장음표시 사용
moment and then vanishing. I am a man surrounded by infirmity, involvod in ignorance and darkneSS, Prone to evit, flow and weah in the per- formance of good; inconstant as the leas
that is carried by the wind; fuit os im-
For is thou lovest this life thou shali live according to it; but is thou livest according to it thou shali die. Ιf, on the contrary, thou hatest it, thouwili mortise by the spirit iis deeds; andis by the spirit thou mortifiest the deedsos the flesti thou shali live.
I hou knowest, my son, that the destres of the flesti a re altogether opposed tomy law and commandments. Thou knowest that thy nature inclines thee topride, aVarice, lust, enVy, intemperance
and stolli, whilsi I demand of thee
Give it Work, and that indoed at alltimes; so that Whenever the devit destresto excite thy flein to evit, he shali find it
This, my son, it is true, is not the work of one day nor child's play. With men this is impossibie, but Wissime ali inings are possibie. Ralse thy hands to thy God who is in heaven; let thy Wayers ascend as incense in my Sight. Say With an ardent longing: O Lord, I know that thy Wili is my sanctification. Grant me, therefore, this grace that thou hast shown to be so necessary forme, that I may mortise my flesti inichwould othemise lead me is sin and perdition. Couram, dearly belovedi Do not ali,
things that are Wanting in my sufferings.
in the labore of thy sacred mini Stry. Is thou cansi not so hate thy flesti asto perfectly bury it With me in deuth, at