The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


Amen. ..

R. Amen.

and bo vallant: sor thou Ahali bring the childronos Israol into tho land whicli I have promised, and I mill bo with thoe. Therelare alter Μosea had Wroto the worda of this tam in a Volume, and finishod ii, he commandod the Levites, Who ea riod the κα of the covonant of the Lord, sayinget Taho this book and put it in tho side of the ais of the covenant of the Lord your God: that it m de thero sor a testimony against thoe. For I linoW


ali his Ways are justice. V. God is fiathsul, in Whom there is no iniquiu: tho Lord is auat ant

multitudo os Gentiles justified by thee, ana, hymitigatiun thy terrore, grant them joχ; that autheir sius being pardonea by thee, tho threatenelven ance may contribute to theis aQvation. Through. R. Amen.

ata. cubus hio, and vix cubita brona, and M


sse it - in tho Nain os Dura, in tho provinco oe

Babylon. Then Nabuchodonosor the hium sontis cau together the nobi . the magistrates, and tho judges, ins captains, the olera, and govo nora, and ait the cruei men es the provinces, to mo to tho dedication os thε statue which hiis Nabuchodonosor had set M. Then the nobles, tho magistrates, and tho judges, the captains. and Tulers, and the meat meo that mero placedin authoriis, and ali the princes of the provinces -- gatherin tosether to comΘ to the ledicationes tho statue Which hing Nabuchodonosor hast


hast manifestod the mysteries of this present time: fractousty increme the destres of thy peo-Pla; sinco nono of tho Iaithmi can advanco in any virtus Without thy inspiration. Through.

R. Ameri.

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