The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


Hvoth inom. and sali in lilio mannor. mis isnow tho third timo that Jesus was manifestod tollis discipies, after he Was risen fram the deal.



Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authortly under Candaco queen of the Ethiopians, Wlio had charge over ali her troasuros, had como to Jerusalem to adore. Ana he was retuming, sittingin his chariol, and readius Isaias ths prophet. And the Spirit salo to Philis: Go near, and jorithyseu to his chariot. And Philip returning thither, heard him reading the prophet Isaias, and ho mid: Thinhost thou that thou unuse standeat what thou readesti Who salo, And


25 5s



that We may alWaya gratesully solemniase the DuSchia mysteries, and that the continuat celinhration of tho sacrament of our redemption may


Introit. 1 Peter ii.

infantes, Alleluia, ra- Alleluia, destre thotionabile sino dolo lac rationat milh without concupiscite, Alleluia, guilo, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. H. Alleluia. H. RHoico Exultate Deo adjutori to Gol our helper: singnostro: jubilato Deo aloud to tho God ofJacob. V. Gloria. Jacob. V. Glo . COLL. Grant, Wo Besoech thoo, O almightyGod. that mo Who have colebratost the solemnityos Easter, may, by the assistance of thy divino

timon' of men, tho testimony of God is greater. For thia is the testimony os God Whicli is greater,


- Domini plena est the mercy of thoierra, Alleluia; Verbo Lord, Alleluia; by tho Dorinni Coeli firmati mord of tho Lord, thosunt, Alleluia, Alleluia. heavens mere ostablish--.. Exultate justi in Qd, Alleluia, Alleluia .Ps. Domino: rectos decet Rejoico in tho Lord, O collaudatio. V. GIorim Fc just: presse bocomeththo Dpmot. V. GIOV.