장음표시 사용
who, while they occupy an office os perfection, give litile thought to acquiring
They indulge their appetites; they
ney are satisfied is they do not omittheir office, is they administer the Sacraments when asked to do so, is they celebrate Masses os obligation punctualla,
are not bound to practise higher perfection. emulate Such a perfeci state ovisi de of the cloister they cati hypocrisy. The right conscience of othersmore timorous than their oWn they stig
Dost thou comprehend this, my son3Τhine eye is stine intention: thy body is the series of thy datly actions, the functions of thy ministry. Dost thou wisti therefore stat thine actions be Worthy os a true priest3 Dost thou Wisti stat thy ministry be pleasingio me3 Have in VieW a holy PurPOSe, a right intention. I, sty Saviour, have fouit solely thegloxy os my Father and the salvation offouis. Do thou in like manner: be intentupon this one thing, have this one object
The old serpent is very inrevi and those Whom he perceives to be of rightheart he influences by mery manner of deceit in order to corrupi litile by liuiotheir good intention and tum it to evit men he has accomptished this, heblinds them that they may not see stat they have been deceived by Satan and that they have deviated from their holy
Μaia how this is accomptished. Farbe it hom me, says the priest, stat Ιinould celebrate Mass on account of the stipendium. But when the devit sees that there is no stipendium, he comes and instiis a spirit of weariness andennui; and brings it about that the priest, Who never allowed business assairs nomalter hoW urgent to deter him from celebrating daily, neglects to do So noW
Watin theresore, dearly beloved. stat thou enterest not into his temptations. Aim at and seek nothing else than God's good pleasure and the weltare ofyour neighbor; thus thou inali enjoyinterior liberty. Be etealous for the glory of the heav- enly Faster as becomes a good son: heever alive to his interesis as hecomes afaithful servant. Remember that he whoseeks seis more in the ministo is a thies and like Lucifer appropriates to himself the glory due to God. Fight mantassy, my son, against theold serpent, stat he may neVer cause theeto deviate Dom a right intention. Lookup to God in the morning and offer to his glory ali me thoughts, words and actions of the day; renounce expreSSty eVery Perverse motive that might possibiyinsinuate itself. Wis stiali be for thee a most powerfulfhield against ali the decetts of the
And is he stati then come, and through the temptation os Vanity striveto appropriate thine actions to himself,