The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


N XAUDI, Domine, πω ITEAR, O Lord, myra com meam, qua cla- - voice, mith which Imavi ad te: adjutor have criso to thee: homeus esto: ne derelin- thou my helper: soriquas me neque despi- salie mo not, do notcias me Deus, Salutaris thou despiso me, o God, meus. H. Dominus il- - Visuri Ps.

Iuminatio mea, et salus Lord is o ligus and mea; quem timebo 3 V. my salvation ; Whom Gloria. shali I searl V. Glorr. COLL. O God, Who hast prepared invisibi good things for thoso that love thoe: pour forinanto our Iearis an affectionate Iove for theo: that Ioving thoe in all thium, and above authium, Wis mar come to the eudoment of thy


pi is suae; et ri strengin of his De t ctor salutarium Chri ple; tho Hotector esti sui est. Salvum fac the salvation of his an- populum suum Dominet ointed. MVe, O Lord, si honedic haereditati thy people, and blem tuae, et rege eos usque thr inheritanos, and

in saeculum. H. Ad to, rule them for QVer. H.


to sine mct. Alleluia.


RUSCEPIMUS, Deus, PIE have received thyς mi ricordiam tuam, meren O God, in

in medio impli tui: so- the micit of thy tom-Cundum nomen tuum, Ple: ncc ding to thyDous, ita si laus tua in nam , O God, m iam is sines torrea: justitia plo- thy presse unio thona est dextera tua. Ps. enda of the earth: thy


GRAD. H. xxx. ΒΘ thou unto mo a God, a protector, and a place of refuge to Sine me. V.

Fou Dieno of the mammon os iniqui , that

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R C C E Dous adiuvat

me ot Dominus S ceptor est animae meae: morio mala inimicis meis, et in veritate tua dispordo illos protector meus, Domine. H. Dous, in nomine tuo salvum me lac: Et in virtuto tua libera me. V. Gloria.