장음표시 사용
IV. December 257. ΚNo ali present an future that we Hugh e Coit Alicedaughter of Rober the Bedet Petronilla in sister Rei nildadaughter o Thomas the repositus, Christina m Si Ster, and Christina the daughter of Κnithwin, have demi sed an quit clai med an by this ou present charte have confirmed tot he aster an Brethren of the Hospital of the lessed Mar in ove the whole of ur right and laim hicli,ehave, o might have, O in the future hal have in the wholetenement hich belonge to Nicholas son o Joh Ruffbulcher o wit, it hin the libert of Douer, in the placewhicli is calle Sconebroke an in Attertune in the tenureo the a resaid Master an dire thren that nei the we, nor Our heirS, norinnyone by US, O for usimhallie nor ought tobe abierio have nor challelage heiace rward for ever, an rightor claim in the whole of the a resaid tenementis conebrohean Attertune ; Saving, hoWever, o ursetve the Service whicli Nicholas, the sola of Johninum bulcher, Wed us fortite sal tenement. For his, o ever, ou demis and qui t-claim and the confirmatio of this ou present chartertii a resai Master an Brethren haVe gi vera S ne marcsterling. Andi in orde that this ou demission an quit-claim and the confirmationis his present charte ma remainfirm an stabie we have confirme the present charter Withthe impression Oftur ealS. This charter a made an recorde in the orty-Second
monili os December. Witnesses, Thomas, son o Vergile then repositus ofDover; ames Lucas, then Mayor Nicholas, son f
SCIANT presentes et futuri quod ego Alicia filia Benedictite Riche de ovoria in legia viduitate et potestate mea dedi concessi et presenti carta mea confirmavi illelmo de Aula DOVOrie quatuor denarios annui redditus cum releviis eSchaetis exinde provenientibus et omnibus aliis pertinenciis Sui S, quos michi annuatim reddere solebant heredes Mallidis, quondam uxoris domini Petri de Burton militis videlicet ad festum Sancti Michaelis, de dimidia acra terre cum pertinenciis que acet in tenura de Cheriton juxta Regiam viam, que ducit de prioratu de ovoria usque ad Stapingdune. Tenend et habend sibi et heredibus suis et cuicumque Seu quibuScumque dare vendere vel assignare voluerit, libere quiete bene et in pace jure hereditario in perpetuum, faciend' inde annuatim michi et heredibus meis servicium unius clavigari Ofilii ad festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste pro
omnibus exaccionibus et casibus actis ad me vel ad heredes meo pertinentibus omni occasione remota. Et ego predicta Alicia et heredes mei et mei assignat waranti Zabimus aquietabimus et defendemus totum predictum redditum cum relevit SeSchaetis exinde provenientibus et omnibus aliis pertinenciis suis predicto illelmo et heredibus suis sive assignatis de omnibus serviciis dictum redditum contingentibus contra omnes homines et feminas Christianos et judianos per predictum servicium imperpetuum. Pro hac autem donatione
conceSSione et presentis arte mee confirmatione et arantia mea facta et recordata et sigillo meo firmiter munita anno
regni regis Edwardi, filii Regis Henrici secundo dedit michi predictus Willelmus duos solidos et sex denario in
Hiis testibus Ricardo Archer Nichola et Ricardo filiis ejusdem : Johanne oseph Laurentiori Stephano Martini millelmo de Silerteston Petro Carpentario de Siber Sion Johanne de ecclesia de Hughham : Gileberto de
annua rent, illi the relies and Scheat the iace arising and
with ali heirither appurte nances, whicli the heirs of Mallida formerly iis of Si Peter de Burton Knight, sed to pay me annualty to it at the eas of aint Michael for ne hal acre o land with iis appurtenarices, hicii ies in thetentare o Charieton, ea the ing's ighway. Whicli leadsDommove Prior a far a Stapingduneri to have an tohold for himself and his heirs, and forinny an ali to homhe hallie illinguo give sellis assigia them, Deely, quietiy, wel andieacefuit in hereditar right for ver rendering thereisona o me an m heir annualty the service of onectove of illyflower at the eas of themativit of Sain Jolinthe Baptis for at exactions an cases held pertaining O meo m heirs, ver tribute ein abolished. An I, thea resai Alice m heir an assigias ill arrant, acquit an defend the whole of the foresaid rent, illi the rellesiescheat theiace arising and with allither iis appurte nances tolli a resaid illiam, and his heir or assigias for ali services connected illi the sat rent against ali mei and women, Christians orde s by the a resaid service for ever. HOW-ever, for his gist, grant an confirmation by this myPreSent charter, ndi Warrant made, recorde and firmi y
SCIAN presentes et futuri quod ego Henricus te old Dedi
Concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmaVi magistro et fratribus domus de Dovorte unana eciam terre in villa de lal ivere jacentem inter terram Petri aleiane verSUS aquilonem, et viam que ducit ad ecclesiam de la Rivere versus Austrum, et capitat super a lane que ducit in descendendo ad Ripariam VerSUS Occidentem, et ad terram illelmi ate Fesighe versus orientem : Habend et tenend dictam pectam terre cum Suis pertinenciis predictis magistro et fratribu et eorum succeSS-oribus libere integre et quiete imperpetuum : Et ego Henricus et heredes mei et etiam assignati arenti Zabimus acquietabimus et defendemus dictam pectam terre cum suis pertinenciis predictis magistro et fratribu et eorum SucceSS- Oribus contra Omnes gente imperpetuum. Pro iis autem donacione conceSSione et presentis arte confirmacione dederunt mihi et Isabelle uxori mee quasdam particula terre predicti magister et fratres prout continetur in carta ipsorum quam inde nobis fecerunt in escambium. In cuju rei testimonium presentem cartam Sigilli mei impressione roboraVi.
Hiis testibus Petro Corbat Willelmo te eueri Dun-stano de Scalareri Petro a Laneri Absalone filio Johannis Simone de Borri Gerardo de a forderi Henrico Harte Wyneri Johanne Trippe Golian ne te Alderman Ricardo de Coulingge clericori et aliis. Data Dovoria.
appurtena iaceS, to the aster an Brethren a resaid, and thei succeSSors Deely, holi an quieti foris ver An I, Henry, in heir and SSigias also, ill arrant, acqui and defend the sal plo os land with iis appurte nances to thea resai Master an Brethren and thei successor againstat me for ver However, foro hi gist, grant an confirmatio of the present charter, the foresai Master and Brethren have iven to me and sabella myoi se certain parcet os land as are containe in thei charter, hicli, ontha bellais the made for us in Xchange. In testimon whereo I have confirme this presentcharter illi the impres of my seat.
Although this deed is undated the witnesse enabi us to place itabout his period.
NOVERINT universi quod ego Thomas filius Gabrielis remisi ac penitus de me et heredibus mei imperpetuum quietum clamavi deo et hospitali beate Marie ovori et fratribus loci ejusdem totum jus et clamium que habui in una dimidia acra terre cum suis pertinenciis in tenura ipsorum fratrum in villa de Ryparia, que quidem dimidia acra jacet in longitudine inter terram Johannis e Neve versus aquilonem, et terram Dionisii de Gussestone Versus auStrum, et capitat versus occidentem ad terram illem ate Vesye, et versus orientem ad terram Dionisii te Bernes : Habend et tenend dimidiam acram terre predictam cum Sui Pertinenciis eisdem fratribus et eorum successoribus imperpetuum : Ita videlicet quod ego Thomas vel heredes mei nichil juris vel clami in predicta dimidia acra terre cum suis pertinenciis exigere seu vendicare poterimus nec debemus aliquo modo imperpetuum. Pro hac autem remissione et quieta clamancia dederunt mihi predicti fratres quadraginta solidos sterlingorum permanibus. In cujus rei testimonium hoc scriptum sigilli mei muni
Hiis testibus, Petro Corbaille : Henrico te old Roberto te old Henrico te arx Dunstano te Stile Johanne Pilistoneri Petro e Londare Henrico Under- diche Johanne te eueri Stephano Adgarri Stephano lewrahe Ricardo de Cotilingge P et aliis.
Data quinto die februarii anno gracie .cC octogeSimo.
ΚNo ali men that I, Thomas it Z-Gabriel, have remitted an entiret for me an m heir for ver qui t-clai medio God and the Hospital of the lesse Mar at over, and the re thren of the sanae place the whole rightan claim hic lim ad in ne hal acre os and with iis appurtenances, in the tentare of the sat Brethren, in the village of River hich hal acre, indeed, te tengthwisebetween the and of olin e Neve to ard the orth, and the and of Dionisius o Gusto toward the outh, and abuts estwar on the and of William a Veste, an to the east on the and of Dionisius a Bernes, o have and old the a resaid hal acre o land with iis appurten ances to thesai Brethren and thei successors for everri so that, o it,nei ther I Thomas, norm heirs hali et ther e, o ought obe, able to exactis challelage in an way any right o claim in the a resaid hal acre o land with iis appurten ances foreve Oreover, for his remission an quit-claim the foresai Brethren have give me fori Shillings sterting in hand. In testimon whereo I have confirmed his ritin withthe muniment of my eat.
Date the fifth da os Februar in the ear of graceone thousand w hundred and eighty.
iii Maii, Io EdW. I. REY dilecto et fideli suo Stephano de Penecestria, Constabulario Castri sui ovori et Custodi quinque Portuum- Salutem. Quia ex querela Baronum nostrum de staverestiam accepimus quod Oswaldus Labba ejusdem loci, per quandam composicionem dudum inter ipsum et Barones illos initam, invenire debeatur unum hominem ad custum suum ad custodiend prisonam nostram ibid em una cum quodam alio homine per dictos Barones ad hoc inveniend et idem Abbas per eandem composicionem hominem predictum ad custodiend prisonam predictam invenerit ipse nihilominus hoc jam facere contra dicit minus juste Nos advertentes quod per defectum custodie hujusmodi futuris temporibus poterit periculum minere, vobis mandamus quod inquisitionem faciatis de quere la predictorum Baronum, Si inveneritis ita esse, tunc prefatum Abbatem hominem predictum ad prisonam illam custodiend in venire faciatis, sicut id per composicionem predictam facere debet et solet temporibus retroactis . Teste me ipso apud Gloucestriam iiij die Maii anno regni
Cinque Poris Greeting. As we have earn frona thecomplaint of our Baron o Faversitam that Oswald Abbotof the Same place, ought by a certain composition formerly made belween himself and thos Barons, orandine an athis Wia Ost, o guar our prison there, together illi a certain ther man to e found for his purpos by the aid Baron an although the fame Abbot should have found , accordin to the sat composition the a resai man toguard the a resai prison, he nevertheles no wrongfullyrefuses to do his . e considering that o lac of uardos his in danger ill e likel to accrue in the future, command ou that ou ake inquisition into the plaint of the Baron a resais is o find it to e thus ou illcause the a resaid Abbotri find the an a resai for thecustod of that prison a he ought, and was Wont, o do in times past, by the a resaid agreement. Witnes myself, at Gloucester, the fourti, da os a in the tenthoear of Our eign.
iii Maii, Io Edw. I. EDwARDus dei gracia Rex Anglie, Dominus Hibernie Dux Aquitante, dilecto servient in Christo, Abbati de avere-sham Salutem. Quia ex querela Baronum nostrorum de flaverestiam accepimus quod cum o juxta quandam composicionem dudum inter vos et ipsos initam invenire debeatis unum hominem ex parte Vestra ad prisonam nostram ibidem ad sumptus vestros custodiend', una cum quodam alio homine per dictos Barones ad hoc inveniend', vos hominem aliquem ad hoc invenire, sicut prius invenistis, contradicitis minus juste ad grave dampnum ipsorum Baronum et contra composicionem predictam Nos advertentes quod periculum per defectum custodie hujusmodi posset futuris temporibus minere. Vobis mandamus quod hominem predictum ad prisonam illam cust dieiad exparte vestra poni faciatis sicut id facere debetis et consuevistis juxta composicionem predictam, ita quod culpam vestram in hac parte arguere merito non debeamus.
Teste me ipso apud Gloucestriam iiij die Maii anno regni nostri decimo.