The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


Q ALUS populi ego T AM the Sariolar of


A lleluia.


vero judicio, fecisti: thou hast done in truo quin peccarimus tibi, et judment: for WQ havo mandatis tuis non obo- Sinned und disobm-divimus: sed da gloriam ed thχ commandmonis: nomini tuo, et fac nobis- but giVe glom to thyCvin secundum multi- name, and deat with ustudinom mssoricordiae necording to tho multitum. H. cxviii. Beati tude of thy meroy. Ps. immaculati in via: qui cxviii. Blessed uro tho ambulant in lego Domi- undented in tho way, ni. V. Gloria. Who walli in ths law of tho Lord. V. GlO . COLL. Favonrahly grant, Wo hoso h thoo, O Lord, thy sorvnnis both Dardon and DPa 'O; that, Boing cloansed froni the mili os ali thoir


Introii. Esther xiii. TΝ voluntato tua, Do- 1 LLthings, OLord,aro mino, universa sunt in thy poWer: anu 'posita: et non est qui there is non that canpossit resistere voluiiinti resist thy Wili: sor thoutum: tu enim fecisti om- hast mado ait thino. nia, ocelum et terram, heaVon and earth, undet universa quae coeli ait thinga that ars uu--bitu . coutinentur: der the cope of heavon: Dominus universorum thou ari Lord os all. tu es. H. Beati im- Ps. Blessed are thomaculati in via; qui am- undefited in tho way:bulant in lege Domini. Who mulli in tho law of V. Gloria. the Lord. V. Glory. COLL. Prosorvo thy samily, O Lord, me he- sesch thos, by thy conAtant mercy: that undert by Drotection, it may bes freta froni nil adus sitis; and by tho practices of good Works, continue clavolsed to thy nante. ThroUgh. EPISTLE. Ephes. vi. l0. l7. Brethrene Bo


strongilioned in tho Lord, and in tho mirat os


OI iniquitates observa- TF thou, O Lord, miliς voris, Domine, Do- mark iniquities, Lord, mine, quis Sustinebit who shali staud iti ForQuia apud te propitiatio mitti the thero is mer- st, Deus ISrael. H. cisul largivonem, O GoaD profundis clamavi of Israel. H. Out ofui te. Domine, Domine tho depilis I have crisd


SECRET. Grant, O mercisul God, that this


DICIT Dominus: Ono THE Lord initii: Icogito cogitationes λ thiuli thoughts of

puella, et non amictionis: peace, and not os asstic- Invocabitis me, et ego tion: Fou shali cali upon Xaudium Vos: et redu- me, and I Will he. yout cam captivitatem vos- and I will bring bach traIu de cunctis locis. Four captivit y Dom allPs. Benedixisti, DO- places. H. Thou, Omine, terrain tuam: Lord, tiast bl sod thyavertisti captivitatem: Iand: thou hast turnod Jacob. V. Gloria. nway the captivity of

Jacob. V. GlOPy.