장음표시 사용
the parish of S. Jolin the Baptist in the Iste of ha ne in
September, 559. THis indenture ad the Hrste ave of Septembre in the Hrste ere of the eigne os ure overe in the uene thalno e is, Eli Zabethe, by the grace of God Quen o Ingland Traunce, and reland Defender of the Dythe, and of the Churche of Ingland and reland Supreme Governer, et ene Thomas Colley, Mayer of the owne and porte of Ovor, Harr Leonard Roge Gryse Jolin Mille ard, and Thomas Ramysden the Chamberlaines of the sal towen or his
preSent ere, of the ne parte, and Anton Burton, of theseide towen and porte os ovor, of the ther parte, itiaeSS-ithe, that the seide Mayer an Chamberlaines by there onelyassentis and concentis have dem Sed grauia tyd, and to fermeliath letten uiato the seide Anton Burton and his aSSignes, the Churche yerde of Sein Martens, hicli Thomas Dawkes late ad in occupyency, o have an to olde the seide Churche erde of Sein Martens uni the seide AntonyBurto an his assignes frona the est of Sein Mixheli Tharchaungeli ex commynge aster the date ero uiato then and ter of xxj. yeres then nexi enSuyn fuit to be
unt the seide Mayer an Chamberlaines an to thei successors for the tym beyn iij sia in J f. o goode an lawfullmone o Ingland at h. pryncipali est in the ere, thalys to Saye, at the Testes of the Annunciacion fiure Lady
eVyn porcion to e payed, and ali repparacion abolit theseide churche erde, is an be, hali eret be boriae at theoni propre cos and charge of the ei de Anton Burionan his assignes uringe ali the seide terme and is ithappen the seide eret Herme orialiaveret merme, to bebehin in pari or in ali not payed illi in viij the dayes nexi after an of the seide est in the whiche hi oughte
assignes, into the seide churche erde to re-enter, and theseide Anton Burto an his assigne to expuisse and pultoute, an thynge in his preSent Indenture to the contrare notWithstending. Provydyd alwys that the seide AntonyBurto an his assignes do leve a lawfuit,aie in to berythe oore fro tym to tym as oste a taede hali requyre. In linesse heros to the ne parte of this indenture e have caused the seale os ossice of Mayralli herunt to beamxed an pulte the day and ere above rittera. Par of the sea remainS.
Ante vii Septembris, 3 Elizabeth. HEC indentura testatur quod Richardus Gibbs Major ille et portus ovorre, Robertus iret, Willelmus Calle Willelmus Tydyman, a Johannes Allen, custodes dicte
Ville, unanimiter assensu et consensu pro et in nomine totius Communitatis ejusdem ille tradiderunt concesserunt et ad
feodi firmam dimiserunt Christofero Eliot de villa et portu
predicto, Ocher, unam Vacuam pectam terre cum Suis
pertinenciis, jacentem et existentem infra Libertatem ille et portus predicti in Morrens arde, inter terram domine regine, vocatam A Milthouse, modo in occupacione Jacobi
Smithe versus orthwest et tenementum Vocatum e Allineshous versus outheastri et Regiam Stratam emuSnOrtheaSt et communem vinelam versus outhweStri qua
quidem pecta terre continet in longitudine xxvj pedes, et in latitudine ad partem eborealem vij. pedes, et ad partem australem vij. pedes : haben d et tenend predictam vacuam pectam terre cum suis pertinenciis prefato Christo ro Eliot, heredibu et assignatis suis, et ad usum ipsius Christoseri et
heredum et asSignatorum suorum pro termino X . annorum, et ulterius de x . annorum in X . annorum, tunc X . Sequentium, Sque in finem termini de xxxxix. annortam proximorum Sequentium post datum presentium plenarie complend et faciend inde servicium domine nostre Regine et Successoribus suis secundum consuetudinem ville et
portu predicti cum acciderit : et reddend inde annuatim Majori dicte ille qui pro tempore fuerint et custodibus ejusdem in festo Assumpcionis beate Marte Virginis, Vs. legalis monete Anglie et si contingat dictum an iritalem redditum d VS a retro fore ultra terminum predictum per xiiij dies insolutum in parte vel in toto, tunc licitum erit Majori et Custodibus qui tunc pro tempore fuerint in
predictam pectam terre, cum suis pertinenciis ad quorumcumque mania evenerit, reintrare et pacifice possidere ibi
Besore thera September I56I. THis indenture it nesseth that Richard Gibbs Mayor of the Town and Portis over Robert Fineti, William Calle, William id iman, and Johi Allen, Chamberlatias of the aidlown, With the unanimo us assent an consent for an in thenanae of the whole Commonalty of the sal town have deli vered granted an a se ferin demise to Christopher Eliot of the own and porto resaid, utcher, a Vacant plotis land with iis appurten ances lyin and ein with in the Liberi of the own and ori fiove a resaid, in Morrens ard bet ween the land of the Lad Queen, called Milthouse, o in the occupation os ames mitti, to thenorth-westri an a tenement calle Le Alimeshous to thesouth-eastri and in Street to the orth-east, and the common lane to the outh- est, hich plot of and contains in tength twenty-si feet, an in readth to iis norit se venteen feet, an to iis ouili even stet Ooliave an to hol the a resai vacant tot of and withit appurte nances, to the a resai Christopher, his heirs
et successoribus suis Majori et Custodibus ejusdem ille imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium tam Sigillum commune quam sigillum predicti Christoferi Eliot, his in denturis alternatim sunt apen Si. Dato apud Dovo predicto . . . die mensis Septembris anno regni domine nostre ligabete, Dei gratia Anglie. Trancie, et Hiberni regina, fidei Defensor i etc.. tertio,
Given atmoverin the a resaid da of themon this September in the hird ear of the eignis Lady Eligabeth by the grace of God Gueen o England France, and Ireland Defender of the Faith. In the ear Is 6 i.
I Marci 1562. THis IN DENTUR MADE The xiiij th da o Marche in the urthe ere of the re igne o our overatne Lad Eligabeth by the grace of God of Ingland wraunce, and Ireland uene, Defender of the Falth, etc. BETwEN William Hannyngton, esquier Matre of the uenes Majesties Town an Porte ofDovor, in the count of ent, olin Hobday, ThomasPainter Robert Nycham, Cristopher Elyoti, Chamberlaines
Chamberlaines for the tyme eing, e Some of Sy I undis thirtene hil linges and o e perace lawful mone of Ingland , halia eret to e payde, t is to a at the eas of St. Mighaelle the Archaungelle, and the east of the Annuncyationos o Lad afore sayde by even portions. AND Y it halle fortune e sal de eret farnae tot bellinde an unpaide in partem in alte, after an of the Sal de eastes in e hiche tought to e palde, uring the ternae foresaide by the space of xiiij dayes, ei nila fuit asked that then it halbela fuit for the Mayo and Chamberlaines for the tym heingye sat Leonard Warren an Clement Haryson, here heyres and assignes froni the aid farin and farin boote ulteri toexpeti, remove, an put ut, and the sat de Dryngi faring te to reposseS to the to nes se a in there formerestate, his indenture or an thinge theryn conteyne toye contrar notWilli Standing. ALLSo the sayde Leonard Varren an Clement HarySon ovenant an graunt, and buthes presentes them Selias bind there heyres an assignes to
able bote, o more is ede require, illi oners and thernecessaries o se e the uenes Majesti aboute any of herJassai res t unto e farin Shalle apertaine, illi sussicient and So many able me as halle belon necessarylye to efurnitur of the aid bote o bootes, ali ais re lyras et bynight a b da to serve e uenes festi an alle ther person a be re expressed, an alis to e red with thesaide hole or botes to serve the Mayre at comatara dementisona time to time, et ther for the uene or Or e to ne, With ne ther ossice by the apoiniment of the Matre forthe tym hein about e to ne astayres o colleceon asOccasyon hali serve, to passe orand Do Dely ith in e saidebote Without payyn any thin there re. AND the aid