden robe, variegated; and with Hellenic and superabundant accomptishmenta, clothed
and so tho Ways of those on earth Were corrected, and menlearned Thy decrees, and were saved by Wisdom For tho Gnostic knows things ancient by the Scripture, and conjectures
things future: ho underatanda the involutions of words and tho solutions of enigmas. He knows besorohand signa and wonders, and the issues of seasons and periods, as me havo saidal ready. Seest thou the fountain os instructions that tahes iis riso from wisdom But to those who objeci, What uso isthere in knowing the causes of the manner of the sun's motion,ior example, and the rest of the heavenly bodies, or in havingstudied the theorems of geometry or logic, and each of thoothor branchos of study '-sor these are of no servico in thodischarge of duties, and tho Hellenic philosophy is humanwisdom, for it is incapable of teaching ' tho truth the follo ing remarhs are to be made. First, that they stumbie in reserenco to the highest of things-namely, the minaes free
regard philosophy as inferior in architectum and shipbuild-ing l And tho Lord fod tho multitudo of thoso that reclinodon the grass opposite to Tiberias with tho two fishos and the flve barley loaves, indicating the preparatory training of the Greelis and Jews previous to the divine grain, Whicli is thelaod cultivaled by the law. For barley is sooner ripe sortho harvest than whoat; and tho fishos signifiod tho Hellente philosophy that Was produced and moved in the midst of the Gentile bilioW, oven, as they mere, sor copious food tothose lying on the ground , increasing no more, liho the fragments of the loaves, but having partalion of the Loraesbio ing, had breathed into them tho resurrection os God-heady throuo the power of the Word. But is Du are curious, understand one of the fifties to mean tho curriculum Os stud' and the other the philosophy Whicli supervenes.
is substituting sor συναλογοι λόγου, απιλ., σύλλογοι λόγον, κ.τ.λ.