The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


mace; and by abstinence beeome stronger than


the Holies Was not yet mado manifest, Whust tho former tabernaclo Was yet standing. Whicli is a parabis of ths time then present: according towhich gins and sacrifices arct offerin, Which camnot, M to the conscience, malae him perfeci that serveth, only in meais and in drinis, and divors Washings, and justices of the fiesh, laid on thomuntii ths time of correction. But Christ belligoomo a high-priest of the good things to como, by a menter and more perfeci tabernacle notniade With hands, that is, not of this creation: nsithis M tho hlood of mala, or of calVos, buthy his ovn blood, ontorsu oncs into the Holies,


sustinentibus te, ut M to those Who pationi- propheus tui fideles in- lv Mait for the , thaι veniantur: exaudi pre- thy Dropheis may b oes servi tui, et plebis found Iaithsul: hoar thotum Israel. H. Laeta- DraFers of thy Semant, tus sum in his quae dic- and of thy peoplo ΙΗ-ta sunt mihi: iu domum rael. H. I riuoiceo at Domini ibimus. V. Glo- tho inima that memria. Aiad to mor mo ahau minio tho house of tho Loro. V. Glor'


God in tho sight of the chiloren of Israel. SECRET. O God, who by the participation