장음표시 사용
there presenta et een John Lucas, complainant, and Rober Hedle and Κatharine, his iis, deforcianis, of andove a garde Wit iis appurtenances, Siluated lying, and bein Within the Liberi of the to 1 and por a resai in Georges Ward, et een the Common an to the orth-west the lis to the outh-east the and of our Lad the Queen latet belongin to the Domus Dei, of Over called the Maison leu, an no in the occupation o Thomas
placitum convencionis summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem Curia. Scilicet, quod predicti Robertus Hedle et atherina, Xor ejuS, Summoniti, Venerunt, et recognoverunt gardinum predictum cum suis pertinenciis esse jus ipsius Johannis Lucas, ut illa que idem Johannes habet ex dono predictorum Roberti atherine, ines illi remiserunt et quietum clamaverunt de ipsis Roberto et atherina et heredi lbus suorum, ac heredibus alterius eorum, predicto Johanni Lucas, et heredibus ipsius Johannis imperpetuum. Et preterea idem Robertus Hedle et atherina concesserunt pro se et heredibus suis, ac heredibus alterius eorum, quod ipsi arantizabunt predicto Johanni Lucas et heredibus suis predictum ardinum cum pertinenciis contra predictum Robertum et atherinam, et heredes suos, ac heredes alterius eorum imperpetuum per preSenteS. Hec enim finalis concordia recordata in Aulamo vor in libro vocato V., folio lxiiij.
was the right of the sat desolin Lucas, a that hich he had of the iis of the foresai Rober an Katharine, and theyremitte an quit . clai me it for thenaseives, the aid Robertan Katharine, and thei heirs, o the heirs of ei ther of them to the a resai Johia Lucas, and the heir of the aid olin himself for everri and furthermore the sati Rober Hedleyand atharine grante for thenaseives and thei heirs, and for the heir os ei ther of them, that the wit warrant thea resaid garden illicit appurte nances to the a resaid olin Lucas and his heir against thera resaid Rober an Kathar- .e, and thei heirs, and the heir os ei ther of them, for
An this fina agreement a recorde in themat ofDove in a book calle V., ora page 6 .
Marcti , 564. B it nown uiato ali me by these presentes that I Johia Henshaw of wesim in Ster nere London, preSentel captaineos ne of the uenes Majesties hippe caule the Phenix, have made, constitu ted deputed an in m place et and ordaliae my welbelove in Christ, ohia Thomas, citi Zeno the citie of London, raper, my treWe, a fuit, and
plaint, arrest, Sue declare, impleade, impriSOn causerio becondemned, and releas the sal Hughe Loit, reco verrandreceave, and thereupon finali accorde an acquite acquit-ances and the dyschardges for me an in m name, to compounde, eale, and deli Uer, attorne or attorneis, ne riwo unde hi to ordaine Seti, an substitute, and them againe at his pleasure to revoke and ther in there places toput, an moreOVerrio do, execute, performe, conclude, and
finissile ali and simila sucite hin and thinges hich halbe
expedient an neceSSar concerning the premi SSeS, S
In lines hereo I have hereunt set in seale and hanes an hecatas the seale and and of the bovesaidJohi Henshawe to ali mei is not knowen, e there fore, I homas Pepper, Maior of the oune and portis Dovor, in
ye Count of ent, and ye Jurattes of the fame, at e speciali instance an reques of the sat Johia Henslia e the sealeo ossice of Mayoraltye of the sal toune to these preSents we have cause to beauit, thesi da o March in the syxtyer of the rayn o our overayn ad uuene ligabete.
κκvj maii, 6 Eliet. NOVERIN universi per presentes nOS, Thomam Gooreley, et Johannem Sprit Kelle, de illa et Portu over in Comitatu Κancte, omen, teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni arde de eadem villa in decem libris bone et legalis monete Anglie, solvend eidem Johanni arde, aut suo certo attornato, heredibus, executoribus, vel assignatis suis, ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciend obligamus nos et Utrumque nOStrum per Se et pro toto et in solidis heredes, executoreS, et aSSignato nOStros, firmiter per presenteS, sigillis nostris sigillatis. Datum xxvj die Maii anno regni domine nostre Elirabeth, dei gracia Anglie, rauncte, et Hiberni regine, fidei defenSOris, etc. Sexto. Anno S 6 .
les the sat Jolin arde, his executor and SsigneS, against ali manne os persons, of an for the deli verance of the sal xxix. heepe so that the sat Johi Warde his executor an assignes, domo thereb incurre o ronne in an losse, hindrance, o damage.
vj Septembris 6 Eliet. HEC indentura testatur quod Thomas Pepper Major ille et Portus ovor, Johannes weling, Willelmus yve, Richar Haward, et Willelmus Unthanke, Custodes dicte
ville, unanime assensu et concensu pro et in nomine totius Communitatis ejusdem ille tradiderunt, conceSSerunt, et ad
feodam firmam dimiserunt Christofero Elioti, de villa et
portu predicto, Olcher, nam eciam terre cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, jacentem et existentem infra libertatem ille et portus ovo predicte in Morens arde, inter terram domine regine Vocatam A Mytthouse, modo in occupacione
Jacobi millie, versus orthwestri et tenementum X naparte comunis rivuli, vocati e limeshOuse, et tenementum ex altera parte rivuli, Vocati te alimeShouSe versus Outheast et regiam Stratam Versu northeaStri et regiam Stratam,
vocatam e Sshemerketi, versus ouili eS qua quidem pecta terre continet in longitudine ad partem juxta eiushemerket viginti septem pedes, et ad partem alteram juxta regiam Stratam triginta et unam pedes, et in latitudine ad partem juxta te alimeshous triginta pedes, et ad alteram partem juxta te milthous triginta quinque pedes : habend' et tenend predictam pectam terre cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefato Christofero Elio heredibus et assignatis suis, et ad usum ipsius Christo ri Elio heredum et assignatorum Suorum, pro termino xj annorum, et ulterius de xxj. annorum in X . annorum tunc proXimorum Sequenti una usque in finem termini XXXXix annorum proximorum Sequentium post datum presentium plenarie complend' faciend inde servicium domine nostre regine et successoribus suis secundum consuetuditae in ille predicte cum acciderit
et reddend inde annuatim Majori dicte ille qui pro tempore fuerit et custodibus ejusdem in est Assumpcionis eate Mari Uirginis s. legalis monete Anglie et si contingat
September 564. THis indenture it nesset that Thomas Pepper Mayor of the Town and Portis Douer, Johi S et ing, William Ryve, Richar Haward, and illiam Unthan ke, Chamberlain os
the sal town, illi the unanimous assent an consent foran in the nam of the whole Common ait of the sal town have delivered, granted, and a se serna demised toChristopher Elioti, of the town and portis resaid, bulcher, a ploti land with it appurtenances lyin and eing ith in the Liberi of the own and ori fiove a resaid in Morens ard bet Neen the and of our ad the ueen, called a Mili House, no in the occupatio of James mythe,
to the Orth-west an a tenement on one fide of the common river, calle the Alms ouse, an a tenement
ili Mill House, hirty-sive stet ' have an to hol thea resaid tot of and with ali iis appurtenances, to thea resai Christopher Eliot, his heir an assigns, an toth use of the sat Christopher Eliot, his heir an assigras,
fuit complete aster the date of the se presenis doing thereser the service of ur ad the Queen an her
when it hali besel : and payin there re annuali to the Mayor of the sal town for the time eing, an to the Chamberlatias of the fame, at the Feas of the Assumption of
dictum annualem redditum deos a retro fore ultra terminum predictum per xiiij dies in solutum, in parte vel in toto tunc licitum erit Majori et Custodibus qui tunc pro tempore fuerint in predictam pectam terre cum pertinenciis, ad quorumcumque manu evenerit, reintrare et pacifice possidere sibi et successoribus suis Majori et Custodibus ejusdem ille imperpetUUm. In cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum comune ille predicte, quam sigillum predicti xroferi Elio his indenturis alternatim Sunt apenSa. Datum apud ovo predictam vj die mensis Septembris anno regni domine nostre ligabete, dei gracia Anglie, Traiicie, et Hiberni Regine fidei defensoris, etc. SeXto. Anno S 6 . In dorso The esse of Christomer Elyoti, modo rTooke perquisit de . . .