The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류



Introit. Mai. iii. H. Ixxi.

nator Dominus; et regnum in manu ejus, et potestas et imperbum. H. Deus, judicium tuum regi da, et iustitiam tuam filio regis. V. Glori tho reser is como; and dominion, OOWer, and emplas are in his hancl. H. Gius to tho


. Me have seen his star in the e t. and aro come mith our offerium to adoro the Lord. Alleluia.


au tho Gies priosis, and the scribes of ths pso s.

OFFERT. H. Ixxi. Tho kings of Tharsis anatho istanos inali offer prosonis, the kings of tho Arahians and of Saba inali bring ista, and alltho hings of the oarth ahali adoro him: MI

nations anali servo him.


tibi: psalmum dicat no- and sing to thoe: Iet it mini tuo, Altissime. Pa. sing a psalm to thyJubilate Deo, omnis namo. O most High. terra, psalmum dicite Ps. Snoni Min Joy tonomini ejus: date vim God, ait tho earth, singviam laudi euus. V. γε a psalm in his namis;