The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


spirit. Let us Way. Omnipotens.


Μomonto homo, quia Remember, man, that pulvis es, et in DuIVerem thou ari clusi. and intoreverteris. dust thou inest rotum.

Immutomur habitu, Lot us change our in cinere, ot cilicio: je- drom for aines ana unomus et Ploremus sackoloth: Iet us fastanto Dominum: quia and weos Bosore themultum misericors est Loro: lax oux God is


dimittoro peccata nos- vera mercisul to largiustra Deus noster. us our sius.

Intor vostibulum et The primis, the -- altare plorabunt saceri nisters of the Loro, inaudotes ministri Domini, meos bet en the porchot dicent: Ρarce Domi- and tho altar, and ahaune, parce populo tuo; say: Spare, O Loes. Et ne claudas ora ca- aDare iny P me, ananentium te Domine. shut not the mouins orthom that sing to thoe. O Lota. Emendemus in meli- Lot us amend of thous quae ignoranter P - sina Wo have committet cavimus: no Suhito thmum ignorance: lest, praeoccupati die mortis, auddenly overt en is quaeramus Spatium Pin- the lay of Our death, nitentiae, et inventro wo seeli for time to donon ΡOMimus.' AN ponaneo. and not ΒΘ tendo Domina, et mise- abis to fini it. ' LookTere: quia peccaVimus do- upon us, O Loro, tibi. V. Adjuva nos and have mercy; sor WΘDeus salutaris noster: have sinnod against et propter honorem theo. V. Heis us, Onominis tui Domine li- God, our Sariour. anabora nos. Attende Do- sor tho gloV or thymine,&c. Gloria Patri nams, O Loes, delivor ot Filio ot Spiritui us. Look oOWn, M. Sancto. Attende, &c. Glorri &c. Look dom,


Introit. Mad. xi. Misereris.