장음표시 사용
TH various documents containe in his volume, with the exception of thos include in the Appendices, have been transcribe frona the originals in the possession of the Corporation of Over. The coverthe perio embraced etween the ear I 227 and 569. The large majorit of them, as is naturat, are o purelyloca interest, ut there are ome hich ill e mundio posses historica importance, specialty illi referen ceto the inque oris. The document numbere XXVI. is, o far a I know the earli est recor of the ancientCour of Shepway, and afford fuit information a to iis constitution jurisdiction, and method os procedure. The manuscript consist os a dotibi folio, an is evidently the remalias of the origina Quaternus epiby the ter of the Couri. Itonfortunatet throwSno light upo the exed question a to the localit in whicli the Court was held. The oath o allegi ance toHenr VIII. containe in XCIX. is publislied in fuit, belleve, for the rs time. The various deed have been printe in chronological order, ut have beenarrange unde suitable eadings in the Contenis
columns and for the convenience of those ho may at an time isti to consul the originals the referenceto the Corporation Archive is in very case i ven in square brachel a the en os ach document. One Charier of the eigia i Edwar IV. has been omitted
it is a copy of that ing's origina Charte to the Cinque oris. As these documents have been fullydeat with in ea es Chartem, I id not conside it
necessar to print i here although it a transcribed an translated illi the thers.
In Appendices A and B ill e found a fullreference to the various Charier preserve in the Britisti Museum and Principa Recor ossice hicli posses an loca interest With the exception o A i., whicli must e date IaO3-I2O , he have o beengiven in extenso. I have transcribe this at tength, hecaus it is the earlies of iis indiset discovere so
ever, it is orth of insertion in iis entirety for notoni does it ive a particulari long lis of itnesses, but it also throws an interestin light on the methodo administerin justice in ove in the early years of the eig of Κin Jolin. The Charte itfel appears
to me tot the utcome of a placitum conoencionis sti te, for it differs frona an ordinar grant in his important respect that the Testes include the hie ossicials of the casti and of the own There are a good an similaraocument in the followin pages, ut number XLVII. LV and XXV malae it clea that the finalis concordia iii the Courtoas followed by a Carta Confrmacionis. take it, there re that hos Charier Witnessed by the Mayor Baili' and four, o more, JuratS, are Carne Coormacionis, resulting rom a suit eard in thelocat couri. It is to e note also that the grantorsreceived Hsh for the confirmation of thei Charier in the Hundred Cour of Over. Looking at thewitnesses frona his poliat of vie K, e findoli Constable
the Seneschal and the Cleri of the Constabie George,
carte hujus scriptor), representin the Casileri and the Prepositus an Cler of Dove representin the o n.
In addition to these there are twenty-Seven Other namCS,
whicli are those of important townsmen and Casile ossicials It illo Once e seen that here is a stri hingomission, o Mayor of Over appear among the witnesses, and what, o me, is more rem arkable, a
Simon the Dean' sigias e re the Constabie. The
question naturali ari Ses, a there a Mayor fioverat this period here made considerable researchoosetile his poliat, ut have meret obtaine sonae negati veresulis There is no recor of the own havin been et to the urgesses a se ferna, and there is no refereiaceto ove in his connection in Maddox' Firma surgior the Histor of the Exchequer. The ipe Rolis howa return for the sermo Douer, ut the ferm assaidfroin the issues of the passage an no by the Deemen. In the eignis Henr III. his fer disappear altogether, being, as I imagine, assigne to the Constabie in part payment of his salar V Rot Claus. R. Ser. I DE I., fol. 322, 32 ). In the absence of an positive information os a later date, e re riven ac to the omesdayBook, hicli clearly proves that in the days of the Confessor the Burgesses of Over possesse certain privileges hicli the hel by a service of hips, and that, moreoVer, the had a Gilhalla It would e noutrage to common ense to imagine that the Burgesses lia no residin ossicer, the mus have choseia Some-one and e must also have been nown by sonae ille,
and mymurmis is that he was calle the mean. V Mystud of the early documents connected illi overhave te me to accept without hesitation M Horace J. Round 's theor that the municipat custonas fiover
liave a foreigia origin, an I am equali able to belleve that he hie civi ossicer a a D en elected by the inhabitant of the Vill, o by the more orth of them, o hom belonge the right of aking Hjornamenta an takin bail. V his te Would account for the teste of Simon the ea in the Charier inquestion, but avita submitte it to ome hos verdictwould probabi be regarde a final, an havin been tol that it is sanciful ' and untenable, VI an domo
more than recor it a m humbi contribution to thesolutioni a dissiculi question Two facts are patent- in the days of the Conqueror over burgeSse posSeSSed certain privileges 'heia, Some tW hundred ear later, iis histor begins to ris Dona obscuri ty, e finit it illia ell-established system o self-goveriament. The Mayor and Jurat exercise fui legat an civi aut hori tyove the Deemen the ing's ossicer, first a reposiIus and then a Ballim ver the foreigner, V or alien resident in the Vili. O hat date are e to assignthe origin of this orna of Overn ments Was it a devel opinent since the Conquest, or a it the furvi valo a Set o custonas anterior to the death o Haroles 'The probabilities, in in opinion, are that the alter is the true version. I have e re state that it is noti mpossibi that he hi service dates ac to Alfred Histor of Over, 36), ut be that as it may, it is
certain that the Deemen fiove exerci sed sonae formo municipat overtament e re the Conquest, and forme thei custuma more frona their et glibo ursacros the Channei than frona inlan sotirces It mustalway be remembere in dealin with the early historyo Douer, and of the ther inque oris that the endo thes Angevin dynast uoughly ma :υkς the perii it lat
whicli thei importance and utilit to the State egant decay, and that heia e spea of ove in thedays of in Johia, e re dealin with a lown that ad played an important par in the nation 's assair for aconSiderable period. It was no ne burgh ith iis custonas to e formed, ut an ancient illisith iis histor bellin it. The important id rendere to illiam I by the esset of the outh-easteria oris is a proo of thei power an vitalit even in hos earlydays, an it ould e an anachronismo imagine that in Iaci the were jus formulatin Some Sy Stem floca goveriament. 4 he were a more likel engagedin defendin thei ancient liberties rom change and encroachment. At this ead me to thin that theabsence of the nam o some hie civi ossicia in his Charte is ighi rem arkable, speciali as in ali sub- Sequent Cour documents the Mayor an Ballist ore invariabi found a WitneSSeS.
III. . e may there re assume illi ome confiden cethat the ille a not sed untii about his period. About the fame date the repositus disappears and the Κing' representative is known a the Balli T. The Index gives a isti a large number of these civi ossicers, buthymo means exhausis the information obtainable on thispoint. Ι have been able to compile ro varioussources a rol of the Mayors of ove Do the earΙ363, hicli, illi the exception o si years only, is
complete to the present day. There are also sonae
an although there is ut mali ope of adding many
other ames to the list, it is doubtial hether an otherlown in England cari produce a fuller authenti record . There are three ord whicli occur in different documents hicli Seem to require Some explanati On-S omerfare on age P Loveco V on age 79 and invisuis on page 26 . komertare occurs in Gower 'sConfessio Amantis, an in Halliweli' Dictionar is describe a meantia piracy. The derivation is ivenas froin escumerie, Whicli certaini means iracy. his explanation is no altogether satisfactory for homer reis evidenti a compound ord, and cannot e derived DOm Scumeri alone. In the ove Chamberlains' Accounts the totis levied on various imporis are invariable calle fare,' e. g. Hoktare, V Merring re, prot- fare,' etc., and kOmersere must accordingly be a tollievied on homer. V The wor occurs occasionali in the accounts an ii ii notae ut os place o quot oneo tW instances of itS Se.
Et solus Johanni Hamon pro SDmfare Add.MSS. D. M. 296ΙS, fol. 4 S). Et in litteris deferendis pro hominibus de Mergate . . . querendis pro voletium de homersare ad diUersas vices-ms. d. ib. fol. 2 2b). I we derive the word Dona escumeri it ould eanei ther the tol levied on ali boot capture and landedout o pirate esseis, Or, hat is more probabie, the proportioni prosit hicli ach marine obtaine a his sitare of the lunder I am incline to thin the alter is the right loca interpretation of the word for the arden, a the Admirat of the inque oris, at ways lai med atteast a liare in the good of pirates. The patent of Henr Brook, Eighth Lord Cobham, as arden of the
Poris, date September O, IS97, mention amongst his lenefit an royalties, ' Pol benest of the good of pirates an rovers In ali probabilit the word ad a doublemeaning firs the expedition fitted ut for the destructionis troublesonae piratical esseis, and then the hareo boot capture during the volutum. Lovecopis is describe in ea e' Charier a a ordconnected illi mercantile pursutis, ut I anno findan authorit for such an interpretation. I appear tobe a term peculia to the inque Poris, and ma possibiymean De Do tollisi sale o purchas of commodities. In a manuscript note on the margin of the op of
Jeake's,ork, no in the Bodleian Library, it is suggested that it means the right of havin brothel in a townwithout the royalis episcopa licence. Utviethis, rom ut viethum probabi as a nominative, have no discovere in an book of reference, and havethere re been compellexto give a translation Osisy Wia. have ought to connec it illi leo, to in With tWigs, and have interpretexit a weir-baSketS. The Latin of some of the later documents is erycorrupi, an in many cases I have note impossibie
constructions illi an asterisk.
It wil not escape attention that here re practicallyn explanator notes in his volume. his is noti in to lac o information ut to a deliberate design. It ism Sincere ope that the Corporation of Over illcontinue the wor no beguia, an publisti successive volumes of thei record unti the posses a complete Series It is hardi to much to a that a descriptive note could have been appende to early Uer namementione in the texi, ut o have done o ould clearly have been a Waste os pace is the ources Dona hicli the
information a derive are to e publislied in fuit. When it is understood that a rate os a very mali fractiono a penny ill nable his tot done I am more hanti opessi that the Corporation ill be induce to carr out this meritorious ork. have thought it est rabie toinclude in his book a complete lis of the different record belongin to the own hicli stili exist . t illbe found on the neX Page. I isti to express m sincere than ks to the Rev. T. Shipdem Frampton and D Sebastian Evans for theirmos valvabie assistanc in preparing thi Work, an toM Jeat es, of the Manuscript Depariment of the Britisti Museum for the unselsisti labour e besto ed in reading the proo fheets. I am also much indebtexto M H. Gibson for the excellent photograph Dona hicli the